Category Archives: Volume 16, no. 1 (2021)

Children’s Rock Art. A Scandinavian Study

In terms of teaching materials in children’s mainstream education in Finland and engagement with local prehistoric rock art this is still a subject matter which is fairly minimal regarding the use of art as an educational resource despite links with Finnish and Sami pre-Christian religion and spiritual practices. There are similar issues between the Sámi people in Sweden and Norway and prehistoric rock art and education. This study aims to demonstrate how by linking past and present together using ancient art this approach facilitates place-based learning and identity building, where nature and ancient history are the classroom.


The Need for Oratory Skills in the Digital Age. A Phenomenological Approach to Teaching Speech Today

Personal skills in rhetoric and face-to-face communication are not outdated by the development of modern media—on the contrary, the potential power of the efficient speaker is as evident today as it was in ancient Greece or Rome, be it a student at an oral exam, an applicant at a job interview or an upcoming politician on social media. Becoming a good speaker is not just a matter of good luck and talent; it can be taught and developed. The article presents a phenomenological approach to understanding and developing competence in live rhetorical performance, and highlights the didactic benefits of a collaborative, corporeal, and visually oriented perspective on speech and oratory in the digital age.


What Are These Countries Doing Here? Analyzing Transparency in the Current Flag of Convenience Regime and Their Impact on Shipping in the Arctic

As countries such as the Russian Federation begin the exploration and development of alternative sea routes in the Arctic due to climate change, the private shipping industry has also begun to focus on the region. However, even with this new focus, old problems continue to fester. One such problem is Flags of Convenience, which are those countries that will flag vessels cheaply and provide little to no oversight. This paper is an exploration of the transparency and good governance of selected Flag of Convenience countries through various methods as compared to a model, highly transparent Arctic model. By attempting to flag a vessel familiar to the authors, the authors uncovered a lack of transparency in these Flag of Convenience countries, show statistical evidence of the Flag of Convenience problem already being an issue in the Arctic, and provide some policy proposals in order to help to rectify a small but growing issue of Arctic shipping.


Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.), Pragmatism, Spirituality and Society: Border Crossings, Transformations and Planetary Realizations (Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)

A review of the book: Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.), Pragmatism, Spirituality and Society: Border Crossings, Transformations and Planetary Realizations (Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)


The War in Tigray and the Challenges Faced by the United Nations

The war in Tigray reveals all the features of international crimes, including genocide. This is a full-fledged war, carefully planned, coordinated and executed, including by relying on external actors. The aim is to destroy Tigray and its people. The conflict has deep historical roots, including for establishing the Federal system for Ethiopia in 1991. The forces that control this state have now fragmented this territory, established a reign of terror, and are using hunger as a weapon for their political goals. This is why 80% of the population finds itself at the mercy of the external world for survival.


GLOSSARIUM IURIS ROMANI – Latneskt-íslenskt Orðasafn Rómaréttar Jústiníanusar

Rómarétturinn hefur alltaf verið fastur partur af lögfræðináminu í Háskólanum á Akureyri frá stofnun lagadeildarinnar árið 2003. En hér skarar þessi háskóla fram úr öllum háskólum á Íslandi enda eina menntasetrið hérlendis þar sem Rómarétturinn er kenndur. Kennslan fer fram á ensku með tilliti til erlendra námsmanna. Að fyrstu kennsluári sínu loknu fannst þeim sem þetta ritar hins vegar ágætis tækifæri til að búa til orðasafn á íslensku yfir helstu hugtökum Rómaréttarins enda hafa flestir námsmenn ekki stundað latínu á menntaskólaárum sínum. Orðalistinn er langt frá því að vera fullkominn og er reyndar „work in progress“. Stefnt er að því að gefa aðeins yfirlit yfir þau hugtök sem fjallað var um í kennslunni. Stuðst var m.a. við tveggja binda ritið „Rómaveldi“ (1963/64) eftir Will Durant í íslenskri þýðingu Jónasar Kristjánssonar, sem og lögfræðiorðasafn íðorðabanka stofnunar Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum (→ Íðorðabankinn /


Two Original Manuscripts on Early-Modern Genoese History by, and a Short Biography of, the local historian Severino D. Dolente (1909–1993)

(A) Two well-drafted and never-before-published manuscripts by the Genoese local historian Severino Domenico Dolente (1909–1993): “Francesco di Rivarolo” (dealing with the role and relevance of the little-known Genoese galley-builder Francesco Oberti from Rivarolo in determining Christopher Columbus’ birthplace); and “La Strega” [The Witch] (dealing with the origins of a legendary “witch” around the year 1492, as recounted  orally by the Genoese dock workers in 1950). (B) A short biography  of Severino Domenico Dolente by his eldest daughter, Marisa Dolente (b. 1935), who is also a local historian and the author of the book Colombo viaggiò per i Borgognoni (Genoa: Liberodiscrivere, 2016).


Demonizing 2020: A Calendar Year Becomes an Effigy Doll

This is not a scholarly article. It is rather a set of my observations and opinions sparked by the massive scorning, cursing and trolling of the year 2020, which can now be encountered abundantly all over the internet, other media, and in private conversations. This article does draw upon general knowledge of ethics, philosophy, sociology, psychology and history but, nevertheless, it remains within the scope of my personal and highly limited worldview. The idea of the article is to show why such treatment of a calendar year is highly erroneous and immoral, and how it mirrors a general imbalance in human scale of values.


Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, Moral Blindness in Business. A Social Theory of Evil in Organizations (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)

A review of the book: Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, Moral Blindness in Business. A Social Theory of Evil in Organizations (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)


Emmanuel Lazega, Bureaucracy, Collegiality and Social Change. Redefining Organizations with Multilevel Relational Infrastructures (Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2020)

A review of the book: Emmanuel Lazega, Bureaucracy, Collegiality and Social Change. Redefining Organizations with Multilevel Relational Infrastructures (Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020), 326 pp. ISBN 978 1 83910 236 3 (cased); ISBN  978 1 83910 237 0 (eBook)


Johanna Hiitola, Kati Turtiainen, Sabine Gruber, Marja Tiilikainen (eds.), Family Life in Transition: Borders, Transnational Mobility, and Welfare Society in Nordic Countries (London: Routledge, 2020)

A review of the book: Johanna Hiitola, Kati Turtiainen, Sabine Gruber, Marja Tiilikainen (eds.), Family Life in Transition: Borders, Transnational Mobility, and Welfare Society in Nordic Countries (London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2020)


Francesca Ippolito, Gianluca Borzoni and Federico Casolari (eds.), Bilateral Relations in the Mediterranean: Prospects for Migration Issues (Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2020)

A review of the book: Francesca Ippolito, Gianluca Borzoni and Federico Casolari (eds.), Bilateral Relations in the Mediterranean: Prospects for Migration Issues (Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2020)