The new regular issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum exemplifies and celebrates two decades of international, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary research. No better way could be concocted in order to attain and welcome the twentieth issue in the journal’s long life. Eight original, peer-reviewed articles open this issue: A study of the Hossa-Värikallio rock paintings by the Finland-based anthropologist Francis Joy; an in-depth example of police research led by two Icelandic specialists, Freydís J. Freysteinsdóttir and Elísabet Gunnarsdóttir; a novel contribution on odeporic literature about Italy and the Mediterranean in the first half of the 20th century by the sinologist Gabriele Tola; an informed reflection on freedom of speech in the largest extant Arctic State by the legal scholar Georgii Sibirtsev; a token of anthropological and historical inquiry into Italy’s rural past by Gianpaolo Altamura; and a Francophone investigation in the philosophy of translation by Jonas Gamborg Lillebø. This issue comprises also three papers arising from the 2024 Police and Society conference held in Akureyri, Iceland, as well as a collection of abstracts for the 2025 Sustainability Conference, also held in Akureyri. Six book reviews and two additional contributions on contemporary, strategic, Arctic affairs by Prof Barry Zellen conclude the issue. All authors are hereby thanked for their good work, and so are the publishers that keep providing Nordicum-Mediterraneum with interesting, topical volumes to be reviewed.
All posts by Nordicum Mediterraneum
July 2024 – Issue 19(2)
In times of climate change, biodiversity crisis, and environmental catastrophes we must necessarily ask what attitudes, skills, and forms of knowledge should be provided for the present and near future, i.e. what educational considerations should be made. This thematical issue addresses reflections on this question from six different views and an essay on the development of the global discourse on sustainability.
The Editors
March 2024 — Issue 19(1)
Issue 19(1)/2024 of Nordicum-Mediterraneum comprises eight new articles—all of which underwent the standard process of double blind peer review—, five conference papers, and four book reviews.
In keeping with the journal’s canonical lines of geo-cultural emphasis and linguistic versatility, one such new article focusses on the exquisitely Nordic-Mediterranean conceptual axis deriving from the pioneering, highly original, and almost foretelling imaginary developed by the famed 20th-century ethnologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1879–1962), while another is a quite rare example of Italian-language philosophical scholarship written by two Norway-based specialists. In addition, the journal includes: a study about oncological care in contemporary Iceland; three Icelandic-language essays on recent Icelandic juridical, legal and police-related affairs; an insight into an unusual and intriguing early-20th-century Oriental account of the Mediterranean region of that time; and a careful methodological and ontological reflection on the uses and abuses of mathematics in today’s sciences that, as such, should be of interest to many of our academic readers.
For their part, the conference papers arise from two very different events held along the Nordic-Mediterranean axis, i.e., the “Policing and Society Conference – Violence” that took place at the University of Akureyri, Iceland, in October 2023, and the public meeting entitled “Cum-Fine – Il senso del confine tra eresia, speranza e individuazione” that was organised by Rete 100 Passi at Palazzo Brunaccini in Palermo, Italy, in November 2023. As regards the contributions based on the latter event, two of them were translated into English in view of the present issue of our journal, while two more appear here in the original Italian. It should be highlighted that two of these papers were penned by as many longtime protagonists of Italy’s ongoing and dramatic fight against organised crime. They are Leoluca Orlando, former mayor of Palermo, and Luigi Patronaggio, chief prosecutor in Sicily and Sardinia. It is an honour for Nordicum-Mediterraneum to be able to circulate internationally their thoughts and experiences.
The book reviews cover the usual broad spectrum of subjects that has come to characterise this section of the regular annual issues of Nordicum-Mediterraneum. Among them, the English-language review of Lára Kristín Pedersen’s Veran í moldinni should make this compelling autobiographical account of food addiction by an Icelandic professional footballer known also outside the sole confines of our island-nation, where it has received considerable attention. Warm and deep thanks are hereby extended to all reviewers, whose texts make it possible for our journal to be a continuing source of information about recent books that can be of significant interest to our readership as well as to all researchers involved in Nordic and Mediterranean studies.
March 2022 — Issue 17(1)
This new regular issue of NoMe contains: three original articles that underwent double blind peer-review; sixteen book reviews; and one additional editor-reviewed contribution, i.e., the second edition of the only extant Icelandic-language glossary of technical terms in Roman law, as prepared by Dr Jürgen Jamin and originally published in its first version in issue 16(1)/2021 of our journal. We are proud to be able to host such a gem of truly Nordic-Mediterranean scholarship, which has already been utilised in Iceland for university-level instruction. On their part, the three new peer-reviewed articles are as follows:
“Arab Muslim Immigrant Women in Iceland: Immigration Experience and Future Expectation”, by Fayrouz Nouh, Andrea Hjálmsdóttir and Marcus Meckl, who present and discuss their qualitative study of the experiences of Arab immigrant women in today’s Iceland, and especially how these women have faced the challenges of integration within Icelandic society.
“Studying Small States: The Role of Security and Strategy as Concepts”, by Jakob Þór Kristjánsson, who discusses the limited power of small states in international relations and argues that keen scholarly research can actually help the political elite and the public institutions to clarify the small states’ policies in light of their inherent vulnerabilities.
“Four Perspectives on Dilemmas in Management Analysis in Greenland”, by Poul Bitsch Olesn and Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, who discuss important methodological questions related to how socio-scientific analyses have been conducted with regard to Greenlandic management and Greenlandic managers, especially as concerns creating productive communication with local public institutions.
We thank most warmly all the contributors for their fine works, which ensure the continued relevance and usefulness of Nordicum-Mediterraneum as the online, free, open-access, multi- and inter-disciplinary forum that it has endeavoured to be since its inception in 2005.
Concerning issue 16(4)
The new 16(4)/2021 special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum , coordinated and edited by Sara Fusco from the University of Lapland, collects the conference papers from the webinar organized by the Permanent Seminar of International Studies (Italy) on 30th March 2021.
This issue reflects the works of Italian and foreign researchers, who have chosen to conduct their studies in the Arctic, in particular on indigenous issues. The collection offers different levels of analysis: from jurisprudence to social sciences, from educational sciences to anthropology.
In Il popolo Indigeno dei Sámi e la Conoscenza Ecologica Tradizionale: difficoltà e lezioni da imparare nel XXI secolo, Corinna Casi illustrates the Saami culture of Lapland and its relevance with regard to today’s climate crisis.
Federica Scarpa traces the history of the sale of sealskin products under the profile of European law. Her interesting article Blue Arctic (Seal) Hunting is entirely available on the site in English. Her contribution introduces her current research and it is subjected to further developments in the future.
In Co-creazione della ricerca e del sapere nel sistema dell’ecologia integrale, Margherita Paola Poto and Arianna Porrone explain their field research concerning the application of indigenous ecological knowledge, proposing an alternative figurative approach.
In Colonizzazione, decolonizzazione incompleta e la creazione dei popoli indigeni. I fondamenti dei loro diritti ‘speciali’, Rachael Lorna Johnstone investigates the effects of the imperfect decolonization of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic.
Finally, In Participation, Sharing, and Cooperation: The rights of indigenous peoples over natural resources in the Arctic, Sara Fusco presents the difficulties that indigenous peoples still struggle with, in order to gain access to full participation in decision-making processes concerning land rights.
The special issue 16(4)/2021 also presents two peculiarities: bilingualism (some articles are available in Italian and others in English) and the provisory division into 16(4a), issued in late December 2021, and 16(4b), available from January 2022.
Because of conflicting bureaucratic requirements, it was necessary to split the current special issue in two parts and anticipate by a few days the publication of the contribution by Prof Rachael Lorna Johnstone. All the other peer-reviewed articles belonging to issue 16(4) can be found here, instead.
July 2021 – Issue 16(2)
The new special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum 16(2)/2021, led by Dr. Barry Zellen from the Center for Arctic Study and Policy at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, includes a ground-breaking and fresh set of eight new research articles that underwent double blind peer review. This issue focuses on international relations theories and geopolitics, providing analysis of the current state of Arctic geopolitics and the Arctic Council, as well as personal insights regarding the integration of the individual and its perspective in the Arctic.
In this issue, two articles deal with indigenous peoples, geopolitics and international relations: “Geopolitics, Indigenous Peoples, and the Polar Thaw: Sub- and Transnational Fault Lines of the Coming Arctic Cold War” by Dr. Barry Zellen, who highlights the interwoven nature of Arctic indigenous peoples’ empowerment and the interplay of rising great power competition; and “Understanding the Role of Arctic States, Non-Arctic States and Indigenous Peoples in Arctic Affairs Through the Lens of International Relations Theories” by Thomas Viguier, who focuses on understanding each group of power’ stakes in the Arctic from the perspective of international relations and geopolitics.
In addition, two articles tackle the ongoing transformation of Greenland and its challenges: “High Stakes in the High North: Alternative Models for Greenland’s Ongoing Constitutional and Political Transformation” by Dr. Barry Zellen, who provides a deep analysis of alternative tools for Greenland to advance its stakes as a potential future Arctic state; and “The Greenlandic Question: An International Relations Analysis of a Post-Independence Inuit Nation” by Jonathan Wood, who provides an insight on the position of Greenland in the international scene as an independent indigenous state.
Furthermore, one article deals with the ambitions and international relations’ approach to Arctic affairs arising in Singapore: “Singapore and the Arctic: Is the Gibraltar of the East Going to Materialize its Geopolitical Ambitions?” by Thomas Viguier, who uses the microstate’s historical and development analysis in order to understand its philosophy and geopolitical position in Arctic affairs, promoting knowledge sharing as well as cooperation for a mutual benefit while addressing security issues.
Finally, three articles propose a reflection of the self in the Arctic from different perspectives: “Schrödinger’s American: A Self-Reflection of One Person’s Role in Iceland’s Nordic and Arctic Discourse” by Jonathan Wood, who explains his role in contributing to Iceland’s discourse on both national and international levels; “Climate Change, the Arctic and I” by Martin Binachon, who exposes an original self-reflection connected to the role of non-state actors in shaping international relations in a context of a warming Arctic; and “The Pandemic, the Arctic and Me: A Levels of Analysis Discussion of Arctic Security Focusing on the 2020 Global Pandemic” by Soazic Dacal, who provides an analysis of the impacts of COVID-19 on Arctic residents as well as the challenges and opportunities that arose from the situation using her personal experience as an Arctic resident in Iceland.
Overall, it is a juicy special issue that goes beyond traditional topics and is a genuine source of originality and fresh analysis: From future indigenous independent states to non-Arctic microstate and going through the role of self-reflection in international relations and the ongoing issues of the current COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the reader will find new perspectives to further understand the Arctic, its affairs, its people, its cultures, challenges and opportunities in a growing context of internationalization of the region. Here at NoMe, we would like to encourage everyone to submit academic articles, book reviews and any other academic material for publication in order to continue shaping a high-quality scholarly open-access journal coming directly from the Arctic. We wish you a nice reading!
March 2021 – Issue 16(1)
The new regular issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum 16(1)/2021 includes three new research articles that underwent double blind peer review. Two of them deal with matters concerning the Nordic countries, i.e., experimental pedagogy across Scandinavia (“Children’s Rock Art. A Scandinavian Study” by Francis Joy) and the implications for the Arctic region of the current international shipping regime of flags of convenience (“What Are These Countries Doing Here? Analyzing Transparency in the Current Flag of Convenience Regime and Their Impact on Shipping in the Arctic” by Jonathan Wood, Thomas Viguier and Emma Ashlock). The third one, instead, recovers and reassesses the importance of an eminently Mediterranean cultural creation, i.e., classical rhetoric, in connection with the pedagogical needs arising from the increasingly visual and oral features of today’s digital media (“The Need for Oratory Skills in the Digital Age. A Phenomenological Approach to Teaching Speech Today” by Henrik Juel).
In addition, this issue comprises the usual, rich and truly Nordic-Mediterranean review of many recent publications that, in all likelihood, should be of interest to our readership in Northern as well as Southern Europe, plus many countries across the Circumpolar North, Northern Africa and the Middle East. The reviewed volumes amount to fifteen, as a matter of fact. We are most grateful to the publishers that keep cooperating with our journal. Also, we are grateful to the individual collaborators who submitted to our attention several interesting research items included in the closing section of this issue. They are: the human rights specialist Eyassu Gayim, who uses our journal to alert us to the ongoing tragedy of Tigray; Jürgen Jamin, who contributes the first lexicon of key terms in Roman Law ever written in Icelandic; Marisa Dolente, who releases two original manuscripts by the Genoese historian Severino D. Dolente and a short biography of the same; and the Croatian literary critic and auteur Nikola Tutek, who pens a witty reflection on the demonisation of the year 2020, which has witnessed, inter alia, a worldwide pandemic and the likely end of Trumpism in American politics. All these additional contributions, as usual, underwent thorough editorial review.
March 2020 – Issue 15(1)
The new regular issue 15(1)/2020 of Nordicum-Mediterraneum has been released. It comprises three new scholarly articles that underwent double blind peer-review, three non-refereed additional contributions, and a rich collection of reviews of recent scientific and scholarly books, many of which deal with Arctic-related issues.
October 2019 (and ALL successive updates) – DOI-number attribution (volumes 1/2006 – 20/2025)
As of October 2019, all published items in Nordicum-Mediterraneum are going to be attributed a DOI number (“Digital Object Identifier”). Operated by Iceland’s National/University Library in Reykjavik, the attribution is to begin with issue 14(2)/2019 (cf. list below), and then continue with the older volumes, proceeding backwards in time (i.e., 13, 12, 11, etc.), plus all the new issues of the journal following their publication.
The process will take many months and, as long as the journal releases new issues, ongoing. Authors are notified the exact DOI numbers of their contribution(s) as soon as the numbers themselves are communicated to the journal’s editor. In addition, the same numbers are, and will be, published on the journal’s website (as per the list below, which is going to be updated regularly).
Also, all the items published in the journal issues comprised between 1(1)/2006 and 9(2)/2014 were assigned as well permanent electronic handles by the Library of the University of Akureyri, as visible and accessible on This kind of electronic handle, which facilitates online retrieval and ensures permanent storage, will not disappear because of the DOI attributions.
Árgangur 20 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.20.1 |
Titill greinar |
Revisiting the Hossa-Värikallio Rock Painting: Towards a Theory of a Sámi Cosmological Landscape |
10.33112/nm.20.1.1 |
Líkamlegt ofbeldi af hendi foreldra/stjúpforeldra: Eðli og afdrif mála sem vísað hefur verið til rannsóknar hjá lögreglu af Barnavernd Reykjavíkur |
10.33112/nm.20.1.2 |
A Little-known Diary across Italy and Europe: Oumei manyou riji and the Changed Representation of the Other in Diaries of the Republican Period |
10.33112/nm.20.1.3 |
Criminal Responsibility for the Dissemination of Discrediting Materials Concerning the Armed Forces According to the Russian Criminal Code |
10.33112/nm.20.1.4 |
Il sogno del “pane grosso”: il caso de li panètt di Monte Sant’Angelo, tra pellegrinaggio e transumanza |
10.33112/nm.20.1.5 |
Traduction, messianisme et éthique interculturelle entre déconstruction et reconstruction |
10.33112/nm.20.1.6 |
“Nature in a garb such as she wears nowhere else”: Ida Pfeiffer’s Journey to Iceland |
10.33112/nm.20.1.7 |
Connected Disaster Risks: Wildfires and Climate Change in the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.20.1.8 |
A Framework for Community Engagement |
10.33112/nm.20.1.9 |
Policing and the Police Function: What’s in a name? |
10.33112/nm.20.1.10 |
Digital Community Policing as a Measure to Prevent Radicalization and Extremism |
10.33112/nm.20.1.11 |
Leoluca Orlando and Costanze Reuscher, Enigma Palermo. La politica, la paura, il futuro. Storia di una città e del suo sindaco (Milan: Rizzoli, 2022) |
10.33112/nm.20.1.12 |
Jóhann Páll Árnason, Austur, vestur og aftur heim: Greinar um samfélagsheimspeki og siðmenningargreiningu (Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, 2024) |
10.33112/nm.20.1.13 |
Dorothée Cambou and Øyvind Ravna (eds.) The Significance of Sámi Rights: Law, Justice and Sustainability for the Indigenous Sámi in the Nordic Countries (Oxon: Routledge, 2024) |
10.33112/nm.20.1.14 |
Francesca Dominello, State Apologies to Indigenous Peoples: Law, Politics, Ethics (Oxon: Routledge, 2025) |
10.33112/nm.20.1.15 |
Leena Heinämäki and Thora Martina Herrmann (eds.) Experiencing and Protecting Sacred Natural Sites of Sámi and other Indigenous Peoples. The Sacred Arctic (Cham: Springer, 2017) |
10.33112/nm.20.1.16 |
Leonardo Piccione, Insegnare a nuotare a una foca. Viaggio insolito nella lingua islandese (Milano: UTET, 2024) |
10.33112/nm.20.1.17 |
Abstracts Collection of the 5th Sustainability Conference at the University of Akureyri, Iceland |
10.33112/nm.20.1.18 |
An Indecent Proposal: Let’s Make Greenland an Offer They Can’t Refuse! |
10.33112/nm.20.1.19 |
720 Million Years of Arctic Globalization, from Snowball Earth to the Anthropocene: Insights from Paleohistory |
10.33112/nm.20.1.20 |
Árgangur 19 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.19.2 |
Titill greinar |
Playing with disaster, moving toward change |
10.33112/nm.19.2.1 |
The Mediterranean and the Baltic Sea as historic backgrounds of a modern notion of resistance: |
10.33112/nm.19.2.2 |
Defining peripeteia. The theoretical disentanglement of Möbius Strip |
10.33112/nm.19.2.3 |
Reading Nature-Culture Correlation in the Anthropocene |
10.33112/nm.19.2.4 |
The Role of Imagination and Fäerie in Education as a Response to the Crisis in the Anthropocene |
10.33112/nm.19.2.5 |
Delusions about the human in the Anthropocene |
10.33112/nm.19.2.6 |
Essay: The development of and tensions in the idea of sustainable development and SDG2030 |
10.33112/nm.19.2.7 |
Árgangur 19 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.19.1 |
Titill greinar |
Health Locus of Control and Psychological and Somatization Disorder in Icelandic Outpatients with Cancer: A quantitative study |
10.33112/nm.19.1.1 |
Philosophical Preconditions Guide Null Hypothesis Significance Testing in Empirical Psychology |
10.33112/nm.19.1.2 |
Transcultural Mediterranean in the History of Chinese Travelogues: Oumei manyou riji as a Case Study |
10.33112/nm.19.1.3 |
Per un’“archeologia filosofica” della secolarizzazione. Agostino, Gioacchino da Fiore e i paradigmi cristiani del pensiero secolare |
10.33112/nm.19.1.4 |
Réttur til réttargæslumanns. Þjóna skilyrðin vilja löggjafans? |
10.33112/nm.19.1.5 |
Munnlegur málflutningur fyrir æðra dómi: Aðdragandi breytinga á 3. mgr. 158. gr. og 3. mgr. 182. gr. laga um meðferð einkamála og mál Súsönnu Rósar Westlund gegn Íslandi |
10.33112/nm.19.1.6 |
The Polar Mediterranean Imaginary. A Renewed Paradigm by Vilhjalmur Stefansson |
10.33112/nm.19.1.7 |
“I confini del mio linguaggio significano i confini del mio mondo”. Riflessioni filosofiche sul tema del confine |
10.33112/nm.19.1.8 |
L’incerto: Paura e bisogno del confine |
10.33112/nm.19.1.9 |
The Mediterranean at the Dawn of the Third Millennium |
10.33112/nm.19.1.10 |
The Ambiguity and Danger of the Concept of Border |
10.33112/nm.19.1.11 |
The Sex Offenders Public Registry of the Republic of Poland: Problems that require solutions |
10.33112/nm.19.1.12 |
Lára Kristín Pedersen, Veran í moldinni – Hugarheimur matarfíkils í leit að bata (Reykjavík: Sögur útgáfa, 2022) |
10.33112/nm.19.1.13 |
Rudolf Haller and Heiner Rutte (eds.), Otto Neurath, Gesammelte philosophische und methodologische Schriften, Band 1 (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2021) |
10.33112/nm.19.1.14 |
Deciancio, Melisa, Pablo Nemina, and Diana Tussie (eds.), Handbook on the Politics of International Development (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2022) |
10.33112/nm.19.1.15 |
Håkon Hermanstrand, Asbjørn Kolberg, Trond Risto Nilssen and Leiv Sem (eds.), The Indigenous Identity of the South Saami: Historical and Political Perspectives on a Minority within a Minority (Cham: Springer, 2019) |
10.33112/nm.19.1.16 |
Late addendum: Öryggishlutverk lögreglu 10.33112/nm.19.1.17
Árgangur 18 Númer 2 |
10.3312/nm.18.2 |
Titill greinar |
Special Editors’ Introduction |
10.3312/nm.18.2.1 |
Inngangur – frá ritstjóra sérheftis |
10.3312/nm.18.2.2 |
Um laganám við Háskólann á Akureyri |
10.3312/nm.18.2.3 |
Réttindi forsjárlauss foreldris: Veldur afsal á forsjá til barnaverndarþjónustu réttindamissi forsjárlauss foreldris? |
10.3312/nm.18.2.4 |
Polar Law after the Invasion of Ukraine |
10.3312/nm.18.2.5 |
In dubio pro natura: Environmental Constitutionalism and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic |
10.3312/nm.18.2.6 |
The Northern Sea Route: New Opportunities, New Challenges |
10.3312/nm.18.2.7 |
Ágúst Þór Árnason – In Memoriam |
10.3312/nm.18.2.8 |
Árgangur 18 Númer 1
Titill greinar
The Curious Stranger: An Approach to Fieldwork
Equity and the Pareto Principle: Does the Pareto Principle Have Moral Force?
Weaving a Journey: 19th-Century Iceland in an Italian Female Narrative
The EU and Its Southern Neighborhood Policy: Resilience in the Era of Science Diplomacy
Anna Herranz-Surrallés, Israel Solorio, and Jenny Fairbrass (eds.), Renegotiating Authority in EU Energy and Climate Policy (Abington/New York: Routledge, 2022)
Dirk Booms and Peter John Higgs (eds.), Sicily: Heritage of the World (London: The British Museum, 2019)
Sanna Valkonen, Áile Aikio, Saara Alakorva and Sigga-Marja Magga (eds.), The Sámi World (London and New York: Routledge, 2022)
Jérôme Duberry, Artificial Intelligence and Democracy: Risks and Promises of AI-Mediated Citizen–Government Relations (Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2022)
Mathieu Landriault, Jean-François Payette and Stéphane Roussel (eds.), Mapping Arctic Paradiplomacy – Limits and Opportunities for Sub-National Actors in Arctic Governance (Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2022)
Monica Tennberg, Else Grete Broderstad, Hans-Kristian Hernes (eds.), Indigenous Peoples, Natural Resources and Governance: Agencies and Interactions (London: Routledge, 2021)
Marjo Lindroth and Heidi Sinevaara-Niskanen, The Colonial Politics of Hope: Critical Junctures of Indigenous-State Relations (London: Routledge, 2022)
Philip E. Phillis, Greek Cinema and Migration, 1991–2016 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020)
Simon Mills, A Commerce of Knowledge: Trade, Religion, and Scholarship between England and the Ottoman Empire, c.1600-1760 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020)
Jules Pretty, Sea Sagas of the North: Travels & Tales at Warming Waters (Stroud: Hawthorne Press, 2022)
Árgangur 17 Númer 5 |
10.33112/nm.17.5 |
Titill greinar |
An introduction to the Proceedings of the conference “Rationality and political positivity of emotions: solidarity and benevolence” |
10.33112/nm.17.5.1 |
Citizenship and the emotions: The glue that keeps democratic societies together |
10.33112/nm.17.5.2 |
The making and unmaking of political emotions with narratives |
10.33112/nm.17.5.3 |
The role of indignation and other moral sentiments in the construction of a common (and solidary) sense of justice |
10.33112/nm.17.5.4 |
Notes for the construction of a philosophy of peace through reason and emotions: a joint proposal from Rawlsian theory and the philosophy of care |
10.33112/nm.17.5.5 |
Liberal prudence in the new market of ideas: Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill and the contemporary pitfalls of an unrestricted domain of speech* |
10.33112/nm.17.5.6 |
The Absent ‘Thing’ and the Value of Distance – Social media through an Arendtian lens |
10.33112/nm.17.5.7 |
The principle of solidarity between sentiment and reason: a reflection starting from L. Bourgeois’ solidarism |
10.33112/nm.17.5.8 |
Brief Notes on Solidarity and Political Imagination |
10.33112/nm.17.5.9 |
“Secure the Blessing of Liberty to our Posterity”: The Founding Fathers and Intergenerational Solidarity |
10.33112/nm.17.5.10 |
Extreme Tension on the Right in France* |
10.33112/nm.17.5.11 |
Universities, Democracy and the Arctic – A changed worldview |
10.33112/nm.17.4.1 |
Fræðin sem komu inn úr kuldanum |
10.33112/nm.17.4.2 |
Breytt heimsmynd og norðurslóðir |
10.33112/nm.17.4.3 |
Háskólar og lýðræði: Gagnrýnin greining á borgaralegu hlutverki háskóla í lýðræðisþjóðfélagi |
10.33112/nm.17.4.4 |
Íslensk stjórnmálafræði – yfirlit um hálfrar aldar sögu |
10.33112/nm.17.4.5 |
Mikilvægi stjórnarskrár í lýðræðislegu samfélagi |
10.33112/nm.17.4.6 |
Árgangur 17 Númer 3 | 10.33112/nm.17.3 | |
Titill greinar | ||
Titles | ||
Sacred Sites in the Arctic North and Beyond: The Challenges of Protecting Cultural Heritage and Living Traditions in a Multitude of Contexts and Cultures | 10.33112/nm.17.3.1 | |
Protecting Sacred Sites Is a Matter of Justice. Philosophical Remarks for Our Research Group | 10.33112/nm.17.3.2 | |
Preserving Sacred Sites in the Arctic: Lessons from elsewhere? | 10.33112/nm.17.3.3 | |
“To be or not to be”? Tourism development plans and the voice of the river | 10.33112/nm.17.3.4 | |
Protection of Sacred Sites – Between Legal Pluralism and Cultural Ecology | 10.33112/nm.17.3.5 | |
Recognizing Innu Sacred Natural Sites as Aboriginal-led Protected Areas by UAPASHKUSS: Innu Sacred Sites Guardians | 10.33112/nm.17.3.6 | |
Protection of Sámi Sacred Sites and Culturally Sensitive Tourism in Sápmi Under the Threats of Land-use | 10.33112/nm.17.3.7 | |
How Secret Should Spiritual Knowledge Be? Human-spirit relations in the Nenets tundra | 10.33112/nm.17.3.8 | |
Sacred Natural Sites in the Arctic North: Living memory, traditions, cultural heritage and exploitation through tourism and inadequate protection | 10.33112/nm.17.3.9 | |
Sacred Places as Cultural Ecologies: Making space for the intangible | 10.33112/nm.17.3.10 | |
Sacred Sites: Destruction or counter-hegemonic resistance? | 10.33112/nm.17.3.11 | |
The Nenets’ Sacred Places: The singing mountain Yanganya Pe | 10.33112/nm.17.3.12 | |
Climate Change and Underwater Cultural Heritage. Utilizing international law to empower communities to protect their coastal sacred sites and sea-level rise | 10.33112/nm.17.3.13 | |
N.B. | ||
Tengill á árgang: |
Árgangur 17 Númer 2 | 10.33112/nm.17.2 | |
Titill greinar / Titles: | ||
Perspectives on Colonialism in Greenland | 10.33112/nm.17.2.1 | |
Kalaallit Nunaata nunasiaataanera qiviarlugu | 10.33112/nm.17.2.2 | |
Colonisation then and now in Avanersuaq | 10.33112/nm.17.2.3 | |
Avanersuarmi nunasiaataasimaneq ullukkumullu | 10.33112/nm.17.2.4 | |
The Greenland Reconciliation Commission: one more step towards independence? | 10.33112/nm.17.2.5 | |
Saammaateqatigiinnissamut isumalioqatigiissitaq: namminersulivinnissammut siuariaatissaq? | 10.33112/nm.17.2.6 | |
Seeking Community Consent for Resource Development in Greenland | 10.33112/nm.17.2.7 | |
Kalaallit Nunaanni isumalluutinit ineriartortitsinissamut inuiaqatigiinni akuersaartunik ujaasineq | 10.33112/nm.17.2.8 | |
About the researchers | 10.33112/nm.17.2.9 | |
N.B. | ||
Tengill á árgang/hefti: |
Árgangur 17 Númer 1 | 10.33112/nm.17.1 | |
Titles: | ||
Arab Muslim Immigrant Women in Iceland: Immigration experiences and future expectations | 10.33112/nm.17.1.1 | |
Studying Small States: The role of security and strategy as concepts | 10.33112/nm.17.1.2 | |
Four Perspectives on Dilemmas in Management Analysis in Greenland | 10.33112/nm.17.1.3 | |
Pierre Schill, Réveiller l’archive d’une guerre coloniale (Grâne: Creaphis, 2018) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.4 | |
Huw Lewis-Jones, Imagining the Arctic: Heroism, Spectacle and Polar Exploration (London: I.B. Tauris, 2017) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.5 | |
Geir Hønneland, International Politics in the Arctic: Contested Borders, Natural Resources, and Russian Foreign Policy (London/New York: IB Tauris, 2017) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.6 | |
Frédéric Lassere, Anne Choquet, and Camille Escudé-Joffres, Géopolitique des Pôles. Vers une appropriation des espaces polaires ? (Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu, 2021) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.7 | |
Edward H. Huijbens, Developing Earthly Attachments in the Anthropocene (London: Routledge, 2021) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.8 | |
Felia Allum, Isabella Clough Marinaro and Rocco Sciarrone (eds.), Italian Mafias Today. Territory, Business and Politics (Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2019) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.9 | |
Giampiero Giacomello, Francesco Niccolò Moro, Marco Valigi (eds.), Technology and International Relations: The New Frontier in Global Power (Cheltenham/Northampton: E. Elgar, 2021) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.10 | |
Walter Baier, Cornelia Hildebrandt, Franz Kronreif, Luisa Sello (eds.), Europe as a Common: Exploring Transversal Social Ethics, Volume I (Zürich: LIT Verlag, 2020) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.11 | |
Sakari Hänninen, Kirsi-Marja Lehtelä and Paula Saikkonen (eds.), The Relational Nordic Welfare State: Between Utopia and Ideology (Cheltenham/Northampton: E. Elgar, 2019) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.12 | |
Mikkel Mailand, Corporatism Since the Great Recession (Cheltenham/Northampton: E. Elgar, 2020) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.13 | |
Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul (eds.), Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration (Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2021) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.14 | |
Kirsten Thisted and Ann-Sofie N. Gremaud (eds.), Denmark and The New North Atlantic: Narratives and Memories in a Former Empire (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2020) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.15 | |
Günther Handl and Kristoffer Svendsen (eds.), Managing the Risk of Offshore Oil and Gas Accidents: The International Legal Dimension (Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2020) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.16 | |
Tina Soliman Hunter, Jørnn Øyrehagen Sunde and Ernst Nordtveit (eds.), The Character of Petroleum Licences – A Legal Culture Analysis (Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 2020) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.17 | |
Ken S. Coates and Carin Holroyd (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.18 | |
Karen N. Scott and David L. VanderZwaag (eds.) Research Handbook on Polar Law (Cheltenham/Northampton: E. Elgar, 2020) | 10.33112/nm.17.1.19 | |
GLOSSARIUM IURIS ROMANI (Latneskt-íslenskt orðasafn rómaréttar Jústiníanusar) – New edition | 10.33112/nm.17.1.20 | |
Árgangur 16 Númer 4 | 10.33112/nm.16.4 | |
Introductory note for the 16(4)/2021-22 issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum | 10.33112/nm.16.4.1 | |
Il popolo Indigeno dei Sámi e la Conoscenza Ecologica Tradizionale: difficoltà e lezioni da imparare nel XXI secolo | 10.33112/nm.16.4.2 | |
Sustainable Blue Arctic (Seal) Hunting | 10.33112/nm.16.4.3 | |
Colonizzazione, decolonizzazione incompleta e la creazione dei popoli indigeni. I fondamenti dei loro diritti ‘speciali’ (link) | 10.33112/nm.16.4.4 | |
Co-creazione della ricerca e del sapere nel sistema dell’ecologia integrale | 10.33112/nm.16.4.5 | |
Participation, Sharing, and Cooperation: The rights of indigenous peoples over natural resources in the Arctic | 10.33112/nm.16.4.6 | |
Árgangur 16 Númer 3 | 10.33112/nm.16.3 | |
Ecological Feedback Effects Affecting Arctic Biodiversity in Response to Glacial Melt | 10.33112/nm.16.3.1 | |
Climate Change and Mental Health: A Snapshot of Arctic Indigenous | 10.33112/nm.16.3.2 | |
Glacial Water Melt in Greenland: Resource for the Future | 10.33112/nm.16.3.3 | |
The Legal Protection of Sea Ice Areas and the Triple Bottom Line Approach to Mining | 10.33112/nm.16.3.4 | |
Sustainable Development of Arctic Oil and Gas: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Benefit-Sharing. | 10.33112/nm.16.3.5 | |
Árgangur 16 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.16.2 |
The pandemic, the Artic and Me |
10.33112/nm.16.2.1 |
Schrödinger’s American |
10.33112/nm.16.2.2 |
Understanding the Role of Arctic State |
10.33112/nm.16.2.3 |
Climate Change, the Arctic and I |
10.33112/nm.16.2.4 |
The Greenlandic Question: An International Relations |
10.33112/nm.16.2.5 |
High Stakes in the High North: |
10.33112/nm.16.2.6 |
Singapore and the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.16.2.7 |
Geopolitics, Indigenous Peoples, and the Polar Thaw |
10.33112/nm.16.2.8 |
Árgangur 16 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.16.1 |
Titill greinar (styttur) |
Children’s Rock Art. A Scandinavian Study |
10.33112/nm.16.1.1 |
The Need for Oratory Skills in the Digital Age |
10.33112/nm.16.1.2 |
What Are These Countries Doing Here? |
10.33112/nm.16.1.3 |
P. Beckouche, (ed.), Europe’s Mediterranean Neighbourhood |
10.33112/nm.16.1.4 |
L.P. Hildebrand, L.W. Brigham, and T.M. Johansson (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.16.1.5 |
Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.), Pragmatism, Spirituality and Society: Border Crossings, |
10.33112/nm.16.1.6 |
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, Moral Blindness in Business. |
10.33112/nm.16.1.7 |
Emmanuel Lazenga, Bureaucracy, Collegiality and Social Change. |
10.33112/nm.16.1.8 |
Finn Laursen, The Development of the EU as a Sea-Policy Actor |
10.33112/nm.16.1.9 |
Johanna Hiitola, Kati Turtiainen, Sabine Gruber, Marja Tiilikainen (eds.), Family Life in Transition |
10.33112/nm.16.1.10 |
Dawid Bunikowski and Alan D. Hemmings (eds.), Philosophies of Polar Law |
10.33112/nm.16.1.11 |
Risto Alapuro, State and Revolution in Finland |
10.33112/nm.16.1.12 |
Francesca Ippolito, Gianluca Borzoni and Federico Casolari (eds.), Bilateral Relations in the Mediterranean |
10.33112/nm.16.1.13 |
Nafisa Yeasmin, Waliul Hasanat, Jan Brzozowski, and Stefan Kirchner, eds. Immigration in the Circumpolar North |
10.33112/nm.16.1.14 |
Francesco Sangriso, Snorri Sturlson Heimskringla: Le saghe dei re di Norvegia V |
10.33112/nm.16.1.15 |
Silvana Bartoletto, Energy Transitions in the Mediterranean |
10.33112/nm.16.1.16 |
Charles Eisenstein, Climate: A New Story |
10.33112/nm.16.1.17 |
Svein Vigeland Rottem, The Arctic Council: Between environmental protection and geopolitics |
10.33112/nm.16.1.18 |
Criticism of language and analysis of law.** |
10.33112/nm.16.1.19 |
Harming by degrees the «Anthropocene Millennium»?** |
10.33112/nm.16.1.20 |
The War in Tigray and the Challenges Faced by the United Nations |
10.33112/nm.16.1.21 |
GLOSSARIUM IURIS ROMANI – Latnesk-íslenskt Orðasafn |
10.33112/nm.16.1.22 |
Two Original Manuscripts on Early-Modern Genoese History by, and a Short Biography |
10.33112/nm.16.1.23 |
Demonizing 2020: A Calendar Year Becomes an Effigy Doll |
10.33112/nm.16.1.24 |
Árgangur 15 Númer 3 |
10.33112/nm.15.3 | |
Titill greinar |
Following in the Footsteps of Nature: an Introduction |
10.33112/nm.15.3.1 | |
Pour un élargissement de l’éducation à la citoyenneté démocratique à travers la Bildung |
10.33112/nm.15.3.2 | |
Remarks on Science, Epistemology and Education in Bruno Latour’s Down to Earth |
10.33112/nm.15.3.3 | |
Ecology of Sense(-making), Political Eco-logy and Non-ethical Re-founding of Law |
10.33112/nm.15.3.4 | |
The Human Rights of Privileged Victims. A Marxist Satire on Shouting Matches |
10.33112/nm.15.3.5 | |
Identity and Aesthetics. Atmosphere as an approach to the appearance of the concrete person |
10.33112/nm.15.3.6 | |
Environmentalism Without Nature? Steven Vogel’s post-natural environmental philosophy |
10.33112/nm.15.3.7 | |
The Nature-culture continuum through moving images |
10.33112/nm.15.3.8 | |
Árgangur 15 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.15.2 |
A Short Introduction to the Proceedings of the Conference |
10.33112/nm.15.2.1 |
Post-Truth, Polarization and Other Emotional Threats to Democracy |
10.33112/nm.15.2.2 |
Is Populism an Ideology or a Tool? Of Reason or Passions? |
10.33112/nm.15.2.3 |
Emotional Politics – Some notes on anger, resentment and compassion |
10.33112/nm.15.2.4 |
Good Prejudice. A Passing Foray in Intellectual History |
10.33112/nm.15.2.5 |
“Polite Conversation is now Undesirable”: Peace and Agonism in Georg Johannesen’s Rhetoric |
10.33112/nm.15.2.6 |
Fictional Utopias, Dystopias, and the Problem of Evil |
10.33112/nm.15.2.7 |
A Reasoned Feeling, beyond the Contrast between Reason and Emotion |
10.33112/nm.15.2.8 |
Passions and Society: Do we need a new Galateo? |
10.33112/nm.15.2.9 |
Xenophobia, Political Society and the Mechanism of the Imitation of Affects |
10.33112/nm.15.2.10 |
Errors in Politics: An analysis of the concept of political error |
10.33112/nm.15.2.11 |
Árgangur 15 Númer 110.33112/nm.15.1
Local Democracy in the West-Nordic Countries 10.33112/nm.15.1.1
Is There a Secular Hierarchy in the Norwegian Public Sphere?10.33112/nm.15.1.2
A Curious Case of Culinary Polysemy 10.33112/nm.15.1.3
The Absolutes that Failed, Creativity and Human Procreation 10.33112/nm.15.1.4
Ulrike Müßig – Reason and Fairness 10.33112/nm.15.1.5
Luisa Greenfield et al. (eds.), Artistic Research 10.33112/nm.15.1.6
Antonio Capurso, Gaetano Crepaldi and Cristiano Capurso 10.33112/nm.15.1.7
Laura Gustafsson & Terike Haapoja (eds.), A Museum of Nonhumanity 10.33112/nm.15.1.8
Lorenzo Vidino (ed.), De-Radicalization in the Mediterranean 10.33112/nm.15.1.9
W. Friese et al. (eds.), Ascending and Descending the Acropolis 10.33112/nm.15.1.10
Jens Lei Wendel Hansen, Grönlands Amt 10.33112/nm.15.1.11
Mia Arp Falov & Cory Blad (eds.), Social Welfare Responses in a Neoliberal Era 10.33112/nm.15.1.12
Franziska Ehnert, Climate Policy in Denmark, Germany, Estonia and Poland, Ideas 10.33112/nm.15.1.13
Ole Høiris, Ole Marquard and Gitte Adler Reimer (eds.), Grønlændernes syn på Danmark 10.33112/nm.15.1.14
Cyrus Rohani & Behrooz Sabet (eds.), Winds of Change: The Challenge of Modernity 10.33112/nm.15.1.15
Steve Cochrane, Asia’s Forgotten Christian Story 10.33112/nm.15.1.16
Asger Sørensen, Capitalism, Alienation and Critique 10.33112/nm.15.1.17
Alexandra Délano Alonso, From Here and There 10.33112/nm.15.1.18
Sheila Bransfield, The Man Who Discovered Antarctica 10.33112/nm.15.1.19
Kamrul Hossain, José Miguel Roncero Martín and Anna Petrétei 10.33112/nm.15.1.20
A. Shibata et al. (eds.), Emerging Legal Orders in the Arctic 10.33112/nm.15.1.21
Elana Wilson Rowe, Arctic Governance 10.33112/nm.15.1.22
Simon Marsden, Protecting the Third Pole 10.33112/nm.15.1.23
Ulrik Pram Gad and Jeppe Stransbjerg (eds.) The Politics of Sustainability 10.33112/nm.15.1.24
Donald R. Rothwell, Arctic Ocean Shipping 10.33112/nm.15.1.25
Nikolas Sellheim, The Seal Hunt: Cultures, Economies and Legal Regimes 10.33112/nm.15.1.26
Andrea Kollnitz, Per Stounbjerg, Tania Orum 10.33112/nm.15.1.27
Þorsteinn Helgason, The Corsairs’ Longest Voyage 10.33112/nm.15.1.28
Anastasia Stratigea and Dimitris Kavroudakis 10.33112/nm.15.1.29
Pacta servanda sunt? 10.33112/nm.15.1.30**
Minority Claims in Multicultural Societies: 10.33112/nm.15.1.31
On a Conversation between Socrates and Meno 10.33112/nm.15.1.32
Populism as an Essentially Contested Concept or 10.33112/nm.15.1.33
North and South – And a Traveler from In-Between 10.33112/nm.15.1.34
Árgangur 14 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.14.2 | |
An introduction to the proceedings of the conference “‘Us’ vs. ‘Them’: The rhetoric of ‘othering’ from Aristotle to Frank Westerman” |
10.33112/nm.14.2.1 |
Us and Them: The Logic of Othering from Pink Floyd to Populists |
10.33112/nm.14.2.2 |
Conversion and Inclusiveness |
10.33112/nm.14.2.3 |
Diversity, Otherness and the Politics of Recognition |
10.33112/nm.14.2.4 |
In Lightning Memory: A Philosophical Dictionary à la Baroncelli |
10.33112/nm.14.2.5 |
The Other |
10.33112/nm.14.2.6 |
The Rhetoric of Identity in Right- and Left-wing Populism: A Brief Survey |
10.33112/nm.14.2.7 |
Polarization and the Role of Digital Media |
10.33112/nm.14.2.8 |
Flavio Baroncelli: A Personal Recollection |
10.33112/nm.14.2.9 |
Us vs. Them: Ideology and Discourse |
10.33112/nm.14.2.10 |
Political Cohesion, Friendship and Hostility |
10.33112/nm.14.2.11 |
The Changing Feelings of Otherness: Surprise, empathy, hostility as evidenced in Frank Westerman’s El negro and me |
10.33112/nm.14.2.12 |
Árgangur 14 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.14.1 | |
Social Media – A Vehicle for Personalisation in Politics |
10.33112/nm.14.1.1 |
The Power of the Camera-Presenting Politicians |
10.33112/nm.14.1.2 |
Shaping an Image of Europe: Half Way Over Iceland |
10.33112/nm.14.1.3 |
Andreas Raspotnik, The European Union and the Geopolitics of the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.14.1.4 |
Jarich Oosten & Barbara Helen Miller (eds.), Traditions, Traps and Trends. Transfer of Knowledge in Arctic Regions |
10.33112/nm.14.1.5 |
Nancy Isenberg, White Trash. The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America |
10.33112/nm.14.1.6 |
Yanis Varoufakis, Adults in the Room. My Battle with Europe’s Deep Establishment |
10.33112/nm.14.1.7 |
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, Cosmopolitan Business Ethics. Towards a Global Ethos of Management |
10.33112/nm.14.1.8 |
Basit Bilal Koshul, Max Weber and Charles Peirce: At the Crossroads of Sciences, Philosophy, and Culture |
10.33112/nm.14.1.9 |
Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson, The Economic Crisis and its Aftermath in the Nordic and Baltic Countries: Do As We Say and Not As We Do |
10.33112/nm.14.1.10 |
John V.H. Dippel, To the Ends of the Earth: The Truth behind the Glory of Polar Exploration |
10.33112/nm.14.1.11 |
Klaus Dodds, Alan D Hemmings and Peder Roberts (eds.), Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica |
10.33112/nm.14.1.12 |
Duncan Depledge, Britain and the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.14.1.13 |
G. Baruchello et al. (eds.), No One Is An Island: An Icelandic Perspective (Newcastle upon Tyne |
10.33112/nm.14.1.14 |
Jordi Jaria i Manzano, Nathalie Chalifour and Louis J. Kotzé (eds.), Energy, Governance and Sustainability |
10.33112/nm.14.1.15 |
Marina Ngursangzeli Behera, Michael Biehl and Knud Jørgensen (eds.), Mission in Secularised Contexts of Europe |
10.33112/nm.14.1.16 |
Eleanor Rosamund Barraclough, Danielle Marie Cudmore and Stefan Donecker |
10.33112/nm.14.1.17 |
War through (International) Law? Some Neo-rhetoric of “Othering” in the European “De jure belli ac pacis” Context |
10.33112/nm.14.1.18 |
Ósýnileiki barna sem leita alþjóðlegrar verndar á Íslandi í fylgd foreldra |
10.33112/nm.14.1.19 |
Árgangur 13 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.13.2 | |
An Introductory Note |
10.33112/nm.13.2.1 |
Human Rights as Part of the Human Security of Ukraine |
10.33112/nm.13.2.2 |
Religious Belief, Human Rights, and Social Democracy: Catholic Reflections on Abortion in Iceland |
10.33112/nm.13.2.3 |
Citizenship Deprivation: A Violation of Human Rights? |
10.33112/nm.13.2.4 |
Democracy Put to the Test of Age: A Case Study Concerning the Dysfunction of Modern Democracy |
10.33112/nm.13.2.5 |
Democracy, Human Rights and the UN-Human Rights-Based Approach |
10.33112/nm.13.2.6 |
A Note on the Origins of Human Rights: Bartolomé de las Casas and Francisco de Vitoria |
10.33112/nm.13.2.7 |
The Human Right to Freedom of Religion in the Polish Education System |
10.33112/nm.13.2.8 |
Árgangur 13 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.13.1 | |
The Impact of Amalgamations on Services in Icelandic Municipalities |
10.33112/nm.13.1.1 |
Underemployment of Immigrant Women in Iceland – A case study |
10.33112/nm.13.1.2 |
Leif Christian Jensen & Geir Hønneland (eds.), 2017 Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.13.1.3 |
Michela Betta, Ethicmentality: Ethics in Capitalist Economy, Business, and Society |
10.33112/nm.13.1.4 |
Brendan Myers, Reclaiming Civilization: A case for optimism for the future of humanity. A Study of the Sacred, Part Three |
10.33112/nm.13.1.5 |
Alain Badiou and Marcel Gauchet, What Is To Be Done? A Dialogue on Communism, Capitalism, and the Future of Democracy |
10.33112/nm.13.1.6 |
Collin Crouch, Governing Social Risk in Post-crisis Europe |
10.33112/nm.13.1.7 |
Timo Koivurova, QIN Tianbao, Sébastien Duyck & Tapio Nykänen (eds.), Arctic Law and Governance: The Role of China and Finland |
10.33112/nm.13.1.8 |
Lydia B. Amir, Humor and the Good Life in Modern Philosophy. Shaftesbury, Hamann, Kierkegaard |
10.33112/nm.13.1.9 |
A Theory of Citizenship Rights. Formal Membership in the Framework of (in)determinability of European Union Values** |
10.33112/nm.13.1.10 |
Árgangur 12 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.12.1 |
Titill greinar |
The Icesave Dispute: A Case Study into the Crisis of Diplomacy during the Credit Crunch |
10.33112/nm.12.1.1 |
Rule of Law and Transparency in Modern Norwegian Whaling (2006-2015) |
10.33112/nm.12.1.2 |
Immigrants’ Experiences of Happiness and Well-being in Northern Iceland |
10.33112/nm.12.1.3 |
Interpretation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights by Human Rights Bodies in Times of Economic Distress |
10.33112/nm.12.1.4 |
Scott Mackenzie & Anna Westerståhl Stenport (eds.), Films on Ice: Cinemas of the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.12.1.5 |
John McMurtry, La fase cancerígena del capitalismo, de la crisis a la cura |
10.33112/nm.12.1.6 |
Asger Sørensen, Capitalism, Alienation and Critique |
10.33112/nm.12.1.7 |
Nicholas Walton, Genoa “La Superba”. The rise and fall of a merchant pirate superpower |
10.33112/nm.12.1.8 |
Tea Torbenfeldt Bengtsson, Morten Frederiksen & Jørgen Elm Larsen (eds.), The Danish Welfare State. |
10.33112/nm.12.1.9 |
Dagmar Kutsar & Marjo Kuronen (eds.), Local Welfare Policy Making in European Cities |
10.33112/nm.12.1.11 |
Hans Chr. Garmann Johnsen, Stina Torjesen & Richard Ennals (eds.), Higher Education in a Sustainable Society. |
10.33112/nm.12.1.12 |
Gregor Thüsing & Gerrit Forst (eds.), Whistleblowing: A comparative study |
10.33112/nm.12.1.13 |
Maurizio Isabella & Konstantina Zanou (eds.), Mediterranean Diasporas: Politics and Ideas in the Long 19th Century |
10.33112/nm.12.1.14 |
Donald R Rothwell & Tim Stephens, The International Law of the Sea |
10.33112/nm.12.1.15 |
Geir Hønneland, Russia and the Arctic: Environment, Identity and Foreign Policy & Leif Christian Jensen |
10.33112/nm.12.1.16 |
Shawn Selway, Nobody Here Will Harm You. Mass Medical Evacuation from the Eastern Arctic, 1950-1965 |
10.33112/nm.12.1.17 |
Rune Frederiksen, Elizabeth R. Gebhard & Alexander Sokolicek (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.12.1.18 |
Classical Political Philosophy and the Crisis of Modernity – An alternative to the competition State |
10.33112/nm.12.1.19 |
An interview with Yasmine Samir Kelada, Deputy Director at BibAlex Visitors Department |
10.33112/nm.12.1.20 |
From Marco Polo to Cristoforo Colombo and Cipango-America Before 1492 |
10.33112/nm.12.1.21 |
Árgangur 12 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.12.2 |
Titill greinar |
Human Rights and International Relations. Some Remarks |
10.33112/nm.12.2.1 |
On the Margins of Citizenship: The Refugee Crisis and the Transformation of Identities in Europe |
10.33112/nm.12.2.2 |
The Politics of Victimhood in Human Rights Violations: The Case of the Erased Residents of Slovenia |
10.33112/nm.12.2.3 |
Humanity and Human Rights: The Contours of International Law |
10.33112/nm.12.2.4 |
Human Rights Education for Lawyers: A Case Study into Universality and Its Relativism |
10.33112/nm.12.2.5 |
The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against |
10.33112/nm.12.2.6 |
Protestant Origins of Human Rights Challenged |
10.33112/nm.12.2.7 |
Brexit Coup d’Etat: Tracking the Overthrow of EU Rule of Law in Britain |
10.33112/nm.12.2.8 |
Árgangur 12 Númer 3 |
10.33112/nm.12.3 |
Titill greinar |
The Rhetoric of Prejudice: Can Europe Still Be Inclusive? Some Remarks |
10.33112/nm.12.3.1 |
Populism, Prejudice and the Rhetoric of Privilege |
10.33112/nm.12.3.2 |
Prejudice and Presupposition in Offensive Language |
10.33112/nm.12.3.3 |
Poets/Trump/Philosophers: Reflections on Richard Rorty’s Liberalism, Ten Years after His Death |
10.33112/nm.12.3.4 |
Prejudices, Philosophies and Language: Spinoza and His Strategies of Liberation |
10.33112/nm.12.3.5 |
Inner Speech and Prejudice in Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu |
10.33112/nm.12.3.6 |
Exercising Empathy: Ancient Rhetorical Tools for Intercultural Communication |
10.33112/nm.12.3.7 |
Árgangur 12 Númer 4 |
10.33112/nm.12.4 |
Titill greinar |
Speech of Dr. Luigi Patronaggio, Chief Prosecutor of Agrigento |
10.33112/nm.12.4.3 |
Isis, the Shadow of the West (Mediterranean 2017: The roots of hatred) |
10.33112/nm.12.4.4 |
Politics as Soul Therapy |
10.33112/nm.12.4.5 |
Universal Evil and Individual Good: From Chaos to Cosmos |
10.33112/nm.12.4.6 |
Thinking of the Shadow. Conceptions of Cruelty in the History of Western Thought |
10.33112/nm.12.4.7 |
Árgangur 11 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.11.1 |
Titill greinar |
Site-specific Perception |
10.33112/nm.11.1.1 |
When the Treasury and its Models Seize Power |
10.33112/nm.11.1.2 |
Little Italy: Seeking a Niche in International Arctic Relations |
10.33112/nm.11.1.3 |
Holger Fleischer, Jesper Lau Hansen & Wolf-Georg Ringe |
10.33112/nm.11.1.4 |
Margareth Hagen & Margery Vibe Skagen |
10.33112/nm.11.1.5 |
Rachael Lorna Johnstone, Offshore Oil and Gas Development |
10.33112/nm.11.1.6 |
Erik Westholm, Karin Beland Lindahl & Florian Kraxner |
10.33112/nm.11.1.7 |
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, French Philosophy and Social Theory |
10.33112/nm.11.1.8 |
C.M. Hall & J. Saarinen (eds.), Tourism and Change in Polar |
10.33112/nm.11.1.9 |
Leive Lund, Yang Jian & Iselin Stensdal |
10.33112/nm.11.1.10 |
István Sandor, Fiduciary Property Management and the Trust |
10.33112/nm.11.1.11 |
Rikke Andreassen & Kathrine Vitus |
10.33112/nm.11.1.12 |
Tom Houston, My Story with Governance |
10.33112/nm.11.1.13 |
Ulf Blossing, Gunn Imsen & Lejf Moos |
10.33112/nm.11.1.14 |
Steinar Imsen (ed.), The Norwegian Dominion and the Norse |
10.33112/nm.11.1.15 |
Uttam Kumar Sinha & Jo Inge Bekkevold |
10.33112/nm.11.1.16 |
Pävi Naskali, Marjaana Seppänen & Shahnaj Begum |
10.33112/nm.11.1.17 |
Nükhet Varlik, Plague and Empire in the Early Modern |
10.33112/nm.11.1.18 |
Ann Christys, Vikings in the South |
10.33112/nm.11.1.19 |
Klaus Dodds & Mark Nuttall, The Scramble for the Poles |
10.33112/nm.11.1.20 |
Maria Sommer & Dion Sommer, Care, Socialization |
10.33112/nm.11.1.21 |
Francesco Sangriso, Snorri Sturluson Heimskringla |
10.33112/nm.11.1.22 |
Gina Dahl, Libraries and Enlightenment |
10.33112/nm.11.1.23 |
Martin Hilpert et al. (eds.), New Trends in Nordic and General |
10.33112/nm.11.1.24 |
Michael Böss (ed.), Conflicted Pasts and National Identities |
10.33112/nm.11.1.25 |
Paul Caruana Galizia, Mediterranean Labor Markets |
10.33112/nm.11.1.26 |
Richard C. Powell & Klaus Dodds, Polar Geopolitics |
10.33112/nm.11.1.27 |
Douglas C Nord, The Arctic Council |
10.33112/nm.11.1.28 |
Peter Hough, International Politics of the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.11.1.29 |
G.T. Svendsen, Trust – Reflections 1 & H.H. Knoop |
10.33112/nm.11.1.30 |
Matte Svart Kristiansen & Kate Giles |
10.33112/nm.11.1.31 |
Ingvill Helland & Sören Koch |
10.33112/nm.11.1.32 |
Barbara Fuchs & Emily Weissbourd |
10.33112/nm.11.1.33 |
Kristjan Ahronson, Into the Ocean |
10.33112/nm.11.1.34 |
Caspar Jørgensen & Morten Pedersen |
10.33112/nm.11.1.35 |
U. Blossing, G. Imsen & L. Moos (eds.), The Nordic Education Model |
10.33112/nm.11.1.36 |
The Invention of the Nordic Cuisine |
10.33112/nm.11.1.37 |
Mapping the Unknown |
10.33112/nm.11.1.38 |
Árgangur 11 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.11.2 | |
Titill greinar |
No one is an island: Iceland and the International Community |
10.33112/nm.11.2.1 |
Monitoring and Evaluation of Health System Strengthening |
10.33112/nm.11.2.2 |
Twelve Years an Editor – Almost. |
10.33112/nm.11.2.3 |
Little Fish, Big Pond |
10.33112/nm.11.2.4 |
The EU’s Open Arms and Small States |
10.33112/nm.11.2.5 |
Árgangur 11 Númer 3 |
10.33112/nm.11.3 | |
Titill greinar |
An introductory note |
10.33112/nm.11.3.1 |
Understanding Technology? |
10.33112/nm.11.3.2 |
Arguments for the Normative Validity of Human Rights |
10.33112/nm.11.3.3 |
The Discourse on Human Rights and the International |
10.33112/nm.11.3.4 |
The Economic Ethics of Arthur Fridolin Utz |
10.33112/nm.11.3.5 |
Whistleblowing as Employee’s Freedom of Speech |
10.33112/nm.11.3.6 |
Human Rights. The question of origins |
10.33112/nm.11.3.7 |
The Fourth Age of Political Communication |
10.33112/nm.11.3.8 |
From Piketty’s Capital to Marx’s das Kapital |
10.33112/nm.11.3.9 |
Árgangur 10 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.10.1 |
Titill greinar |
An interview with Kristján Jóhannsson |
10.33112/nm.10.1.1 |
A personal memoir by Róbert R. Spanó |
10.33112/nm.10.1.2 |
A personal memoir by Þóra Arnórsdóttir |
10.33112/nm.10.1.3 |
What is True? What is False? |
10.33112/nm.10.1.4 |
Icelandic Journalists & the Question of Professionalism |
10.33112/nm.10.1.5 |
Freedom of the Press – Two Concepts |
10.33112/nm.10.1.6 |
Free Speech, Freedom of the Press |
10.33112/nm.10.1.7 |
IMMI and Whistleblowing in Iceland |
10.33112/nm.10.1.8 |
Tamyko Ysa, Joan Colom, Adrià Albareda |
10.33112/nm.10.1.9 |
Monika Djerf-Pierre & Mats Ekström, A history |
10.33112/nm.10.1.10 |
Zbigniew Wozniak, The Elderly in Social Policy |
10.33112/nm.10.1.11 |
Suzie Navot, The Constitution of Israel |
10.33112/nm.10.1.12 |
Stephen Hastings-King, Looking for the Proletariat |
10.33112/nm.10.1.13 |
Iván Siklósi, A nemlétez?, érvénytelen és hatálytalan |
10.33112/nm.10.1.14 |
Pia Guldager Bilde & Mark L. Lawall (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.10.1.15 |
Pieter Bevelander & Bo Petersson (eds.), Crisis |
10.33112/nm.10.1.16 |
Sven-Olof Olsson (ed.), Managing Crises |
10.33112/nm.10.1.17 |
Gaetano Roberto Buccola, Forme del centro |
10.33112/nm.10.1.18 |
Jón Ólafsson (ed.), Lýðræðistilraunir. Ísland í hruni |
10.33112/nm.10.1.19 |
Mathias L. Pedersen & Jakob Christoffersen |
10.33112/nm.10.1.20 |
Lucy Grig & Gavin Kelly (eds.), Two Romes |
10.33112/nm.10.1.21 |
Donald W. Jones, Economic Theory and the Ancient |
10.33112/nm.10.1.22 |
David Emmanuel Singh (ed.), Jesus |
10.33112/nm.10.1.23 |
Francesca Bregoli, Mediterranean Enlightenment |
10.33112/nm.10.1.24 |
Kári á Rógvi, West-Nordic Constitutional |
10.33112/nm.10.1.25 |
Marlene Laruelle, Russia’s Arctic Strategies |
10.33112/nm.10.1.26 |
Francesco Giacomantonio, Sociologia |
10.33112/nm.10.1.27 |
Per Eliasson, KG Hammarlund, Erik Lund |
10.33112/nm.10.1.28 |
Beyond the Cold-War Reprise of the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.10.1.29 |
The Unconscious and the Island |
10.33112/nm.10.1.30 |
A note on the forthcoming volume “Romanian |
10.33112/nm.10.1.31 |
Árgangur 10 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.10.2 |
Titill greinar |
A Presentation of IDIN |
10.33112/nm.10.2.1 |
Enemies of Interculturalism |
10.33112/nm.10.2.2 |
Nation-building in the Scandinavian Welfare State |
10.33112/nm.10.2.3 |
Postcultural Communication? |
10.33112/nm.10.2.4 |
Teaching History in a multicultural society |
10.33112/nm.10.2.5 |
The Cultural Heritage of Interculturalism |
10.33112/nm.10.2.6 |
Pragmatic Universalism |
10.33112/nm.10.2.7 |
Árgangur 10 Númer 3 |
10.33112/nm.10.3 |
Titill greinar |
“Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities…” |
10.33112/nm.10.3.1 |
“Europe’s Constitutional Law in Times of Crisis |
10.33112/nm.10.3.2 |
Critique of War Reason. |
10.33112/nm.10.3.3 |
Peter Koslowski’s Ethics and Economics or Ethical Economy |
10.33112/nm.10.3.4 |
Can Macroeconomics and Ideology Be Separated? |
10.33112/nm.10.3.5 |
Do Digital Systems and Concepts in Modern Public Service… |
10.33112/nm.10.3.6 |
Environmental Ethics. |
10.33112/nm.10.3.7 |
Piketty’s Capital. The Revival of Political Philosophy… |
10.33112/nm.10.3.8 |
VOLUME 9, ISSUES 1, 2, 3 and 4
Árgangur 9 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.9.1 |
New Realities of Political Communications in Iceland and Norway |
10.33112/nm.9.1.1 |
Translation as Critique of “Cultural Sameness” |
10.33112/nm.9.1.2 |
On Loanwords of Latin Origin in Contemporary Icelandic |
10.33112/nm.9.1.3 |
Framing Integration – from Welfare to Citizenship |
10.33112/nm.9.1.4 |
Learning Danish(ness): Constructing Cultural Difference |
10.33112/nm.9.1.5 |
De l’idéal démocratique. Les Anciens et les Modernes |
10.33112/nm.9.1.6 |
Gabór Hamza, Origine e sviluppo degli ordinamenti… |
10.33112/nm.9.1.7 |
Duncan Light, The Dracula Dilemma |
10.33112/nm.9.1.8 |
Natalia Loukacheva (ed.), Polar Law Textbook II |
10.33112/nm.9.1.9 |
Aoife Nolan, Rory O’Connell, Colin Harvey (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.9.1.10 |
Ingerid S. Straume (ed.), Danningens filosofihistorie |
10.33112/nm.9.1.11 |
Erik S. Reinert & Francesca Lidia Viano (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.9.1.12 |
Dom Holdaway & Filippo Trentin (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.9.1.13 |
Þorlákur Axel Jónsson, Dagur Austan. |
10.33112/nm.9.1.14 |
Michele Renee Salzman, Marvina A. |
10.33112/nm.9.1.15 |
Hannele Niemi, Auli Toom and Arto Kallioniemi (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.9.1.16 |
Kathryn Kraft, Searching for Heaven in the Real World |
10.33112/nm.9.1.17 |
Jan Philipp Sternberg, Auswanderungsland Bundesrepublik. |
10.33112/nm.9.1.18 |
Tormod Engelsviken, Ernst Harbakk, Rolv Olsen & Thor Strandenæs (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.9.1.19 |
J. Alcamo & J.E. Olesen (eds.), Life in Europe Under Climate Change |
10.33112/nm.9.1.20 |
R. Bohlin, De Osynliga. Det Europas fattiga arbetarklass; |
10.33112/nm.9.1.21 |
Michael Byers, International Law and the Arctic |
10.33112/nm.9.1.22 |
Timo Koivurova, Introduction to International Environmental Law |
10.33112/nm.9.1.23 |
A response to Adam Langridge’s ‘review’ of… |
10.33112/nm.9.1.24 |
Regaining Iceland for the Catholic Church… |
10.33112/nm.9.1.25 |
The Activist, the Ideologist and the Researcher. |
10.33112/nm.9.1.26 |
Winning the War of the World |
10.33112/nm.9.1.27 |
The Sardinian Literary Spring: An Overview. |
10.33112/nm.9.1.28 |
Árgangur 9 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.9.2 |
Opening Statement by the Rector of the University of Akureyri |
10.33112/nm.9.2.1 |
Experimenting with Psychotherapy |
10.33112/nm.9.2.2 |
On the Range or Scope of [Moral] Action |
10.33112/nm.9.2.3 |
Ethics and Ego: East-West Perceptions of Morality |
10.33112/nm.9.2.4 |
What is Morality? Pascal’s Heartfelt Answer |
10.33112/nm.9.2.5 |
Deweyan Democracy: The Epistemic Context |
10.33112/nm.9.2.6 |
Global Ethics in Theory and in Practice: The Case of The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) |
10.33112/nm.9.2.7 |
Stjórnmál og vísindi: eða af hverju er stundum bullað svona mikið? |
10.33112/nm.9.2.8 |
On Justice. Equal Rights (jafnrétti), Equal Position (jafnræði) and Equality (jöfnuður) |
10.33112/nm.9.2.9 |
Ethics in Crimes and Misdemeanors |
10.33112/nm.9.2.10 |
Framlag Mikaels M. Karlssonar til heimspeki á Íslandi og til Háskólans á Akureyri |
10.33112/nm.9.2.11 |
What is Morality? Colloquium in Honour of Mikael M. Karlsson |
10.33112/nm.9.2.12 |
Árgangur 9 Númer 3 |
10.33112/nm.9.3 |
Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities and Dilemmas |
10.33112/nm.9.3.1 |
The Picture—Small and Big: Iceland and the Crises |
10.33112/nm.9.3.2 |
From War to Financial Crisis – Analyzed with Critical Systems Theory |
10.33112/nm.9.3.3 |
The Importance of Responsibility in Times of Crisis |
10.33112/nm.9.3.4 |
Has the Competition among Professions in the Nordic Welfare States Intensified? |
10.33112/nm.9.3.5 |
Trust vs. Crisis |
10.33112/nm.9.3.6 |
Species Egalitarianism and the Environment |
10.33112/nm.9.3.7 |
Social Entrepreneurship and Capitalist Crisis |
10.33112/nm.9.3.8 |
Crisis and Environmental Philosophy |
10.33112/nm.9.3.9 |
The European Constitution: sovereignty, legitimacy and constituent power |
10.33112/nm.9.3.10 |
From Critical Theory to Critical Hermeneutics |
10.33112/nm.9.3.11 |
Árgangur 9 Númer 4 |
10.33112/nm.9.4 |
Papers from the NSU Summer session of 2014 – study group 3 |
10.33112/nm.9.4.1 |
Values, Attitudes and Nature |
10.33112/nm.9.4.2 |
Responsibility: The First Virtue of Innovation? |
10.33112/nm.9.4.3 |
Reflections on Castoriadis’ “The Crisis of Modern Society” |
10.33112/nm.9.4.4 |
The World of Wars: Risky Systems – A second-order observation of future wars |
10.33112/nm.9.4.5 |
The Crash Course from Iceland |
10.33112/nm.9.4.6 |
Thomas Piketty – The Adam Smith of the Twenty-First Century? |
10.33112/nm.9.4.7 |
The Paradigmatic Struggle for Legitimacy of the Danish Welfare State |
10.33112/nm.9.4.8 |
An Apology for Philosophy: On the contested relationship between truth and politics |
10.33112/nm.9.4.9 |
Árgangur 8 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.8.1 |
Practising what they Preach |
10.33112/nm.8.1.1 |
The Security Aspects in the Arctic: the Potential Role of NATO |
10.33112/nm.8.1.2 |
Sustainable Liberalism: A Modest Proposal for Global Recovery |
10.33112/nm.8.1.3 |
Responsibility and Capitalism |
10.33112/nm.8.1.4 |
The 2008—2013 Crisis as Metastasis. |
10.33112/nm.8.1.5 |
Outline of Fading Empire |
10.33112/nm.8.1.6 |
Juha Manninen and Friedrich Stadtler (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.8.1.7 |
Giulio Tremonti, Uscita di sicurezza (Milan: Rizzoli, 2012) |
10.33112/nm.8.1.8 |
William C. Prevette, Child, Church and Compassion |
10.33112/nm.8.1.9 |
Sean Leneghan, The Varieties of Ecstasy Experience |
10.33112/nm.8.1.10 |
Philip J. Anderson and Dag Blanck (eds.), |
10.33112/nm.8.1.11 |
Mark Beaumont, Christology in Dialogue with Muslims. |
10.33112/nm.8.1.12 |
Helle Prosdam and Thomas Elholm (eds.), |
10.33112/nm.8.1.13 |
Anne Quinney (ed.), Paris – Bucharest, Bucharest – Paris |
10.33112/nm.8.1.14 |
A reply to the reviewer of “Totalitarismo, democrazia, etica pubblica |
10.33112/nm.8.1.15 |
Federico Sollazzo, Totalitarismo, democrazia, etica pubblica |
10.33112/nm.8.1.16 |
Franceso Giacomantonio, Sociologia e sociosofia. |
10.33112/nm.8.1.17 |
Maurizio Tani, La chiesa di Akureyri |
10.33112/nm.8.1.18 |
Brian Lucey, Charles Larkin and Constantin Gurdgiev (eds.) |
10.33112/nm.8.1.19 |
Katy Fox, Peasants into European Farmers? |
10.33112/nm.8.1.20 |
Viorella Manolache (ed.), Centru si margine la Marea Mediterana. |
10.33112/nm.8.1.21 |
Oana M. Oprean, Romania’s Accession to the European Union |
10.33112/nm.8.1.22 |
‘Arctic Host, Icy Visit’: A Response |
10.33112/nm.8.1.23 |
Joseph V. Femia and Alasdair J. Marshall (eds.), Vilfredo Pareto |
10.33112/nm.8.1.24 |
Constance Gunderson, Human Trafficking |
10.33112/nm.8.1.25 |
Giuseppe Cossuto, Tracce turche in Europa medievale. |
10.33112/nm.8.1.26 |
J.N. Stokland, J. Siitonen and B.G. Jonsson, |
10.33112/nm.8.1.27 |
Sigurður Árni Þórðarson, Limits and Life |
10.33112/nm.8.1.28 |
T. Kue Young (senior ed.) and Rajiv Rawat |
10.33112/nm.8.1.29 |
Cédric Viale, Lexicon of Environmental Law |
10.33112/nm.8.1.30 |
Jesús Ballesteros, Encarnación Fernández Ruiz-Gálvez, Pedro Talavera |
10.33112/nm.8.1.31 |
Jonathan Schlefer, The Assumptions Economists Make |
10.33112/nm.8.1.32 |
C. Raudvere & J.P. Schjödt (eds.), More Than Mythology |
10.33112/nm.8.1.33 |
Stamatia Dova, Greek Heroes in and out of Hades |
10.33112/nm.8.1.34 |
Páll Björnsson, Jón forseti allur? |
10.33112/nm.8.1.35 |
Leiðarvísir, an Old Norse itinerarium |
10.33112/nm.8.1.36 |
Árgangur 8 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.8.2 | |
A note on the papers from the winter symposium |
10.33112/nm.8.2.1 |
Colonial Past and Constitutional Momentum: The Case of Iceland |
10.33112/nm.8.2.2 |
Creativity in the Research Process. |
10.33112/nm.8.2.3 |
Mammonist Capitalism |
10.33112/nm.8.2.4 |
Some Varieties of Normative Social Critique |
10.33112/nm.8.2.5 |
Transnational Discourses between Facts and Norms. |
10.33112/nm.8.2.6 |
The Hopeful Liberal. Reflections on Free Markets, Science and Ethics |
10.33112/nm.8.2.7 |
Aquatorialities of the Arctic Region |
10.33112/nm.8.2.8 |
Ethical Challenges Facing Greenland in the Present Era of Globalization |
10.33112/nm.8.2.9 |
The Wider Impacts of Universities |
10.33112/nm.8.2.10 |
Levinas on dying – An interpretation of Edvard Munch’s The Death of Marat II |
10.33112/nm.8.2.11 |
On New Beginnings and Democratic Legitimacy |
10.33112/nm.8.2.12 |
Good, Evil and Successful Recognition |
10.33112/nm.8.2.13 |
Philanthropy and Human Rights |
10.33112/nm.8.2.14 |
Árgangur 8 Númer 3 |
10.33112/nm.8.3 |
Introductory note |
10.33112/nm.8.3.1 |
Cruelty and Austerity. Philip Hallie’s Categories of Ethical Thought |
10.33112/nm.8.3.2 |
The Peace System – As a Self-referential Communication System |
10.33112/nm.8.3.3 |
Ethics of Administration – Towards Sustainability and Cosmopolitanism |
10.33112/nm.8.3.4 |
Responsibility to Nature? Hans Jonas and Environmental Ethics |
10.33112/nm.8.3.5 |
Human Rights, State Violence and Political Resistance |
10.33112/nm.8.3.6 |
Kierkegaard’s Critique of Hegel. |
10.33112/nm.8.3.7 |
Árgangur 7 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.7.1 |
“Karlson” – A Stasi “Kontakt Person”. An episode of Iceland’s Cold War legacy |
10.33112/nm.7.1.1 |
Beyond Subjectivity. Levinas, Kierkegaard and the Absolute Other |
10.33112/nm.7.1.2 |
The Idea of University in a Cosmopolitan Perspective |
10.33112/nm.7.1.3 |
George Hinge and Jens A. Krasilnikoff (eds.), Alexandria |
10.33112/nm.7.1.4 |
Aðalheiður Ámundadóttir & Rachael Lorna Johnstone, Mannréttindi í þrengingum |
10.33112/nm.7.1.5 |
Herman Salton, Arctic Host, Icy Visit: China and Falun Gong Face Off in Iceland |
10.33112/nm.7.1.6 |
Tra utopia e realtà: Olof Palme e il socialismo democratico. Antologia di scritti e discorsi |
10.33112/nm.7.1.7 |
Cornelius Castoriadis: A Society Adrift. Interviews & Debates 1974-1997 |
10.33112/nm.7.1.8 |
Dogancan Özsel (ed.), Reflections on Conservatism |
10.33112/nm.7.1.9 |
Joseph Femia (ed.), Vilfredo Pareto (London: Ashgate, 2009) |
10.33112/nm.7.1.10 |
Maurice Hamington and Maureen Sander-Staudt |
10.33112/nm.7.1.11 |
Michel Chossudovsky and Andrew Gavin Marshall (eds.), The Global Economic Crisis |
10.33112/nm.7.1.12 |
Ove Torgny, Hundra procent Roma: en njutbar källa för sköna dagar i Rom |
10.33112/nm.7.1.13 |
Johann P. Arnason & Kurt A. Raaflaub, The Roman Empire in Context |
10.33112/nm.7.1.14 |
Kristina Kappelin, Berlusconi – Italienaren |
10.33112/nm.7.1.15 |
Göran Greider, Ingen kommer undan Olof Palme |
10.33112/nm.7.1.16 |
Christian Joerges and Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann (eds.), Constitutionalism |
10.33112/nm.7.1.17 |
Ingerid S Straume and J F Humphrey (eds.), Depoliticization |
10.33112/nm.7.1.18 |
Michael Reid Trice, Encountering Cruelty: The Fracture of the Human Heart |
10.33112/nm.7.1.19 |
Montesquieu in Hungary |
10.33112/nm.7.1.20 |
Development and Codification of Private Law in Portugal |
10.33112/nm.7.1.21 |
Some impressions after a quick visit to Iceland |
10.33112/nm.7.1.22 |
Árgangur 7 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.7.2 |
Conference Papers from the Winter Symposium “Towards a New Ethical Imagination |
10.33112/nm.7.2.1 |
Social bases of self-esteem: Rawls, Honneth and beyond |
10.33112/nm.7.2.2 |
Alienation, language and freedom. A note on Bildung in Hegel’s writings |
10.33112/nm.7.2.3 |
Axel Honneth: The law of freedom – Institutionalization of freedom in modern societies |
10.33112/nm.7.2.4 |
Outline of a taxonomy of approaches to aggregation |
10.33112/nm.7.2.5 |
Considerable Life Extension versus Immortality |
10.33112/nm.7.2.6 |
Taming the Climate Emergency: Geoengineering and Ethics |
10.33112/nm.7.2.7 |
The Dialectics of Democracy |
10.33112/nm.7.2.8 |
Where Categorizations of Self and Others Meet |
10.33112/nm.7.2.9 |
From Pericles to Plato |
10.33112/nm.7.2.10 |
Árgangur 7 Númer 3 |
10.33112/nm.7.3 |
Papers from the conference “Ethical imagination and social theory” |
10.33112/nm.7.3.1 |
The documentary “Enemies of the People” (2009) and the question of ethics |
10.33112/nm.7.3.2 |
On Truth and Emancipation |
10.33112/nm.7.3.3 |
The economic sociology of late capitalism |
10.33112/nm.7.3.4 |
Refugees, nationalism, and political membership |
10.33112/nm.7.3.5 |
Praxis, Sittlichkeit and Communicative Action |
10.33112/nm.7.3.6 |
Árgangur 6 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.6.1 |
Northern Steps of EU Enlargement |
10.33112/nm.6.1.1 |
Giambattista Vico – Heimspeki forsjónarinnar |
10.33112/nm.6.1.2 |
Rhetorical Strategies in Legal Argumentation |
10.33112/nm.6.1.3 |
Discourse Ethics beyond Apel and Habermas. A Realistic Relaunch |
10.33112/nm.6.1.4 |
Olof Palme: One Life, Many Readings |
10.33112/nm.6.1.5 |
Die Versprachlichung des Sakralen |
10.33112/nm.6.1.6 |
H. Beale et al., Cases, Materials and Texts on Contract Law, 2nd ed. |
10.33112/nm.6.1.7 |
The Deficit Model and the Forgotten Moral Values |
10.33112/nm.6.1.8 |
Emergence of a new paradigm: Towards a post-crisis cosmopolitanism |
10.33112/nm.6.1.9 |
Cultural Diversity and the Shared Premises Requirement |
10.33112/nm.6.1.10 |
Enhancing Social Responsibility within Global Supply Chains |
10.33112/nm.6.1.11 |
Arne Jönsson, Valborg Lindgärde, Elisabet Göransson |
10.33112/nm.6.1.12 |
Pia Guldager and Jane Hjar Petersen |
10.33112/nm.6.1.13 |
Francesco Giacomantonio, Introduzione al pensiero politico di Habermas |
10.33112/nm.6.1.14 |
Giulio Santagata, Il braccio destro |
10.33112/nm.6.1.15 |
Maria Moog-Grünewald (ed.), Brill‘s New Pauly. Supplements 4 |
10.33112/nm.6.1.16 |
Felice Vinci, Skandinaviskt ursprung för Homeros dikter |
10.33112/nm.6.1.17 |
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, Responsibility, Ethics and Legitimacy of Corporations |
10.33112/nm.6.1.18 |
G. Alfredsson, T. Koivurova (eds. in chief) |
10.33112/nm.6.1.19 |
Natalia Loukacheva (ed.), Polar Law Textbook |
10.33112/nm.6.1.20 |
Felice Vinci, Omero nel Baltico. Le origini nordiche dell’Odissea e dell’Iliade |
10.33112/nm.6.1.21 |
Michelle Facos, Symbolist Art in Context |
10.33112/nm.6.1.22 |
Kristina Winther Jacobsen & Lone Wriedt Sørensen |
10.33112/nm.6.1.23 |
La Costituzione Islandese: storia ed evoluzione |
10.33112/nm.6.1.24 |
Reflections on the economic crisis one year on |
10.33112/nm.6.1.25 |
Árgangur 6 Númer 2 |
10.33112/nm.6.2 |
Garrett Barden and Tim Murphy. Law and Justice in Community |
10.33112/nm.6.2.1 |
A Few Words on Authority |
10.33112/nm.6.2.2 |
Equality: A Principle of Human Interaction |
10.33112/nm.6.2.3 |
Law and Justice in Community: The Significance of the Living Law |
10.33112/nm.6.2.4 |
Responses to the contributors |
10.33112/nm.6.2.5 |
On Law and Justice in Community |
10.33112/nm.6.2.6 |
Árgangur 5 Númer 1 |
10.33112/nm.5.1 |
On the Oral-Formulaic Theory and its Application in the Poetic Edda |
10.33112/nm.5.1.1 |
The “Third Reich” in the German Legal, Philosophical and Political Thinking |
10.33112/nm.5.1.2 |
In Praise of Illusions: Giacomo Leopardi‘s Ultraphilosophy |
10.33112/nm.5.1.3 |
How Can Small States Like Iceland Work Effectively |
10.33112/nm.5.1.4 |
Imagine A Collective Landscape |
10.33112/nm.5.1.5 |
Old Norse and Old English Language Contact |
10.33112/nm.5.1.6 |
Compensating the Crashers |
10.33112/nm.5.1.7 |
Eight Noble Opinions and the Economic Crisis |
10.33112/nm.5.1.8 |
The Transcendental Character of Money |
10.33112/nm.5.1.9 |
After the Financial Crisis: The Ethics and Economics Debate Revisited |
10.33112/nm.5.1.10 |
The Economic Crisis Seen from Israel: Cause and Effect |
10.33112/nm.5.1.11 |
Learning from Bjartur About Today’s Icelandic Economic Crisis |
10.33112/nm.5.1.12 |
Past, Present and Future of Social Democracy |
10.33112/nm.5.1.13 |
Applying the Fraud Triangle Model to the Global Credit Crisis |
10.33112/nm.5.1.14 |
Locals Collection |
10.33112/nm.5.1.15 |
Fyrirlestur um bókina Hávamál. La voce di Odino. |
10.33112/nm.5.1.16 |
Ian Carter, Anna Elisabetta Galeotti & Valeria Ottonelli |
10.33112/nm.5.1.17 |
Eligio Resta, Diritto Vivente (Bari: Editori Laterza, 2008) |
10.33112/nm.5.1.18 |
Jan Olof Bengtsson, The Worldview of Personalism |
10.33112/nm.5.1.19 |
Flavio Baroncelli, Mi manda Platone, edited by Annalisa Siri and Emilio Mazza |
10.33112/nm.5.1.20 |
Francesco Giacomantonio, Minima cura. Lunario del filosofo sociale |
10.33112/nm.5.1.21 |
Ernesto Kiza, Tödliche Grenzen |
10.33112/nm.5.1.22 |
Felice Vinci, The Baltic Origins of Homer’s Epic Tales |
10.33112/nm.5.1.23 |
Giacomo Tripodi (ed.), Iliad and Odyssey in the North of Europe |
10.33112/nm.5.1.24 |
Thomas Jefferson, I dilemmi della democrazia americana |
10.33112/nm.5.1.25 |
S. Morra, C. Gobbo, Z. Marini, R. Sheese |
10.33112/nm.5.1.26 |
“Dracula in Iceland”. An Interview with Marinella Lorinczi |
10.33112/nm.5.1.27 |
VOLUMES 1 THROUGH 4 (2006 – 2009):
DOI | DOI slóð | |
Árgangur 1 nr. 1 | 10.33112/nm.1.1 | |
Titill greinar | ||
Narrative Ethics and the Ecology of Culture: Notes on New Italian-Icelandic Sagas | 10.33112/nm.1.1.1 | |
Il signor Erminio Ekdal and the first translation of “The Wild Duck”: domesticating Henrik Ibsen for late Nineteenth-Century Italy | 10.33112/nm.1.1.2 | |
The Rationalist of Aquino: Rescuing Aquinas from Intellective Determinism | 10.33112/nm.1.1.3 | |
Italo Balbo, Iceland and a Short Story by Halldór Laxness | 10.33112/nm.1.1.4 | |
Framtak Balbos og þróun samskipta milli Ítalíu og Íslands | 10.33112/nm.1.1.5 | |
Balboflugið frá sjónarhorni frímerkja söfnunar | 10.33112/nm.1.1.6 | |
Teaching Roman Law in Iceland | 10.33112/nm.1.1.7 | |
Árgangur 1 nr. 2 | 10.33112/nm.1.2 | |
Titill greinar | ||
A Promoter of Italian Language and Culture in Iceland: Þórhallur Þorgilsson | 10.33112/nm.1.2.1 | |
Kennslubók í spænsku part one | 10.33112/nm.1.2.2 | |
Kennslubók í spænsku part two | 10.33112/nm.1.2.3 | |
Kennslubók í spænsku part three | 10.33112/nm.1.2.4 | |
Kenslubók í ítölsku : málfræði, málfræðiæfingar, daglegt mál, fróðleikskaflar, sögur og þættir | 10.33112/nm.1.2.5 | |
Akureyri | 10.33112/nm.1.2.6 | |
Nella terra dei Vichinghi | 10.33112/nm.1.2.7 | |
DOI | DOI slóð | |
Árgangur 2 nr. 1 | 10.33112/nm.2.1 | |
The Birds by Tarjei Vesaas and L’airone by Giorgio Bassani: the Identification with the Ornithological Other | 10.33112/nm.2.1.1 | |
Paesaggio naturale e politiche di sviluppo territoriale in Islanda | 10.33112/nm.2.1.2 | |
Iceland as a Landscape Investigation Pattern | 10.33112/nm.2.1.3 | |
Il modello sociale scandinavo—Tra diritti e flessibilità | 10.33112/nm.2.1.4 | |
Breve storia dell’educazione linguistica dall’unitá a oggi | 10.33112/nm.2.1.5 | |
Rome and the Black Sea Region: Domination, Romanisation, Resistance | 10.33112/nm.2.1.6 | |
Renæssancen og humanismens rødder | 10.33112/nm.2.1.7 | |
Contemporary Greek-Swedish Relations—A Brief Overview | 10.33112/nm.2.1.8 | |
Árgangur 3 Númer 1 | 10.33112/nm.3.1 | |
Titill greinar | ||
The Peloponnesian War, the Spanish Requirement and the Clash of Civilizations: An Application of Plato’s Theaetetu | 10.33112/nm.3.1.1 | |
Elemér Balogh (1881-1955) The Forgotten Great Scholar of Roman Law and Comparative Law | 10.33112/nm.3.1.2 | |
Giuseppe Garibaldi and Sweden: Between Solidarity and Scandinavism | 10.33112/nm.3.1.3 | |
Staðalímyndir og sannleikur | 10.33112/nm.3.1.4 | |
Flavio Baroncelli: A Personal Recollection | 10.33112/nm.3.1.5 | |
Il valore della testimonianza – The Value of Testimony | 10.33112/nm.3.1.6 | |
Theological Compatibilism and Essential Properties | 10.33112/nm.3.1.7 | |
A Necessary Conflict: Eros and Philia in a Love Relationship | 10.33112/nm.3.1.8 | |
“These wasps behave just like those men who…”: Irony and Optimism in Baroncelli’s writings. | 10.33112/nm.3.1.9 | |
Eternal Kantele at the End of Time – Reflections on Retraditionalization of Traditional Knowledge In the Face of | 10.33112/nm.3.1.10 | |
Surveying the Greek Chora. The Black Sea Region in a Comparative Perspective. Edited by Pia Guldager Bilde | 10.33112/nm.3.1.11 | |
Keith Kahn-Harris, Extreme Metal – Music and Culture on the Edge (Oxford: Berg, 2007). | 10.33112/nm.3.1.12 | |
The Black Sea in Antiquity: Regional and Interregional Economic Exchanges. Black Sea Studies 6. Edited by Vincent | 10.33112/nm.3.1.13 | |
Binasco Matteo, Viaggiatori e missionari nel Seicento: Pacifique de Provins fra Levante, Acadia e Guyana, 1622 -1648 | 10.33112/nm.3.1.14 | |
Greek Commercial Endeavors in the Antiquity – A Brief Account of the Ancient Commerce of Cassiterite Between | 10.33112/nm.3.1.15 | |
Promoting Nordic Studies in Italy. An Interview with Prof Gianna Chiesa Isnardi | 10.33112/nm.3.1.16 | |
Birth and Rebirth: the Past, Present and Future of Albanian Transition | 10.33112/nm.3.1.17 | |
Árgangur 3 Númer 2 | 10.33112/nm.3.2 | |
Titill greinar | ||
Work Analysis And Autonomy – Socialisme ou Barbarie’s Concept of Revolutionary Work Research | 10.33112/nm.3.2.1 | |
Education, Democracy and Digital Media | 10.33112/nm.3.2.2 | |
Beyond the Reductionist Thinking-Doing | 10.33112/nm.3.2.3 | |
Capitalism and Freedom: The Core of a Contradiction. An Essay on Cornelius Castoriadis and John McMurtry | 10.33112/nm.3.2.4 | |
Gestalt and Totality. The Case of Merleau-Ponty and Gestalt Psychology | 10.33112/nm.3.2.5 | |
Freedom and the Collective | 10.33112/nm.3.2.6 | |
Castoriadis’ Concept of Institution and Democracy | 10.33112/nm.3.2.7 | |
Democracy and the Moral Imperative to Philosophize | 10.33112/nm.3.2.8 | |
Abstract: Spurious Landscape no. 11 | 10.33112/nm.3.2.9 | |
The Great Resistance | 10.33112/nm.3.2.10 | |
Reversing Plato’s Anti-Democratism: Castoriadis’ Quirky Plato | 10.33112/nm.3.2.11 | |
Education, democracy and digital media | 10.33112/nm.3.2.12 | |
Renouvellement ou crise de l’imaginaire capitaliste? | 10.33112/nm.3.2.13 | |
The Human Vocation: An Autobiography of Higher Education | 10.33112/nm.3.2.14 | |
Castoriadis and Cognitive Linguistics: A Research Trajectory in the Form of 12 Busy Fragments | 10.33112/nm.3.2.15 | |
Survey of Websites on Cornelius Castoriadis | 10.33112/nm.3.2.16 | |
Árgangur 4 Númer 1 | 10.33112/nm.4.1 | |
Titill greinar | ||
Lessons for Liberalism: Lord Brougham’s Philosophy of Italian Politics | 10.33112/nm.4.1.1 | |
Modelling for Industrial Land Acquisition for SEZ | 10.33112/nm.4.1.2 | |
Black Metal, Literature and Mythology. The Case of Cornelius Jakhelln | 10.33112/nm.4.1.3 | |
Peirce’s Wagers: Pragmaticism, Semiotics, and Theisms | 10.33112/nm.4.1.4 | |
Self-Interest and the Common Good in Book I of Homer’s Iliad | 10.33112/nm.4.1.5 | |
Hintikka on Descartes’s Cogito | 10.33112/nm.4.1.6 | |
Arntzen, S. and Brady, E. (eds.) 2008: Humans in the land. The ethics and aesthetics of the cultural landscape. Oslo: Unipub | 10.33112/nm.4.1.7 | |
Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen. Urban Life and Local Politics in Roman Bithynia. The Small World of Dion Chrysostomos. (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, Black Sea Studies 7, 2008) | 10.33112/nm.4.1.8 | |
Filippo Marotta Rizzo, Lu scavittu e altre novelle, with prefaces by Titta Scidà and Carlo Marullo di Condojanni (Catania: Maimone, 2004), pp. 79. | 10.33112/nm.4.1.9 | |
Robin Lane Fox. The Classical World: an Epic History of Greece and Rome. (Penguin Books, London, 2006, pp. xvi & 703) | 10.33112/nm.4.1.10 | |
Kenneth Dorter, The Transformation of Plato’s Republic (Lexington Books, 2006),395 pp. | 10.33112/nm.4.1.11 | |
Francesco Giacomantonio, Il discorso sociologico della tarda modernità. Individui, identità e democrazia [The sociological discourse of late modernity. Individuals, identity and democracy | 10.33112/nm.4.1.12 | |
Niall Scott and Jonathan Seglow. Altruism. (Maidenhead, Open University Press, 2007) | 10.33112/nm.4.1.13 | |
The Archaeology of Medieval Europe. Vol. 1. Eighth to Twelfth Centuries AD edited by James Graham-Campbell with Magdalena Valor. (Aarhus University Press, 2008) | 10.33112/nm.4.1.14 | |
Kjell Östberg, I takt med tiden. Olof Palme 1927-1969.(Stockholm, Leopard, 2008, pp. 427) | 10.33112/nm.4.1.15 | |
Monica Quirico, Il socialismo davanti alla realtà. Il modello svedese (1990-2006), (Roma: Editori Riuniti University Press, 2007) | 10.33112/nm.4.1.16 | |
Snorri Sturluson in Italy: An Interview With Dario Giansanti and Stefano Mazza | 10.33112/nm.4.1.17 | |
Ancient Rome and Icelandic Culture – A Brief Overview | 10.33112/nm.4.1.18 | |
Writing with the waters. An interview with Triestine author Claudio Magris | 10.33112/nm.4.1.19 | |
**The texts marked with a double asterisk were removed from the website because of violation of the journal’s ethical standards.
March 2019 – Issue 14(1)
The regular issue 14(1)/2019 comprises two new articles that underwent double blind peer-review, one conference paper, an additional essay written in Icelandic and a rich collection of reviews of recent scientific and scholarly books, many of which deal with Arctic-related issues. (One belated review concerns an older book, but is published nonetheless for the sake of respect to the book’s author and publishers.)
As regards the new peer-reviewed articles (by Birgir Guðmundsson & Baldur Sverrisson, and by Henrik Juel), both of them focus on recent political events from the perspective of rhetorical analysis and communication studies, whether applied on a national scale (i.e. Iceland) or an international one. The conference paper (by Nikola Tutek) deals instead with Iceland in contemporary Canadian literature and originates from the conference “Exploring Canada: Exploits & Encounters”, organised by the Nordic Association of Canadian Studies and held at the University of Akureyri in August 2018. The additional non-refereed essay (by Helga Guðmundsdóttir, Jónína Einarsdóttir & Geir Gunnlaugsson), which is published in the present issue of our journal for the sake of prompt and wide dissemination within Iceland, tackles instead the related topic of immigrant children’s welfare in Iceland and whether the existing institutional provisions within the nation may be adequate or not; it is their authors’ hope that this article may facilitate the local discussion and resolution of the problematic aspects identified by their research.
We thank most warmly all contributors for their good work and their collaboration with Nordicum-Mediterraneum.
November 2018 – Issue 13(2)
This special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum contains selected proceedings from three research circles within the Nordic Summer University (NSU): Human Rights and International Relations, Understanding Migration in Nordic and Baltic Countries and Patterns of Dysfunction in Contemporary Democracies; Impact on Human Rights and Governance. The meetings took place in Saulkrasti, Latvia, from 29/7 to 2/8 2017 and in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 2/2 to 4/2 2018.
March 2018 – Two new issues: 12(4) & 13(1)
Two new issues of Nordicum-Mediterraneum are being released in March 2018.
The former, special issue 12(4), comprises proceedings from the conference “The Sick Action. Shadows of the World, Shadows of Mankind”, held in Palermo, Italy, on the 9th and 10th of June 2017, and organised by the Sneffels Psychoanalytic Circle of Palermo in collaboration with Italian and Icelandic institutions.
The latter, regular issue 13(1), comprises two new articles on recent socio-economic trends in Iceland (both of which underwent double blind peer review) as well as several book reviews. We thank all contributors and collaborators for their good work.
August 2017 – Two special issues
Two new special issues of Nordicum-Mediterraneum are being released in August 2017.
The former, issue 12(2), comprises proceedings from the latest symposium of the research circle n. 5 of the Nordic Summer University, “International Relations and Human Rights”, held in Wroclaw, Poland, this February.
The latter, issue 12(3), comprises proceedings from the international conference “The Rhetoric of Prejudice: Can Europe be still inclusive?”, held at the University of Genoa, Italy, this May.
We thank all contributors and collaborators for their good work.
The editor and the webmaster are available if you have any questions: (cf. Contacts)
March 2017 – Issue 12(1)
The new regular issue 12(1)/2017 comprises four new articles that underwent double blind peer review, three additional contributions (two of which of article-length), and a rich collection of reviews of recent scientific and scholarly literature, including three publications dealing specifically with Arctic issues. As regards the four new articles, the first one, written by Eirikur Bergmann, discusses the legal and political intricacies surrounding the notorious Icesave dispute, i.e. one of the many poisoned fruits inherited by the Icelandic polity after several years of deregulated finance in the 2000s and the internationally televised dramatic collapse of the nation’s recently privatised banking sector in 2008. The second article, authored by Kristin Tiili and Annalien Ramakers, addresses the good-governance-related issue of transparency in the making, enforcing and reviewing of laws concerning whaling in contemporary Norway. The third one, penned by Stéphanie Barillé and Markus Meckl, offers an articulate statistical survey of the high levels of happiness and wellbeing recorded among immigrants in today’s northern Iceland; in essence, it is a rare case of sociological investigation presenting a positive account of a current state of affairs rather than a problematic one. The fourth one, written by Vasiliki Saranti, looks at the post-2008 slump from the south, for it focuses on the application of human rights legislation to the case of hard-hit Greece and in particular to the dire fate of economic, social and cultural rights in the face of prolonged austerity policies. Concerning the additional article-length contributions, one focuses upon the notion of the “competition state”, which so much currency seems to have gained in the Danish political language over recent times (Jacob Dahl Rendtorff), another is an interview with the deputy director at the new national library of Alexandria in Egypt (Rosella Perugi), whilst the third one opens a long-awaited English-language window over the much-debated research by one of Italy’s leading experts on the famous Genoese explorer, Christopher Columbus (Ruggero Marino).
To access freely the new issue, click on the links in the menus to the left or above this brief note, or copy-and-paste what follows:
November 2016 – Issue 11(3)
This special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum contains selected proceedings from the meetings of two Nordic Summer University research circles: Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities and Dilemmas and Human Rights and International Relations.
Once again, Nordicum-Mediterraneum was chosen by the Nordic Summer University as the venue to make the dissemination of the research circles’ output available to the international academic community in a prompt, convenient and totally open-access manner. We are proud and grateful for the continuing collaboration.
The introductory note of this special issue was penned by Drs. Mogens Chrom Jacobsen and Øjvind Larsen, who are respectively the coordinators of the two research circles, i.e. #3 (Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities and Dilemmas) and #5 (Human Rights and International Relations).
Please visit the following page to read the new special issue:
Welcome, New Webmasters – Thank You, Old Webmaster!
In its eleven years of life, Nordicum-Mediterraneum has relied primarily upon two persons, namely its editor and its webmaster, Mr Fabrizio Veneziano of Schiller International University in Paris, France. As of today, Mr Veneziano steps down qua webmaster and the IT Services Department of the University of Akureyri replace him. On behalf of the Editorial Board and of myself, I welcome the latter and thank most warmly the former, whose hard work, attention to detail and technical competence have been fundamental for the journal’s existence and success.
The Editor
May 2016 – Issue 11(2)
The University of Akureyri and Akureyri Academy held the Conference entitled “No one is an island: Iceland and the International Community” at the University of Akureyri on the 19th of March 2016, in collaboration with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The conference addressed the subject of Iceland in the International Community on a broad basis, featuring a variety of perspectives on the subject from academics, officials and NGOs. The conference was a forum for discussion on the position of Iceland in the International Community, inasmuch as the position, influence and interests of Iceland in international relations are currently and will continue to be important issues. Select papers presented at the conference were collected and published in the proceedings available on our website qua special issue nr. 11(2)/2016.
March 2016 – Two new issues
In March 2016 two issues of Nordicum-Mediterraneum are being published simultaneously.
The first one, special issue 10(3), contains select proceedings from the third meeting of the Nordic Summer University’s research circle called “Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities and Dilemmas”, held April 9th—12th, 2015 at the Lysebu Conference Centre in Oslo, Norway. The circle’s research programme runs from 2014 to 2016 and is aimed at examining the concept of crisis as it is used today in academia and public discussions. The published contributions originate in the social sciences, economics included, and legal studies.
The second one, regular issue 11(1), comprises three new articles, which underwent double blind peer-review, two additional article-length contributions and a rich collection of reviews of recent scientific and scholarly literature, one third of which dealing with the Polar regions. As regards the three new articles, the first one, written by Jesper Jespersen, discusses and criticises recent Danish macroeconomic policy and the econometric models upon which the policy has been based; the second, authored by Carsten Friberg, makes an original use of Baumgarten’s aesthetics in order to explain the truth behind the seemingly odd claim that Nordic perception differs from Mediterranean perception; the third one offers an overview and a critical analysis of the Arctic policy statement recently released by the Italian government, Towards an Italian Strategy for the Arctic (Rachael Lorna Johnstone & Federica Scarpa). Concerning the additional article-length contributions, one focuses upon contemporary trends in Nordic cuisine (Francesco Mangiapane), another on Western conceptions of the North (Gianluca Pulsoni). We thank all the authors for their good work.
It should be noted that, as of this month, Nordicum-Mediterraneum migrated onto a new software platform because of security hazards. Unforeseen glitches keep being discovered, unfortunately. We apologise for any technical problems that our readers may encounter and we invite them to contact the journal’s webmaster in order to notify these problems at once and, hopefully, have them fixed promptly.
2015 – Ten years of Nordicum-Mediterraneum
The 2015 regular issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum celebrates the journal’s first decade with three special contributions by noted Icelanders who, for professional or personal reasons, have very close ties with Italy: the celebrated tenor Kristján Jóhannsson; the ECHR judge and jurist Róbert Spanó; and the TV journalist, anchorwoman and former presidential candidate Þóra Arnórsdóttir. In addition, a selection of papers from an Akureyri-based international conference on freedom of the press, three interviews and many book reviews further enrich this celebratory issue.
The 2015 special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum comprises six papers and an introductory note concerning the NordForsk-funded IDIN network of 2011-2014, which brought together specialists in different areas of the human and social sciences in order engage in discussions about immigration in an inter-cultural perspective. The principal objective of the research network was to analyse the insufficient theoretical characterisation of the received categories (universalism and multiculturalism and connected theories such as liberalism and pluralism) that have been used to explain and regulate the relations between the ethnically defined majority and the ethnically defined minorities within the same society, with particular reference to the Nordic context and the so-called “Scandinavian model”.
2014 Issues
In this special issue of our journal, several conference papers are published that are based upon lectures delivered by members of the NSU study group called “Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities and Dilemmas” at the 2014 NSU Summer Session, held between 24th July and 31st July 2014 in Sauðárkrókur, Northern Iceland. The overall theme of the meeting was the notion of crisis, broadly and differently understood, though special attention was paid to the sub-theme entitled “Neoliberalism, Economic Crisis and a New Economy”. The general discussion was a continuation of the work by the same NSU study group on topics such as: the concept of crisis; democracy in crisis: the European Union and the public sector; crisis, existence and culture; crisis in the Arctic (especially climate change and environmental issues); crisis and the paradoxes of new technologies; globalization and crisis. Given the defining spirit and the stated mission of Nordicum-Mediterraneum, which fosters and investigates cultural exchanges between Nordic and Mediterranean countries, it should be noted that some of the lectures published hereby were delivered by Nordic-based academics making extensive use of Mediterranean scholarship and thinkers (e.g. Lyotard, Castoriadis, Piketty). We thank all participants for their contribution.
JUNE 2014
This special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum contains the proceedings from the first meeting of the third NSU study group called “Crisis and Crisis Scenarios: Normativity, Possibilities and Dilemmas”, held March 14-16 2014 at the Lysebu Conference Centre in Oslo, Norway, and having a research programme that runs from 2014 to 2016 aimed at examining the concept of crisis as this is used today in academia’s many declinations. In this collection of papers we present some of the different ways in which the topic of the study group has been addressed.
MARCH 2014
This year, two issues of Nordicum-Mediterraneum are published jointly in the month of March.
The former, issue 9(1), is the regular annual issue of our scholarly journal. It contains six new articles that passed our blind peer-review process of assessment, for which we thank the collaborators acting as referees. In addition, it comprises several book reviews, one authorial reply to a book review published previously and four further contributions. Among them, one is the first installment of a much longer historical study about the return of Catholicism to Iceland, in the true spirit of the exchanges between Northern and Southern Europe constituting the original research theme of Nordicum-Mediterraneum. Another is the keynote speech at the 2014 Zeitgeist international conference, held this month at the University of Toronto, by FSRC fellow Prof. John McMurtry, who thus continues and enriches his contribution to the journal’s ongoing reflection on the economic crisis. Naturally, we thank all contributors to this new regular issue of the journal.
The latter, issue 9(2), contains some rather special conference proceedings. March 26th, 2013 marked the 70th birthday of Mikael Karlsson, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Iceland and former Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Akureyri, which publishes Nordicum-Mediterraneum. The same year marked also the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Akureyri, under Mikael Karlsson’s leadership. To celebrate this twofold festive occasion, the local School of Humanities and Social Sciences, which is the direct descendent of that 2003-born Faculty, organised on April 19th, 2013 a colloquium in Mikael Karlsson‘s honour. Researchers from within and beyond Iceland delivered presentations related to the colloquium’s theme – “what is morality?” (chosen by Prof. Karlsson himself) or on other topics related to his philosophical interests. One presentation was devoted entirely to Mikael Karlsson’s manifold and significant contributions to the University of Akureyri and to the practice of philosophy in Iceland. The opening address by the Rector of the University of Akureyri, Stefán B. Sigurðsson, and the official programme of the colloquium are also included in this special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum, which wishes to record and reinforce such a twofold festive occasion and, especially, honour further Mikael Karlsson, to whom the Icelandic academic community owes so much.
2013 Issues
Issue 8(3) – 2013 Special issue #2
The study group number three of the Nordic Summer University (NSU), called “Towards a New Ethical Imagination. Political and Social Values in a Cosmopolitan World Society”, held its last meeting, in a cycle of six, at the Sunnmøre Folkehøgskule in Ålesund, Norway, from July 29 to August 5, 2013. The special topic chosen for the last meeting was good governance, although the group’s traditional areas of study of the research group — ethics, cosmopolitanism, sustainability — were amply covered as well. Many interesting and useful discussions took place at the summer meeting in Ålesund, for which the organisers are extremely grateful. The present special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum contains only a selection of the papers presented on the occasion or prepared for the meeting and made available to the participants on a later date. In keeping with the spirit of the journal, most papers published in this special issue are tokens of Nordic scholarship on Mediterranean thinkers and themes, given subjects such as Greece’s 2010 Loan Agreements, the ethics of public administration vis-à-vis the global scourge of corruption, early-modern Continental diplomatic traditions established in Colbertine France, the environemntalist thought of the Israeli War of Independence’s veteran Hans Jonas, and contemporary French and Italian political philosophy. The editorial team of Nordicum-Mediterraneum salutes the NSU study group number three and thanks its members for the fruitful collaboration enjoyed over the past three years.
JUNE 2013
Issue 8(2) – 2013 Special issue #1
The study group number three of the Nordic Summer University (NSU), called “Towards a New Ethical Imagination. Political and Social Values in a Cosmopolitan World Society”, held its annual Winter meeting at the University of Akureyri, Iceland, March 1-3, 2013. Different topics in the fields of moral, political, economic and social philosophy were discussed, with the addition of a special theme chosen for the occasion, i.e. ethical, political and legal issues in the Arctic region. It was a very fruitful meeting and the group members would like to thank the local organisers and in particular the Icelandic NSU coordinator, Ágúst Þór Árnason, for all the hard work done in Akureyri. In this special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum the papers accepted and prepared for the Winter meeting have been collected, re-edited and made available to the international academic community, in the hope that the reader may be able to enjoy the same thought-provoking experience as the participants did during the intense days of presentations and discussions that took place at the University of Akureyri.
MARCH 2013
Issue 8(1) – 2013 Regular issue
This year’s regular issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum opens with two new articles, which have passed the double blind peer-review process of selection for all article-level submissions to our journal. Both of them deal with legal and political issues in the Arctic region. Specifically, Irina Zhilina’s contribution deals with NATO’s presence and security role in the far North, whereas Hjalti Ómar Ágústsson’s and Rachael Lorna Johnstone’s determines whether good governance standards were upheld in the relations between the Icelandic government and the IMF during the latter’s involvement in the country’s financial policies following the 2008 collapse of the nation’s banking sector. Further reflections on the economic crisis are offered in special editor-reviewed contributions that further the journal’s continuing engagement with this particular topic. The journal’s acceptance rate for this regular issue was 33%.
In addition to the new articles and reflections, the current issue contains a rich survey of recent scholarly and scientific literature via two review essays and several book reviews, including two replies by authors of volumes that have been reviewed in our journal, i.e. Herman Salton’s Arctic Host, Icy Visit and Federico Sollazzo’s Totalitarismo, democrazia, etica pubblica. We are particularly grateful for these replies, which allow our journal to serve as a vibrant venue for the exchange of ideas and information on Nordic and Mediterranean matters. A novel, partial English translation of a classic text in medieval Norse literature — Nikulás Bergsson’s Leiðarvísir — concludes the current issue.
2012 issues
7(3) – 2012 special issue no.2
This year’s second special issue contains papers presented at the latest summer meeting of the Nordic Summer University’s (NSU) study group called “Conceptions of ethical and social values in post-secular society: Towards a new ethical imagination in a cosmopolitan world society”. An introduction to the study group, its regular meetings and the papers hereby collected is available inside the special issue of our journal.
We wish to thank the study group’s coordinator, Prof. Jacob Dahl Rendtorff of Roskilde University in Denmark, and all the contributors for their submissions to Nordicum-Mediterraneum. Also, we are pleased to highlight the truly Nordic-Mediterranean character of most papers, which are tokens of Nordic scholarship of contemporary French and Italian social theory and philosophy.
MARCH 2012
7(2) – 2012 special issue no.1
This year’s first special issue contains the papers presented at, or derived from, the latest winter meeting of the NSU study group called “Conceptions of ethical and social values in post-secular society: Towards a new ethical imagination in a cosmopolitan world society”. A detailed introduction to the meeting itself and the resulting papers is available in the actual special issue of our journal qua opening text, written by the group’s coordinator, Prof Jacob Dahl Rendtorff of Roskilde University in Denmark. We thank him and all contributors for their valuable submissions to our journal.
7(1) – 2012 regular issue
This year’s regular issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum opens with two new articles, which have passed the double blind peer-review process of selection for all article-level submissions to our journal. The former, by Floriana Ferro, offers a token of truly Nordic and Mediterranean scholarship, as it compares and discusses the notions of subjectivity and otherness in the philosophical theologies of Danish Søren Kierkegaard and French Emmanuel Levinas. The latter, by Birgir Guðmundsson and Markus Meckl, recalls and reconstructs from archival sources an interesting episode in modern Icelandic history, namely the case of an Icelandic Stasi “contact person” during the Cold War.
The present issue comprises also Peter Kemp’s keynote address at last year’s meeting of a new study group established under the aegis of a longtime partner of our journal, i.e. the Nordic Summer University (NSU). The new study group is called “Conceptions of ethical and social values in post-secular society: Towards a new ethical imagination in a cosmopolitan world society”. Its activities are to extend over a three-year period (2011-2013) and its aim is to study ethics in a cosmopolitan society from several scholarly perspectives, which include business ethics, sociology, history and economics. Nordicum-Mediterraneum is the main venue chosen in order to disseminate the results of such activities.
Furthermore, this issue contains an extensive assessment of recent books–fifteen reviews and one essay–which should be of interest to Nordic and Mediterranean scholars, researchers and academics. In particular, a few volumes were reviewed that relate directly to the journal’s tracking of the ongoing economic crisis, which has been engulfing most countries in the world, not least the European ones, especially though not exclusively in the southern part of the Continent, as the notorious financial meltdown of Iceland has exemplified in the recent past.
Finally, a longtime collaborator of our journal, Hungarian jurist Gabór Hamza, contributed two short pieces on private law and intellectual history, whilst former Archivist and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church, cardinal Jorge Mejía, provided us with his reflections on a visit to Iceland. We wish to thank both of them for their kind collaboration.