March 2022 — Issue 17(1)

This new regular issue of NoMe contains: three original articles that underwent double blind peer-review; sixteen book reviews; and one additional editor-reviewed contribution,  i.e., the second edition of the only extant Icelandic-language glossary of technical terms in Roman law, as prepared by Dr Jürgen Jamin and originally published in its first version in issue 16(1)/2021 of our journal. We are proud to be able to host such a gem of truly Nordic-Mediterranean scholarship, which has already been utilised in Iceland for university-level instruction. On their part, the three new peer-reviewed articles are as follows:

Arab Muslim Immigrant Women in Iceland: Immigration Experience and Future Expectation”, by Fayrouz Nouh, Andrea Hjálmsdóttir and Marcus Meckl, who present and discuss their qualitative study of the experiences of Arab immigrant women in today’s Iceland, and especially how these women have faced the challenges of integration within Icelandic society.

Studying Small States: The Role of Security and Strategy as Concepts”, by Jakob Þór Kristjánsson, who discusses the limited power of small states in international relations and argues that keen scholarly research can actually help the political elite and the public institutions to clarify the small states’ policies in light of their inherent vulnerabilities.

“Four Perspectives on Dilemmas in Management Analysis in Greenland”, by Poul Bitsch Olesn and Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, who discuss important methodological questions related to how socio-scientific analyses have been conducted with regard to Greenlandic management and Greenlandic managers, especially as concerns creating productive communication with local public institutions.

We thank most warmly all the contributors for their fine works, which ensure the continued relevance and usefulness of Nordicum-Mediterraneum as the online, free, open-access, multi- and inter-disciplinary forum that it has endeavoured to be since its inception in 2005.