Tag Archives: sustainable development

Abstracts Collection of the 5th Sustainability Conference at the University of Akureyri, Iceland


Foreword by the Conference Chair

Yvonne Höller

University of Akureyri


The sustainability conference at the University of Akureyri (Iceland) at 11. April 2025 is celebrating its 5th anniversary. For the 5th time, we explore and address environmental and sustainability issues of local, national, and global relevance. This year, the conference comes with two exciting novelties. Firstly, the conference is for the first time co-hosted by the Stefansson Arctic Institute. The institute sponsors the first Stefansson Arctic Student award among self-nominated students who graduated at the BA, MA or PhD level at the University of Akureyri. The award is highlighting excellent student research in order to attract more talents to devote their time to research on sustainability and/or to conduct their research in a sustainable manner. Secondly, while in the past year the abstracts were published on the conference website and the recordings of talks were uploaded to social media (YouTube), this year, the abstracts of the conference are published in the peer-reviewed journal Nordicum-Mediterraneum. We see these developments together with an increased registration rate as evidence for the conference gaining momentum, not only because environmental issues and especially climate change are reaching the public awareness, but also because the continued efforts of the organisation committee since the first conference in 2020 to increase the quality and reach of the conference have been successful. The conference traditionally has a student session, which every year highlights the interest and/or involvement of students in making academic affairs more sustainable. This student session is also reflecting the tradition of the University of Akureyri within the Green Flag certification, where student involvement in sustainable practices leads to more environmentally friendly research, teaching, and more generally sustainable operations.

The broad orientation of the conference attracted a diverse set of submissions from ~10 nations across 3 continents, showcasing the international, multidisciplinary approaches to advance sustainability in our reality that is more and more visibly impacted by climate change and with more recent, serious threats on a political level.

This year we are delighted to receive a keynote delivered by Claire Nauwelaers and Richard Harding, who visited the University of Akureyri in the past in their role of compiling a case study on Iceland’s adaptation to climate change. In their keynote they provide an analysis across five European territories, with a resulting framework that serves policymakers and stakeholders for more ambitioned climate adaptation.

Well in line with the need for engaging a broad mass into climate adaptation actions, the conference highlights the importance of climate communication, tackled from the NGO perspective by student contributor Eva Karen Guðrúnardóttir and from the psychological perspective by Yvonne Höller. What needs to be said to convince a broad public of the urgency to increased, quick action in view of the emerging climate crisis? The current political landscape makes it clear that so far, we failed to communicate effectively to all.

Indigenous communities are a particular group that needs to be heard because of their important role in sustainability. Jón Haukur Ingimundarson explains the situation in South Greenland where climate adaptation efforts are especially challenging because of the rapidly changing environment in the Arctic. Even more directly, Renata Colwell hits into that direction with her talk about the implications of Gwich’in advocacy in caribou conservation and the endangerment of their efforts under the Trump administration.

Related to contemporary challenges in the political landscape, the sociopolitical dynamics of energy transitions are articulated by Lauren Bothwell and Jenna A. Lamphere, who examine the barriers to adopting offshore wind energy in Texas. Their insights into the intersection of political will and technological innovation offer important lessons for regions facing similar challenges during the urgently needed transition to renewable energy.

Several talks from international contributors will be exploring practical applications of sustainability: Giulia Petrarchi introduces the implications of food (dis)education, Marie Pourghasem Omandani presents an out-of-the box approach of using mycelium materials in public spaces, Vo Thi Tam Minh’s study on nitrogen dioxide emissions in Ho Chi Minh City underscores the value of utilizing satellite data for environmental monitoring and management, and Garðar Kári Garðarsson introduces an innovative way of food valorization by transforming food waste into a valuable source for biofuels. Natalia Ramirez Carrera will introduce a so-far largely ignored topic on the upcoming challenge of managing plant pests that are emerging because of climate change, and proposes approaches how to sustainably manage them.

In terms of measurement, Cihan Çalıkoğlu’s comparative analysis of the Sustainable Development Index and Human Development Index in European Union countries serves as a reminder of the integral link between human well-being and sustainable development. The relevance of the reliability and validity of these indices is also emphasized by Eva Maria Ingvadóttir, who proposes the use of the UN Sustainable Development Goals to guide undergraduate student research.

On a more localized scale, Audrey Matthews, Ásta Margrét Ásmundsdóttir, and Johanna Franke reveal the critical challenges Iceland faces regarding marine litter and wastewater management. Their work serves not only as a reflection of national priorities but also as a call to enhance enforcement mechanisms and regulatory frameworks that protect our precious marine ecosystems.

Finally, in a Stefansson Student Sustainability Award will be handed out to Ísold Egla Guðjónsdóttir, who convinced the jury with her thorough BA thesis on redirecting phosphorus from wastewater. In view of the poor situation in Iceland where wastewater is largely untreated and, if at all, only filtered, this thesis has local relevance. However, also on a global scale the thesis convinced the jury with the potential far-reaching impact of fertilizer creation from wastewater – potentially creating a win-win situation for the environment and the economy.

After the conference is before the conference – we invite all interested readers to follow our updates closely and consider submitting or participating in another way in the 6th Sustainability Conference at the University of Akureyri in 2026. Current efforts are likely to put the conference on an even more intenrational base in collaboration with other universities in the Arctic region.



Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation: Enabling Conditions and Future Perspectives

Lessons from empirical studies on five European territories

Claire Nauwelaers

Independent expert on research and innovation policy and on transformative innovation for climate change adaptation, Belgium



Richard Harding

Independent Expert in EU Cohesion Policy – specialising predominantly in its environmental and urban development aspects, UK


invited as an oral presentation (talk) KEYNOTE

There is a growing scientific consensus that Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) – the process of adjustment to climate-induced impacts, underway or expected – is not being implemented at anything like the scale, depth and speed needed to avoid dangerous climate-related risks.  Moreover, due to the complex impacts of climate change, their strong interrelatedness and profound societal implications, solutions adopted in the past to address weather-induced disasters are unlikely to work well in the future.  The thesis of an analysis on this subject undertaken for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), between December 2022 and April 2024, was that transformative – even radical – adaptation solutions are now needed to avoid much worse climate-related damage and higher costs in the future.  The key question investigated was: ‘How to harness the potential of the emerging “Transformative Innovation” paradigm to bring about more effective CCA strategies and actions?’  The two independent experts who carried out this study developed a conceptual framework, which postulates that eight key features of ‘Transformative Innovation’ can act as enabling conditions for the design and implementation of CCA strategies of the necessary high transformative ambition. The experts went on to deploy this framework on empirical studies for JRC based on field research in five European territories: the region of Gorenjska, in Slovenia; the whole of Iceland; the Northern Netherlands; the City of Turku, in Southwest Finland; and the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, in France. Their present paper, which is not itself funded by JRC, compares the strengths and weaknesses of these five territories’ progress towards fulfilment of the eight enabling conditions.  The paper details the considerable variation between these territories’ respective performance in this regard, and concludes that none of them can be said to be fully successful.  For each enabling condition, the authors then suggest numerous practical ways forward, which could potentially be followed by any territory seeking to move decisively towards genuinely ‘Transformative CCA’.

Claire Nauwelaers is an independent Belgian Policy Analyst and Governmental Adviser, specialised in research and innovation policy and regional development. She is working on policy design and evaluation, innovation-led Green Transition, Climate Adaptation Strategies and transformative innovation policies. Previously she worked as Senior policy analyst at OECD in Paris; as Research Director at the University of Maastricht and the United Nations University in the Netherlands; and as researcher and teaching assistant at the University of Louvain in Belgium.

 Richard Harding is an independent expert from the UK with predominantly practitioner background. Early in his career, he worked in DG Regio of the European Commission in Brussels, overseeing implementation of EU Cohesion Policy programmes for socio-economic development in industrial regions. He was later Resident Advisor in Romania and Croatia supporting these countries’ EU accession of in the field of Cohesion Policy. Since then, he has worked as an independent expert on a wide variety of EU-funded projects – most recently, together with Claire Nauwelaers, on innovation-led industrial and green transition and climate change adaptation. 


Climate change adaptation, socio-ecological challenges and agricultural development in Greenland

Jón Haukur Ingimundarson, Stefansson Arctic Institute, University of Akureyri, Iceland


invited as an oral presentation (talk)

In the period 2005 to 2015, when the prospects of mining dominated the Greenlandic media, Kujalleq residents in southernmost Greenland were experiencing significant growth in agriculture, fisheries, and tourism, raising the hopes for sustainable futures without reliance on extractive industries. Thus, the one mining proposal that faced fierce resistance in South Greenland was the proposed Kuannersuit mining project near Narsaq, which is a most significant horticulture and beef-cattle production area and where tourism was steadily growing. In 2021 Greenland’s parliament passed legislation that bans uranium mining, and the government integrated several SDGs within its strategy for agriculture emphasizing the need for food security, a decrease in expensive imports and long-distance transportation of food products, and support for local production of domesticated plants and animals while combining climate change adaptation and mitigation measures.
The last twenty years have seen rapid developments such as a major increase in horticulture production, invoking the suggestion that Greenlanders may become self-sufficient concerning various root crops and vegetables; the emergence beef cattle production, which has tripled since 2015 and benefitted from a warming climate; swift increase of the fertility rate in Greenland´s ca. 17,000 sheep; the reintroduction of sheep-rearing in Nuup Kangerlua (Nuuk Fjord) in 2018; and the use of fishmeal to supplement the use of imported barley as fodder. Based on onsite interviews with farmers, agricultural experts and other stakeholders in Greenland, this presentation evaluates these processes, describes adaptive responses to climatic changes and detrimental weather events and economic conditions, and discusses wicked problems associated with stakeholder conflict of interest over land use, subsidy schemes, resource waste and pollution, as well as the significance of most recent resumption of gold mining in Nalunaq and sudden increase of interest in rare earth mineral extraction in Killavaat Alannguat.

Jón Haukur Ingimundarson is Senior Scientist with the Stefansson Arctic Institute and Associate Professor of anthropology and Arctic studies at the University of Akureyri, Iceland.

His research foci include the political ecology of farming systems, cultural change, and adaptation in medieval to modern Iceland and Greenland; and human development, socio-economic transformations, and adaptive responses to changing environmental, climatic and economic conditions in the circumpolar North.



The Psychology of Climate Change Communication

Yvonne Höller, University of Akureyri


invited as an oral presentation (talk)

Climate change must be communicated in ways that shifts individual decisions and actions towards limiting mean temperature rise. However, today’s climate change communication is not sufficiently effective in triggering mitigation actions to reduce carbon footprint. To change this, individual barriers to engagement with climate change must be addressed, including lack of knowledge, uncertainty and scepticism, distrust in information, psychological distancing, externalizing responsibility, poor judgement, psychological bias, faulty mental models, reliance on technology, other priorities, lifestyle, fatalism, helplessness, personal freedom, economic concerns regarding income and costs, among others. This review introduces the barriers to climate action, their nature and impact, approaches to overcome them, as well as socio-demographical factors moderating pro-climate involvement. The role of personal experience of climate change effects will be highlighted in view of the increasing exposure of humans to climate change induced natural disasters and potential positive effects of these often traumatic experiences on pro-climate engagement. Finally, there is evidence that the effective induction of climate change emotions and that framing messages towards human value orientations are viable approaches to maximize the impact of climate change communication towards energizing pro-climate actions and behavior even in difficult-to reach populations.

Yvonne Höller is a Professor in Psychology at the University of Akureyri, Iceland. In her previous research in Austria she examined neurological diseases with quantitative EEG, but her current research focuses on environmental and seasonal aspects and works on using her accumulated knowledge in neuroscience to advocate for sustainable actions.



The Effects of Sewage from Akureyri on the Waters of Eyjafjörður Bay in North Iceland

Ásta Margrét Ásmundsdóttir & Audrey Louise Matthews

University of Akureyri, Iceland

astam@unak.is;  audrey@unak.is

accepted as an oral presentation (talk)

In accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as of 2021, Icelandic law mandates secondary wastewater treatment for urban areas with a population equivalent of 10,000 or more. Despite this, Akureyri a town of 20.000 inhabitants has utilized the ‘less sensitive areas’ exception, defined in 1993, to bypass this requirement, resulting in only primary treatment of sewage. This study investigates the impact of this practice on Eyjafjörður Bay, a semi-enclosed fjord currently under review for its ‘less sensitive’ status.
Raw sewage, subjected only to preliminary screening, is discharged into the fjord, raising concerns about pollutant accumulation. In this study, samples were collected at various depths and distances from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) outlet to assess effluent dispersal and water quality. The study also considers the influence of brackish water inflow from rivers, as well as seasonal stratification on pollutant behavior.
Analyses focused on heavy metals, NOx, phosphorus, and dissolved oxygen saturation. The findings aim to provide critical data for the ongoing evaluation of Eyjafjörður Bay’s environmental status and inform future wastewater management policies in Iceland.

Ásta Margrét Ásmundsdóttir is an Adjunct and a chemist at the Department of Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Akureyri, Iceland. She has been researching microplastic pollution in Iceland’s environment for several years, as well as pollution in the coastal areas of Akureyri and Reykjavík, including the impact of sewage. Additionally, she has been involved in studies on particulate matter in the town of Akureyri, Iceland.


Audrey Matthews graduated with a Batcholors degree in Chemistry from Huddersfield Polytechnic (UK), and then gained a PhD from Reading University (UK).  She  is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Akureyri. Her research interestes include the study of effluents and particulate analysis in urban environments, and solutions to plastics waste and recycling.


Iceland’s Commitment to Clean Beaches: Legal and Policy Strategies for Marine Litter Reduction

Johanna Franke

University of Akureyri, Iceland


accepted as an oral presentation (talk)

 Marine litter remains a pressing challenge for environmental governance, requiring coordinated legal and policy responses at national and international levels. Iceland, as an island nation heavily reliant on its fisheries sector, is bound by countless international laws related to marine (plastic) pollution and has taken steps to address this issue through a combination of domestic measures and commitments. The presentation briefly analyzes Iceland’s legal obligations in the context of marine litter reduction, examining how its national policies align with international frameworks such as the MARPOL Convention, the London Convention, and regional agreements under the OSPAR framework.
Despite Iceland’s efforts, key challenges persist, particularly in enforcement mechanisms, regulatory integration, and comprehensive data collection. Marine litter is recognized as a form of pollution under several legal instruments, yet gaps remain in translating these obligations into concrete and effective reduction measures. While initiatives like beach clean-ups and waste management improvements exist, a stronger regulatory approach—supported by data-driven policy decisions—is needed to enhance compliance and long-term impact in Iceland.
The presentation will look into how Iceland can reinforce its legal and policy framework by strengthening enforcement, improving monitoring mechanisms, and ensuring better alignment with international due diligence obligations. Adopting more targeted reduction measures, particularly right at the source of waste generation, will be critical to fulfilling Iceland’s responsibility in marine protection and advancing global efforts against marine litter.

Johanna Franke is a M.A. Polar Law graduate at the University of Akureyri. Her current work and research, including her master’s thesis, focuses on beach litter data collection and marine litter policies and reduction strategies in Iceland.



Hidden Pathogens and Biocontrol Limitations: Strengthening Integrated Pest Management Strategies

Natalia Ramirez

Agricultural University of Sweden, Sweden


Invited as an oral talk

  Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable approach that combines biological, cultural, mechanical, and chemical methods to control crop diseases while minimizing environmental impact. Effective implementation of IPM requires a deep understanding of the crop, the pathogen, and its surrounding environment. This presentation explores how pathogens can emerge from unexpected habitats, serving as hidden sources of contamination or evolution, potentially threatening agricultural systems. Additionally, I will discuss the challenges of biocontrol efficacy in real-world conditions, where the lack of “natural” testing environments often leads to reduced effectiveness compared to idealized laboratory trials. By bridging ecological insights with agricultural strategies, we can refine IPM approaches to enhance long-term sustainability and resilience in crop protection.

Natalia Ramírez, born in Madrid in 1995, completed a PhD in Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Akureyri, Iceland, focusing on the isolation of a plant pathogen from an unknown habitat—lichens. Her research included stays in the UK and France and contributions to environmental sustainability initiatives. She is currently a postdoc at the Agricultural University of Sweden, working on potato fungal diseases and biocontrol methods.



Food (Dis)Education: Are Regulatory Standards Encouraging Corporations to Shift the Blame Down the Food Supply Chain?

Giulia Petrachi

University of Oslo, Norway


accepted as an oral presentation (talk)

 Food waste is the term used to describe when food is lost in the final stages of the food supply chain. Since food production and distribution are very intensive for the environment while food security is still not a certainty to all European Union citizens, different governments in Europe tried to introduce standards and initiatives to reduce food waste. Oftentimes, these regulations caution corporations to educate consumers on food waste reduction practices. While well-intentioned, these norms have the backdrop of allowing corporations to shift the blame of food waste down to consumers, the last link of the supply chain.
Initiatives such as “pay one get one free” provide corporations involved in food distribution convenient way to offload surplus stock without providing consumers meaningful value for their spending. In many occurrences this type of initiatives compels consumers to acquire more products than necessary, leading to products ending in the garbage bin at the consumer’s home rather than at the supermarket. While the difference may seem marginal in terms of resource optimization, it reduces accountability for waste among distribution corporations.
This paper conducts a comparative analysis of the implementation of these norms, evaluating their potential to genuinely reduce food waste versus their impact as a means for corporations to shift responsibility. The objective is to explore how legislation can effectively regulate the relationship between distributors and consumers to reduce food waste, ensuring it promotes sustainable food distribution rather than providing corporations with an easy opt-out.
The paper compares two countries with contrasting approaches to food waste reduction: Norway, which encouraged private initiatives, and Austria, which adopted a top-down regulatory approach. This comparison broadens the scope of analysis and provides insight into different perspectives on the issue.

Giulia Petrachi is a legal scholar from Italy specialized in environmental and sustainability. After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Comparative International and European Legal Studies she graduated with top grades in Environmental law from the University of Tromsø. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Private law, with a focus on food waste reduction, at the University of Oslo.



Multidimensional Assessment of Sustainable Development Index and Human Development Index Using Topsis and Bilinear Ordering

Cihan Çalıkoğlu

PhD candidate, Poland


accepted as an oral presentation (talk)

 This study investigates how the Human Development Index (HDI) influences Sustainable Development (SD) in European Union (EU) countries by analyzing the relationship between the United Nations’ HDI and a newly constructed Sustainable Development Index (SDI) by the authors. The dataset comprises 18 indicators retrieved from Eurostat for 2021. The study employs the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) approach to calculate the SDI and utilizes bilinear ordering to visualize countries in a coordinate system based on their SDI and HDI scores. Spearman’s rank correlation reveals a strong positive relationship between SDI and HDI. The study identifies disparities, with countries like Denmark and Sweden showing high SDI and HDI, while Romania and Bulgaria have lower scores. Northern and Western EU countries generally perform better, whereas Eastern and Southern countries face more challenges, highlighting the need for targeted development strategies. The results emphasize the importance of considering both human and sustainable development in policy design, offering insights for enhancing development outcomes for the EU.

 Cihan Çalıkoğlu is a PhD candidate in Economics at Poznan University of Life Sciences, specializing in agriculture and rural development. Previously, Cihan was researching regional development in Turkey. Current research focuses on the impact of EU IPARD rural development programs. Cihan also has over 5 years of professional experience as an export specialist in international trade, working with one of Turkey’s largest textile manufacturers.



The State of Offshore Wind Development in the Texas Gulf Coast

Jenna A. Lamphere with (co-presenters) Elizabeth Nyman, April Garza, and Lauren Bothwel

Texas A&M University, Galveston, United States


accepted as an oral presentation (talk)

 The U.S. Federal Government’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind projects by 2030 has the potential to produce enough clean and renewable energy to power over three million homes, while also providing green jobs, advancing coastal resilience, and addressing the climate crisis. In support of this goal, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management recently held four offshore wind lease auctions in the Gulf of Mexico, which resulted in one lease provisionally awarded in the Lake Charles area. Despite offshore wind being a critical piece of the energy transition, lack of interest in the lease sales underscores the challenges to building out wind in the Gulf. Drawing on the Technology Innovation Systems framework, this study seeks to support decision-making around the energy transition in the Texas Gulf Coast by examining the functional dynamics that influence the deployment of offshore wind. Research is multi-method, consisting of a content analysis of major Texas newspapers and 15 semi-structured interviews with industry and policy stakeholders. We found that interest in offshore wind development in the Texas Gulf Coast was primarily driven by federal climate goals and mobilization of resources, particularly via the Inflation Reduction Act. Despite Texas being a national leader in onshore wind, having good offshore wind resources, as well as strong support from regional fishermen and environmental nonprofit groups, state politicians have voiced strong opposition and recently passed a suite of anti-renewable energy bills. Lack of political acceptance appears to be the biggest hinderance to the development of offshore wind in the Texas Gulf Coast.

Jenna A. Lamphere is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Sociology in the College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Studies at Texas A&M University. Previously, Dr. Lamphere served as a Postdoctoral Associate for the University of Tennessee Green Economy Initiative, which worked with the City of Knoxville on energy efficiency improvements in low-income communities. Dr. Lamphere’s current research examines multilevel governance of socio-environmental transitions towards sustainability.


Lauren Bothwell is an undergraduate Oceans and One Health student at Texas A&M University Galveston Campus. She has explored the potential of offshore wind in the Gulf of Mexico by interviewing experts in energy, policy, and economics, aiming to contribute to a greener Texas energy landscape. This fall, she will be attending medical school at the University of Texas Medical Branch and hopes to continue studying the intersection of environmental and human health policy.


April Garza is an undergraduate in Marine Biology with a minor in Chemistry at Texas A&M University at Galveston, where she will graduate this coming May. Through interviews with fishing captains, advocacy groups and industry stakeholders, she hopes to highlight the advantages that offshore wind provides for fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. She plans to start her Master’s in Marine Resource Management next spring to further understand the interactions between humans and their environment.



Valorization of food waste – Microwave-assisted pectin hydrolyses for biofuel production

Garðar Kári Garðarsson

University of Akureyri


invited as an oral presentation (talk)

Biomass derived from food waste contains a substantial amount of energy that could be replenished to a greater degree; however, global energy consumption continues to rise while it remains reliant on fossil fuels. With microwave-assisted hydrolyses, structural sugars from biomass can be dilapidated rapidly in an energy-efficient approach. By repurposing the potential energy of food waste with disintegrated sugars, they can be fermented into biofuel or other organic substances which may be useful. In this work, the hydrolysis of complex polysaccharides like pectin and starch was carried out using overripe apples that had been subjected to enzymatic breakdown prior to homogenization and radiation in a sulfuric acid solution. The irradiation time exposure, acid concentration, and substrate loading were analyzed for microwave optimization hydrolyses, determined with a reducing sugars assay. The hydrolyzed apple supernatant was fermented, and the yield of ethanol and acetate was measured using gas chromatography. The maximum ethanol output from fermentation was obtained using a 50 g/L dried apple substrate loading which yielded 378 mM of ethanol, or 2.21% v/v. The 50 g/L is equivalent to 36% of the theoretical load per kilogram, or 96 g or 12.2% v/v ethanol per kilogram of apples.

 After 16 years of experience in cooking, Garðar began studying biotechnology at the University of Akureyri. His goals are to make food production and the food industry more sustainable with environmentally friendly and renewable processes. His interest in the field of bioremediation includes renewable ochre, bioplastic synthesis and other natural polymers that are more easily biodegradable in the environment, as well as promoting the bioremediation of hazardous substances using microorganisms or other means.


‘We Are Caribou People’: Gwich’in Rights and Responsibilities to the Porcupine Caribou Herd

Renata Colwell

Háskólinn á Akureyri, Iceland


accepted as an oral presentation (talk)

 The Gwich’in Indigenous People of what is now Alaska and northern Canada have cared for and relied on caribou since time immemorial. Despite two centuries of British, American, and Canadian interference with this relationship, Gwich’in remain deeply connected to the Porcupine Caribou Herd, which continues to migrate across the Alaska-Yukon border that now divides the Gwich’in Nation. Under Gwich’in law, Gwich’in have an ongoing responsibility to protect the herd and its habitat. However, state-based laws facilitating settler exploitation of renewable and non-renewable resources in Gwich’in territory have made it more difficult for Gwich’in to uphold these responsibilities, and climate change is already disrupting Gwich’in-caribou relations. Since the 1980s, Gwich’in on both sides of the border have fought to protect the herd’s coastal calving ground in Alaska from fossil fuel development, which represents an existential threat to the caribou and the Gwich’in culture that would also exacerbate the global climate crisis. This threat became particularly dire during the first Trump presidency and will likely become so again over the next four years. In this talk based on my master’s thesis in Polar Law, I discuss ongoing Gwich’in advocacy efforts to prevent fossil fuel exploitation in the calving ground, the inadequacy of existing conservation treaties, and the extent to which international human rights law offers Gwich’in alternative tools with which to protect the caribou.

Renata Colwell is a Canadian-trained lawyer and researcher whose work focuses on Indigenous-State relations and Indigenous rights. She holds an LLM in Polar Law, a JD in Common Law, and a BA(Hons) in History, and is a non-practicing member of the Law Society of British Columbia.


Redirecting Phosphorus from Wastewater – Screening for phosphate accumulating bacteria from clam guts for potential wastewater remediation applications

Ísold Egla GuðjónsdóttirUniversity of Akureyri, Iceland


Stefansson Student Sustainability Award Winner 2025 

Phosphorus serves an important role in the metabolism of both prokaryotes and eucaryotes, such as bacteria, animals and plants. This irreplaceable mineral is used in commercial fertilizer, but imminent shortage of the element could cause crop failure and worldwide famine within a few centuries if nothing is done. Therefore, recirculating phosphorus and preventing its loss to the sea, which can be partially attributed to wastewater effluent, is a pressing issue.

Wastewater treatment in Iceland is underdeveloped compared to other Western countries and the wastewater from some towns is released untreated into the sea. The challenges of treating wastewater in Arctic regions are comprised of cold climate, small and distributed urban areas and diluted wastewater. The goal of wastewater treatment is to decrease the amount of organic and inorganic substances that end up in the receiving water body. One part of it is comprised of the removal of phosphorus. The utilization of specialized microbes (PAOs), which can accumulate phosphate in abundance and simultaneously synthesize bioplastics (PHA), in a specific type of “live” reactor (EBPR), has given the best results. Herein, five unknown bacterial strains, isolated from the gut of the bivalve Arctica islandica sampled in Eyjafjörður, were examined with regard to aerobic phosphate accumulation and PHA production abilities in both nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor synthetic wastewaters (SWW).

Measurements indicated phosphate accumulation and PHA production for all strains. The highest amount of produced PHA was 0.89 g/L. The strains‘ phosphate uptake was 17-30% in nutrient-poor SWW initially containing 15.3 mg phosphate/L, which resembles the conditions and efficiency of conventional wastewater treatment plants. The phosphate uptake varied more in the nutrient-rich SWW, with highest removal of 85%, which is close to the efficiency of EBPR. These results urge further research, as strains isolated in Eyjaförður are adapted to the local conditions and could benefit both the remediation and value-addition processes of wastewater in Iceland.

 Ísold Egla graduated with a BS degree in biotechnology with an emphasis on resource biotechnology. In her final project, she examined whether it was possible to use microorganisms from mussel shells from Eyjafjörður to absorb phosphorus from sewage. After graduating from the University of Akureyri, Ísold began a master’s degree in forestry at the Agricultural University of Iceland. Her final project is an examination of the genetics of Hrymur, a hybrid of European and Siberian larch produced in Iceland. Her core task is developing a paternity test to be used in evaluating growth characteristics of individuals based on pedigree, the protocols should also be applicable to other tree species of interest in Icelandic forestry.


Navigating the Climate Communication Landscape: Challenges Faced by Environmental NGOs in Competing with Media to Influence Public Understanding of Climate Change

Eva Karen Guðrúnardóttir

University of Akureyri, Iceland


accepted as a poster presentation

 The profound challenge of climate change is merely driven by global warming and has various consequences, including extreme weather events, ecological disruptions, harm to biodiversity, and food supply instability. The interconnectedness of climate change with various consequences underscores the urgent need for effective public communication. As the scientific consensus on climate change continues to solidify, it is crucial to convey this information effectively to the public. Climate change affects all living beings on Earth, making public understanding and engagement essential for driving policy changes and behavioral shifts necessary to combat this crisis.
This thesis aims to explore the complex dynamics of climate communication, focusing on the challenges that Environmental Non-Governmental Organisations (ENGOs) encounter as they compete with the media to influence the public’s comprehension of climate change. In addition to using existing literature, the author conducted a research method where qualitative data was collected from 7 participants. The findings revealed that while ENGOs face several challenges, they play a vital role in bridging gaps left by traditional media.
The thesis aims to enhance our understanding of climate change communication dynamics and the critical role ENGOs play in addressing the global climate crisis.

Eva Karen Guðrúnardóttir studied media studies at the University of Akureyri with the goal of using her knowledge to communicate important information about climate change to the public in the hope of driving effective action. Her research endeavours are focused on the importance of communicating information about climate change effectively to the public.


NO2 Emissions Estimation Using OMI Satellite Data – A case study in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Vo Thi Tam Minh

University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam


accepted as a poster presentation

 Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an air pollutant that impacts human health. NO2 is a precursor to other secondary pollutants such as ozone and acid rain. Studying the emission characteristics of NO2 in the troposphere is essential for air pollution control. The utilization of satellite data as input for NO2 emission inventory models has been developed recently and has proven highly effective and flexible. This study aims to assess NO2 emissions using satellite data in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), a large city in Vietnam with many NO2 emissions from traffic and industry. There are few published research results or NO2 emission inventories for HCMC. This study uses a top-down life-cycle adjusted accumulation method (LMAM) using satellite data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Aura to estimate NO2 emissions for HCMC. The results show that the average emission rate 2019 was approximately 6.56 × 1015 molecules cm–2 hour–1 but decreased to 5.79 × 1015 molecules cm–2 hour–1 in 2020. The highest emission distribution was in the areas with traffic and industrial sources, with an emission rate of about 1.56 × 1016 molecules cm–2 hour–1 in 2019 and 1.08 × 1016 molecules cm–2 hour–1 in 2020. The suburban area had the lowest NO2 emission rate of 6.68 × 1015 molecules cm–2 hour–1 in 2019 and decreased by 6.39 × 1015 molecules cm–2 hour–1 in 2020. The model can calculate the emission distribution by socio-economic sector for Ho Chi Minh City. This result can provide information on NO2 emissions as a reference for future city emission control policies and inventory plans.

Vo Thi Tam Minh is a researcher at the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Environment, University of Science, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City. Research interests: Modeling: climate, meteorology, environmental modeling; Climate, Meteorological, and Atmospheric Science; Environmental Management and air pollution.



Sociopolitical Barriers to Offshore Wind Energy Adoption in Texas

Lauren Bothwell & April Garza

Texas A&M University Galveston Campus, United States


accepted as a poster presentation

 Offshore wind energy (OSW) has expanded globally over the past two decades, with Europe and China leading. The U.S. has two operational OSW farms, in Rhode Island and Virginia. Although Texas produces the most onshore wind power of any U.S. state, there has been a hesitance to adopt OSW. This is evident from the 3 federally approved lease sales in the Texas Gulf Coast, where no bids were submitted. This research investigates the sociopolitical factors that hinder Texas’s adoption of offshore wind energy, particularly focusing on public political alignment. The study applies a version of the Technological Innovation Systems (TIS) framework to map the experience and views of key industry players, including local and state government officials, environmental groups, local fishermen, and energy experts. The TIS framework analyzes the development and diffusion of emerging technologies by identifying key functions, such as knowledge development and policy influence, that drive or hinder technologies. Qualitative data was collected through semi-structured, anonymous interviews with fifteen respondents, who discussed their expertise in the Gulf of Mexico, experience with offshore wind, and perspectives on the renewable energy industry. Preliminary findings suggest that political uncertainty and limited state-level investment are major barriers to OSW. Multiple participants emphasized the need for more economic research, public education, and the development of an organized coalition in order for this green initiative to succeed. Interviewed fishermen expressed support for OSW development due to potential ecological benefits, including turbines functioning as artificial reefs, and economic opportunities like job creation. Analysis of transcripts is being done to identify strengths and weaknesses of the potential for OSW in Texas using the TIS framework. This research aims to propose policy changes that could mitigate these barriers, contributing to a more supportive environment for offshore wind energy in Texas.

Lauren Bothwell is an undergraduate Oceans and One Health student at Texas A&M University Galveston Campus. She has explored the potential of offshore wind in the Gulf of Mexico by interviewing experts in energy, policy, and economics, aiming to contribute to a greener Texas energy landscape. This fall, she will be attending medical school at the University of Texas Medical Branch and hopes to continue studying the intersection of environmental and human health policy.


April Garza is an undergraduate in Marine Biology with a minor in Chemistry at Texas A&M University at Galveston, where she will graduate this coming May. Through interviews with fishing captains, advocacy groups and industry stakeholders, she hopes to highlight the advantages that offshore wind provides for fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico. She plans to start her Master’s in Marine Resource Management next spring to further understand the interactions between humans and their environment.



The Analysis of Particulate Matter in Akureyri, Iceland: Trends, Sources & Concerns

Authors: Audrey Louise Matthews & Ásta Margrét Ásmundsdóttir

University of Akureyri

astam@unak.is; audrey@unak.is

accepted as a poster presentation

There are a range of natural and anthropegenic particules in the atmosphere, but the particulate matter of most concern to human health are the those that are less than 10µm in diameter, as they have the ability to penetrate deep into the lungs. These are generally from anthropogenic sources.

On 10 December 2024 the Eyjarfjörður Health Committee reported a high particulate matter peak in Akureyri with a daily limit of more than twice the health protection limit, and the highest peak of eight times the limit. This news has added weight to the concerns of local people regarding higher levels of particulate matter from sources, such as from the use of nailed winter tyres and from the visible exhaust from the increasing number of cruise ships in the port.

The presentation will report on a recent study where particulates have been collected from four roof top stations in Akureyri town and at the port.  These have been examined by a range of techniques, including scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX) with our research partners at Loughborough and Nottingham Trent Universities in the UK.

Audrey Matthews graduated with a Batchelors degree in Chemistry from Huddersfield Polytechnic (UK), and then gained a PhD from Reading University (UK).  She  is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Akureyri. Her research interests include the study of effluents and particulate analysis in urban environments, and solutions to plastics waste and recycling.

Ásta Margrét Ásmundsdóttir is an Adjunct and a chemist at the Department of Natural Resource Sciences at the University of Akureyri, Iceland. She has been researching microplastic pollution in Iceland’s environment for several years, as well as pollution in the coastal areas of Akureyri and Reykjavík, including the impact of sewage. Additionally, she has been involved in studies on particulate matter in the town of Akureyri, Iceland.


Essay: The development of and tensions in the idea of sustainable development and SDG2030


The genesis of the concept of sustainable development (SD) holds significant importance, serving as the foundational framework for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (SDG2030) and the broader notion of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Understanding this genesis entails delving into the historical trajectory of the concept, particularly the pivotal role played by the United Nations in its evolution. Moreover, an exploration of the genesis reveals that several recurring themes in contemporary discourse, such as sustainability, the three pillars of sustainable development, capability, and the concept of the Anthropocene, can be traced back to this evolutionary process.

This exposition adopts an essay-like approach, weaving together a narrative that elucidates the emergence of sustainable development. It examines key events and intellectual currents that have shaped the concept over time. Central to this narrative is the interplay between the ideals of sustainability and development, where development, primarily understood as economic advancement, became linked to human progress following World War II. This tension has engendered diverse perspectives on sustainable development, reflecting differing interpretations and priorities.

It is important to note that this narrative provides a broad overview of the concept’s development, refraining from delving deeply into specific subtopics such as biodiversity or climate change. Furthermore, it is essential to recognize that this narrative represents just one of many possible interpretations of the genesis of sustainable development.

The relationship between sustainability and development before the Brundtland Report

The prominence of the concept of Sustainable Development surged notably with the release of the Brundtland Report in 1987. Since then, it has served as a cornerstone of the United Nations’ endeavors toward sustainability, transitioning from a focus on mere sustainability to the broader framework of sustainable development. This transition was crystallized in 2015 with the adoption of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, marking a pivotal moment in global efforts towards a more sustainable future.

While the terms “sustainable development” and “sustainability” are often used interchangeably, their historical trajectories reveal nuanced distinctions. Understanding these distinctions becomes pertinent in certain contexts, as it unveils the inherent tension between the notions of economic development and sustainability.

The concept of economic development gained prominence in the post-World War II era as a mechanism for fostering global equality. However, over time, its meaning became increasingly ambiguous and subject to contestation. Concurrently, the notion of sustainability emerged as a multifaceted concept, rooted in various ideologies, all contributing to the modern understanding of sustainability. This crystallization was exemplified in the 1972 publication of the Club of Rome’s report, ‘Limits to Growth,’ which marked a seminal moment in the discourse on sustainability.

In the same year as the publication of ‘Limits to Growth,’ the inaugural international environmental conference convened under UN auspices in Stockholm. Here, the tension between the ideals of sustainability and economic development took center stage, setting the tone for subsequent dialogues on sustainable development.

The ambiguous concept of sustainability and the longing for a new worldview.

The international political landscape of 1972 marked a pivotal moment in the recognition of sustainability as a concept worthy of global attention. However, as highlighted by Kidd’s influential study in 1992, the modern notion of sustainability post-World War II emerged from a tapestry of diverse ideas spanning the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s.

Kidd (1992) delineates six somewhat contrasting meanings of the concept of sustainability, contingent upon different focal points: 1) purely quantitative considerations of resource scarcity, which emerged after World War II and was a central theme in the 1950s, 2) more qualitative considerations of “the environment” (the environment itself emerges as an increasingly comprehensive concept in the youth counterculture of the 1960s), 3) concerns related to the entire biosphere and the state of the planet (here, a poignant example would be that of a “Spaceship Earth” metaphor, which became particularly well-known in peace researcher and economist Kenneth Boulding’s 1966 version), 4) criticism of irresponsible technological development, 5) no-growth/slow growth criticism of economic development understood as economic growth (e.g. the Club of Rome report “Limits to Growth”, as well as many other critiques of growth economics), and finally 6) an explicit linking of the concepts of “ecology” and “development” in a form of so-called “ecological development” (Kidd, 1992:5-12).

The diverse origins of these sustainability perspectives underscored the complexity of the concept throughout the 1970s, reflecting a multifaceted understanding shaped by various intellectual currents and societal concerns. Through the lens of history, it becomes evident that sustainability is not a monolithic concept but rather a dynamic and evolving discourse that continues to inform global efforts toward a more sustainable future.

In many respects, sustainability emerged as a central theme in the endeavors to redefine humanity’s relationship with the natural world and the broader implications of such a reevaluation for worldviews and human society at large. Scholars began to observe the emergence of a new worldview, termed the “New Environmental Paradigm” (NEP), which represented a departure from the prevailing “Dominant Social Paradigm” (DSP).

The NEP distinguished itself from the DSP by emphasizing several key principles, including the recognition of limits to growth, the endorsement of “equilibrium economics,” the acknowledgment of the “balance of nature,” and the attribution of intrinsic value to nature beyond mere human utility (Dunlap et al., 1978). This paradigm shift signaled a fundamental reorientation towards viewing nature not solely as a resource to be exploited for human ends but as a system deserving of respect and preservation in its own right.

Moreover, during the 1970s, these reflections on sustainability became increasingly intertwined with novel conceptions of politics and economics that transcended the conventional capitalist-communist dichotomy of the era. This evolving discourse underscored the inadequacy of existing ideological frameworks to address the complex environmental challenges facing humanity, paving the way for the exploration of alternative models and approaches that are better aligned with the imperatives of sustainability.

Furthermore, the insights of economists like Kenneth Boulding and Herman Daly regarding peace economics and “environmental economics” were assimilated into these emerging worldviews, often in tandem with a reassessment of political paradigms. Boulding’s essay, The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth (1966), offers a poignant illustration of the critique against growth-oriented economic ideologies. Boulding delineates between two contrasting economic paradigms, namely ‘cowboy economics’ and ‘spaceship economics,’ which symbolize perspectives of the economy as either an open or closed system. While a cowboy economy, reminiscent of the lawless frontier, perceives material resources as inexhaustible and readily available elsewhere once depleted, a “spaceship economy” acknowledges the finite nature of resources and underscores the imperative of resource recycling to maintain equilibrium within the system, epitomized by “spaceship earth.” Boulding’s text extends beyond mere economic analysis; drawing inspiration from Teilhard de Chardin, he introduces the notion of the ‘noosphere,’ rooted in the Greek concept of “nous” or “spirit,” which anticipates themes later echoed in discussions surrounding the Anthropocene. This holistic perspective highlights the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and existential considerations within the broader discourse on sustainability.

Also, within the realm of art, certain artists began to forge connections between art, politics, and economics in innovative and environmentally conscious ways. A notable example is the German artist Joseph Beuys, whose influence extended beyond the confines of the art world to shape the political landscape, particularly with his pivotal role in the establishment of the Green Party in West Germany in 1980. Beuys drew inspiration from a diverse array of sources, including Goethe, Schiller, Rudolf Steiner, Japanese esoteric Buddhism, shamanism, and mythology, synthesizing these influences into a unique artistic vision. His work aimed to cultivate an aesthetic-existential expansion of human perception and foster a dynamic relationship between humanity and the natural world. Central to Beuys’ philosophy was the concept of society as a social artwork, wherein every individual was regarded as an “artist.” This radical reimagining of societal dynamics profoundly influenced his understanding of the interplay between existential meaning, pedagogy, politics, economics, nature, and the spiritual realm.

Through his artistic practice, Beuys sought to challenge conventional boundaries and engender a deeper awareness of humanity’s interconnectedness with the broader ecosystem, advocating for a more harmonious and sustainable coexistence with nature. Beuys explored these themes through a multitude of artistic expressions, ranging from large-scale installations that actively engaged viewers in “direct democratic” processes to simultaneous dialogues with bankers and economists, where he cultivated alternative perspectives on the fundamental concepts of work and money (Beuys, 1984/2010). In Denmark, the perhaps slightly more prosaic but nonetheless visionary book Oprør fra Midten [‘Rebellion from the Center’] was published in 1978, which, among numerous other things, sought to identify novel means of ruminating about the environment and ecology.

The book co-authored by Professor Niels I. Meyer from the Danish Technical University, along with politician K. Helveg Petersen and author Villy Sørensen, garnered significant attention in Denmark, selling 122,000 copies and being translated into five languages. The authors advocated for a humane equilibrium society, the implementation of a general basic income, and the adoption of an “ecological economy.” Referred to as the “rebels from the [political] center,” the authors faced criticism from both the right and left ends of the political spectrum. They lambasted liberalism and socialist political-economic ideologies alike, accusing them of fostering a utilitarian and instrumental relationship with nature, despite their differing foundational assumptions. Additionally, they criticized the pervasive emphasis on economic growth espoused by both the political left and right.

Despite the initial fervor surrounding the book, its messages faded in significance towards the end of the century. This decline can be attributed, in part, to a broader societal shift in the 1980s towards a more economically oriented discourse. This shift, observed in Denmark and globally, reflects a larger trend in economic thinking during the 1980s and 1990s, which also influenced the evolution of the concept of sustainable development.

Before 1980, discussions concerning humanity’s relationship with nature and the environment often centered around sustainability, which contributed to the emergence of new worldviews. However, as Kidd argued, the term “sustainability” remained ambiguous and lacked a clear definition. Some scholars even questioned its coherence, citing its complex and contradictory nature. Despite this ambiguity, there was a consensus among researchers that sustainability encompassed a critique of traditional notions of economic development.

Indeed, the literature on sustainability reflects this complexity, spanning a broad spectrum and occasionally causing confusion. Nevertheless, amidst this diversity, a common thread emerges: a critical stance towards the concept of “economic development,” whether through environmental considerations or the pursuit of human well-being beyond economic metrics. This critical perspective laid the groundwork for the integration of environmental, social, and economic dimensions within the framework of Sustainable Development, a concept that gained prominence following the 1992 UN Rio Conference (Purvis et al., 2019). Thus, while the roots of the sustainability concept lie in a critique of economic development, the exact nature of this critique warrants further examination.

Economic development: economic growth – human welfare?

The concept of economic development finds its roots in the post-World War II era, characterized by a fervent desire for a new world order. Following the war, while European colonial powers sought to maintain their colonial holdings, both the United States and the Soviet Union opposed this stance. Notably, among the 51 countries instrumental in founding the United Nations in 1945, 27 were former colonies. The establishment of the UN stemmed from a profound aspiration to forge a novel framework for international politics, one that departed from the prevailing paradigm of state self-interest dominating international relations. In essence, the aim was to construct an “idealistic” alternative to the “realist” view of international politics, underpinned by shared global values and a network of international agreements and organizations. This idealistic vision envisioned a world order focused on fostering mutually beneficial and egalitarian interactions among nations while upholding human rights.

Central to this vision was the notion of economic development, which became intricately linked with the concept of “human welfare.” However, the UN swiftly found itself navigating the complex terrain between capitalist and communist social systems, and later, between the Global North and the Global South as decolonization gained momentum. Consequently, the UN evolved into an organization tasked with reconciling idealistic aspirations for a better world with the pragmatic realities of global politics—a dynamic worth considering when contemplating the evolution of the sustainable development concept.

This idealistic pursuit of a new world order also resonated within American foreign policy during this period. In his 1949 inaugural address, US President Truman articulated four points guiding US foreign policy, including a commitment to implementing a “bold new program” aimed at leveraging American scientific and industrial advancements to foster the growth and development of underdeveloped regions (Truman, 1949).

The program known as Point 4, distinct from the Marshall Aid initiative announced the prior year, diverged in its primary focus. Instead of primarily bolstering Europe’s economy and fostering economic growth, Point 4 aimed at the modernization and advancement of notably “underdeveloped” regions across the globe. Rooted in a modernist conception of linear progression, these regions were perceived as “not yet” in terms of their development compared to industrialized nations. The remedy to this perceived lag in development lay in trade and the infusion of various forms of American expertise. The overarching objective was to alleviate hunger, enhance healthcare, and establish “modern economies” in these targeted regions. Truman underscored the distinction between the exploitative colonial practices of former colonial powers and the ethos of the new program. The Point 4 initiative aimed for all parties involved to benefit from a “fair and democratic” exchange. Thus, Truman’s presentation of the concept of economic development encapsulated not only the notion of economic “modernization” (wherein the Marshall Plan implicitly implied a notion of economic growth) but also the belief that such modernization would engender greater human well-being and prosperity on a global scale.

Over the ensuing decades, it became evident that the situation was more nuanced than initially perceived. Firstly, during the 1950s and 1960s, economic development, often equated with human prosperity, was frequently conflated with economic growth. Economic growth was viewed as a prerequisite for achieving human “well-being,” with the means being conflated with the ends. Secondly, elucidating a clear understanding of the emergent world order and the aspiration for global equality proved challenging. Until 1989, two competing visions of modernization and economic development existed: the “capitalist Western Bloc” and the “communist Eastern Bloc.” These contrasting perspectives underscored the divergent interpretations of how to achieve progress and prosperity on a global scale. Thirdly, the notion of promoting global economic development through the transfer of knowledge and equitable trade, as advocated by modernization theories, faced challenges from the emergence of dependency theories. These theories, which gained traction in the 1960s, particularly in Latin America but also in the analysis of African countries throughout the 1970s, contested the efficacy of modernization theories in practice. Instead, they posited that the implementation of such theories could exacerbate dependency and economic underdevelopment.

Dependency theories highlighted structural issues underlying global trade dynamics, arguing that trade between the industrialized and the “developing world” inherently favored the former. Specifically, they contended that the prices of raw materials, exported by non-industrialized nations, failed to keep pace with the rising prices of manufactured goods, perpetuating an unequal exchange. This unequal trade relationship contributed to the uneven development between industrialized and non-industrialized nations (Sørensen, 2020). In this brief overview, we refrain from delving into the intricacies of these theories and subsequent developments. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that both modernization and dependency theories recognize global inequality as a pressing issue. Furthermore, economic development was not solely discussed in the context of environmental sustainability but also in pursuit of greater equality among nations and regions, ultimately aiming to enhance human “welfare.” Nevertheless, as will be explored, the divergent concepts of economic development would not only clash with one another but also conflict with the principles of sustainability, particularly regarding environmental protection. This tension came to the forefront of the political agenda during the UN Conference on Sustainability in Stockholm in 1972.

The first beginnings of the concept of sustainable development in the 70s and 80s

The Stockholm Conference, initiated by Sweden, marked the first major gathering under the auspices of the UN to address mounting environmental concerns. Despite political tensions of the time—illustrated by the absence of Warsaw Pact countries, including East Germany—the conference held significant importance on several fronts.

Firstly, alongside politicians, two additional groups participated in the conference with a shared objective of ensuring that the conference did not “end in nothing.” A smaller contingent of concerned scientists and a larger assembly of diverse grassroots organizations convened a “Peoples Forum” in conjunction with the conference, thereby establishing a precedent for UN gatherings to incorporate both political and NGO tracks. Secondly, the conference underscored a fundamental tension between the so-called IC countries (mainly representing the “Industrialized countries,” predominantly from the “first world” with scant representation from the “second world”) and the DC countries (primarily hailing from the “Developing countries,” largely from the “third world”) regarding the nexus between sustainable environmental protection and economic development. It is noteworthy that the classification into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd worlds originated from early UN discussions in 1946, although the terminology, including terms like “developed” and “developing” countries, and “the global south” and “the global north,” has since been subject to debate. While these terms are employed here in their historical contexts, no stance is taken on their general applicability.

In essence, the divergence between the priorities of ‘first world’ nations, primarily focused on forging international agreements to address global environmental challenges, and the concerns of ‘third world’ countries, apprehensive that expanded environmental protection measures under the guise of sustainability would perpetuate structural global inequality vis-à-vis economic development, emerged as a pivotal theme. This dichotomy would subsequently underpin the UN’s continued endeavors in the realm of sustainable development. The outcomes of the Stockholm Conference included the adoption of a joint declaration, which catapulted environmental concerns onto the global agenda, and the subsequent establishment, in December 1972 by the UN General Assembly, of a novel UN program tasked with coordinating environmental protection efforts and aiding developing nations in formulating “environmentally sound policies and practices.” This initiative materialized as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Notably, as a concession to the “Global South,” the headquarters of UNEP were sited in Nairobi, despite vigorous advocacy by “developed” countries for Geneva, where several other UN agencies were headquartered. UNEP emerged as the pioneering UN entity dedicated to the pursuit of sustainable development and has wielded substantial influence across multiple domains, including spearheading efforts to advance the circular economy and collaborating with UNESCO to advance the concept of education for sustainability and environmental education (EE). Nevertheless, the fluctuating significance and impact of UNEP over time, owing to multifaceted factors beyond the purview of this discourse, merit acknowledgment. Noteworthy in our context is UNEP’s proposal, during 1981-82, for the establishment of an autonomous commission comprised of “eminent persons” tasked with formulating and propagating a vision for post-2000 global environmental policy. This initiative laid the groundwork for the formation of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), colloquially known as the Brundtland Commission, in honor of its chairperson, former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland.

The Brundtland Report in 1987 and the first Global Summit in Rio 1992

In 1987, the WCED published the report “Our Common Future,” commonly known as the Brundtland Report, which had a major impact on the global spread of the idea of sustainable development. This report introduced the concept of sustainable development in the following manner:

“Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”

The Brundtland Report, though widely recognized for popularizing the concept of sustainable development, was not the inaugural publication to introduce this paradigm. As early as 1980, the UNEP released a report that laid the groundwork for the notion of sustainable development. Yet, the genesis of this concept predates even this milestone. In 1978, UNEP was already engaged in discussions surrounding the concept of “ecological development.” This notion, identified by Kidd as one of the six paradigms underpinning the concept of sustainability, was initially articulated by Ignacy Sachs in 1977. Sachs delineated “ecological development” as “an approach to development that aims to harmonize social and economic goals with ecologically sound management in a spirit of solidarity with future generations” (Kidd: 12). Notably, the definition of ecological development not only underscores the importance of inter-generational relations, a concept later central to the Brundtland Report’s articulation of sustainable development, but also serves as a precursor to the notion of the three pillars of sustainable development. These pillars, emphasizing environmental, social, and economic sustainability, gained significant traction in the discourse following the Rio Conference in 1992. Furthermore, while the Brundtland Commission’s work garnered greater visibility compared to UNEP’s efforts, its conception of sustainable development diverged from that of UNEP in several respects. Primarily, the Brundtland Commission sought to embed sustainability within a framework that prioritized the sustainability of inter-generational relations by addressing human needs fulfillment. This framework, as articulated in the definition above, underscores the imperative of “meeting basic needs,” encompassing essentials such as food, water, shelter, and clothing, necessary for maintaining a certain standard of living. Notably, the notion of basic needs was first introduced by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 1976.

Secondly, the Brundtland Report marked a definitive departure from the prevalent trend of technological skepticism and the notion of limits to growth, sentiments pervasive in much of the sustainability discourse during the 1960s and 1970s. These ideas also featured prominently in UNEP’s reports on ecological development and sustainable development, which primarily focused on nature preservation. In the Brundtland Report, environmental limitations were contextualized relative to technological advancements, particularly within the framework of “environmentally friendly technology,” which, in turn, was interlinked with sustainable economic advancement. This perspective enabled the Brundtland Report to outline a vision demonstrating, at least in principle, how the two agendas that had emerged from the Stockholm Conference could be harmonized without negating economic growth. This approach considered both environmental concerns and global (in)equality issues. Additionally, the Brundtland Report advocated for a new conference to explore the nexus between environment and development. Two years later, in December 1989, the United Nations Assembly endorsed this proposition, a decision catalyzed by the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 and buoyed by the emergent concept of sustainable development.

Follow-up and institutionalization of sustainable development – the Rio Conference 1992

This led to the inaugural Earth Summit, convened in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, marking two decades since the Stockholm Conference and occurring in the year after the dissolution of the USSR and the end of the so-called “second world.” Mirroring the structure of the Stockholm Conference, the Rio Summit comprised an official conference alongside a “global public forum,” wherein NGOs and grassroots organizations were represented. This landmark event was subsequently succeeded by two additional Earth Summits centered on sustainable development: Johannesburg in 2002 and Rio in 2012, colloquially termed Rio+10 and Rio+20, respectively. The 1992 conference assumed pivotal significance in fostering a new paradigm of “global governance” and institutionalizing the concept of sustainable development. Resulting from the Rio Conference were the adoption of the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, and several binding conventions, notably the “Convention on Biological Diversity” and the “Climate Convention,” aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Subsequent summits and conventions, including climate summits such as the Kyoto Agreement (1997), the Copenhagen Climate Summit (2009), and the Paris Agreement (2015), have expanded upon these foundational frameworks, underscoring the multifaceted nature of sustainable development beyond climate considerations.

The Rio Declaration introduced fundamental principles for sustainable development, including the concept of “the polluter pays.” Complementing this, Agenda 21 emerged as a comprehensive, albeit non-binding, action plan delineating avenues for diverse stakeholders to engage in advancing sustainable development. Fostering grassroots participation, Agenda 21 targeted involvement from various sectors, encompassing local governments, NGOs, businesses, organizations, and indigenous communities, thus serving as a bridge between business and civil society. Notably, Agenda 21 laid the groundwork for the UN SDGs, colloquially known as SDG2030, which evolved from Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030, or Agenda2030. Post-Rio, in December 2002, the establishment of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) ensued to oversee the Rio Summit’s resolutions. The CSD played a pivotal role in organizing Rio+10 in Johannesburg in 2002 and served as the UN’s focal entity for advancing sustainable development, particularly Agenda 21, until the Rio+20 summit in 2012. Subsequently, in 2013, the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) superseded the CSD, assuming a prominent role in steering global sustainable development initiatives.

Also, the field of education is explicitly discussed in Agenda 21. Here, what later became known as ESD, Education for Sustainable Development (emphasizing Sustainable Development, rather than “only” the Environment in Education) was introduced. ESD is Agenda 21 presented from a normative policy perspective as aiming at promoting Sustainable Development through also Education by ‘raising awareness,’ and not least through ‘training’ (Agenda 21, Chapter 36). It is important to note that the idea of ESD in Agenda 21 was formulated from a general policy perspective outside of education, even though UNESCO after 1992 became the UN organ responsible for developing ESD. We will later briefly return to some of the criticism this has led to from inside the field of education.

Economic – and Human Development

Neoliberal perspectives on economic development and sustainability after Brundtland
In essence, both the Brundtland Report and the Rio Conference elevated the concept of sustainable development to the forefront of international political discourse. However, the subsequent period witnessed significant shifts in prevailing global political-economic ideologies, leading to new fault lines regarding sustainable development. While this article does not delve deeper into these transformations, it is noteworthy that the 1990s witnessed a departure from the sustainability ideals of the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in terms of critiquing economic growth.

The Brundtland Report notably departed from the notion of limits to economic growth, advocating instead for “sustainable economic growth.” This emphasis on sustainable economic growth persisted throughout the 1990s, reflecting a broader trend towards neoliberal economic perspectives. This shift entailed a move away from critiques of structural inequalities, as articulated in dependency theories of economic development during the 1950s and 1960s. Instead, there emerged approaches in the 1980s and 1990s that emphasized the liberation of individual choices within a deregulated free market, positing that such liberalization would foster long-term economic growth conducive to human welfare, including social welfare.

This neoliberal self-understanding marked a departure from planned economies and state interventionism, advocating instead for deregulation, privatization, and efficiency enhancements within the public sector. Consequently, perceptions of economic development evolved, with development aid increasingly falling under the purview of international financial institutions rather than the UN. However, development aid from entities such as the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund was often followed by demands regarding recipient countries’ adherence to “structural adjustment programs” (SAPs), which frequently entailed deregulation and privatization measures. Thus, the discourse surrounding economic development witnessed a rekindling of debates akin to those between modernization and dependency theories (see, for example, Babb, 2005).

The evolution of economic and environmental ideologies during this period significantly impacted discussions surrounding global environmental resources, commonly referred to as “global commons,” such as water, land, and forests. Beginning in the late 1960s, these discussions evolved into debates centered around two main principles: the Common Heritage Principle (CHP) and the Polluter Pays Principle (PPP). The CHP emphasized the concept of a “common heritage,” advocating for the collective management and ownership of environmental resources. Conversely, the PPP asserted that those responsible for pollution should bear the associated costs.

In alignment with neoliberal economic agendas, the PPP gained prominence, particularly due to its compatibility with market mechanisms and free trade. Originating from the OECD in the early 1970s, the PPP aimed to minimize interference from environmental regulations that could impede economic growth and market dynamics. This principle found favor among proponents of neoliberalism throughout the 1980s and 1990s, aligning with the notion that sustainable economic growth was both feasible and desirable. Under this framework, recognizing and internalizing environmental costs into market prices became the preferred method for regulating the relationship between the environment and the economy.

However, the neoliberal approach to sustainable development, characterized by the PPP, was not without its critiques. Throughout the 1990s, several challenges arose that called into question the effectiveness and fairness of this approach.

Alternatives: Commons and ecological economics; the capability approach
While the neoliberal understanding advocating for free trade, privatization, deregulation, and structural transformation programs as pathways to both maximum prosperity and sustainable economic growth prevailed during the 1990s, alternative perspectives emerged, offering different insights into the relationship between the economy, sustainability, and development. One significant divergence was the continued exploration of the concept of the commons and the risks associated with subjecting shared environmental resources, such as water and land, to market forces and privatization.

American economist Elinor Ostrom led efforts to investigate the governance of a shared “societal legacy” throughout the 1990s and 2000s. Ostrom’s research focused on developing economic and social-ecological theories that emphasized democratic governance within a “common pool of resources” framework. This approach challenged the traditional notion of the ‘Tragedy of the Commons,’ as articulated by ecologist Garrett Hardin, who suggested that shared resources would inevitably be depleted due to individual self-interest.

Ostrom’s seminal work illustrated that effective governance mechanisms could mitigate the tragedy of the commons by establishing clear rules and structures for resource management. Her research showcased historical and contemporary examples where communities successfully managed common resources sustainably. Notably, Ostrom’s insights countered the prevailing neoliberal narrative by emphasizing the importance of collective action and democratic governance in achieving sustainable resource management. For her pioneering contributions, Ostrom was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2009, becoming the first female economist to receive this prestigious honor. Her work laid the groundwork for the development of models in “ecological economics” and “commons”, underscoring the significance of community-based approaches to sustainable development.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Indian economist and philosopher Amartya Sen introduced a novel approach to bridging the realms of economics and ethics, centered on the concept of “capabilities.” The capability approach posits that individual freedom encompasses more than just the absence of external constraints; it also entails the genuine opportunity to fulfill one’s desires and pursue one’s aspirations. This requires not only possessing the necessary abilities and competencies but also having access to the resources required to actualize one’s choices. Sen refers to this amalgamation of possibilities as capabilities.

Sen’s emphasis on individual human freedom incorporates a liberal perspective, acknowledging the diversity of human desires and aspirations. Unlike earlier development theories, which often delineated a universal set of “basic needs,” Sen’s capability approach diverges by recognizing the subjective nature of human preferences. However, this departure from a one-size-fits-all approach does not signify an endorsement of unfettered market mechanisms or deregulation. Instead, the capability approach underscores the importance of equality and resource distribution in fostering a just society. According to Sen, genuine equality extends beyond the notion of fulfilling abstract “basic needs” uniformly across society. Rather, it involves ensuring equal capabilities, wherein individuals have real opportunities to pursue their aspirations. These opportunities, termed capabilities, are contingent on both internal factors, such as personal abilities, and external conditions, including access to resources. In essence, Sen’s framework underscores the multifaceted nature of equality and freedom, emphasizing the importance of enabling individuals to lead lives that align with their inherent capabilities and aspirations.

Sen, alongside the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum, has significantly later expanded the scope of the capability approach, leading to its adoption across various disciplines. This theoretical framework has transcended its origins within the social sciences and has permeated diverse fields including the humanities, education, feminist studies, and peace and conflict research. Moreover, Sen has contributed to a substantial critique of fundamental tenets of neoliberal economic ideology within the social sciences, further enhancing the breadth and depth of the capability approach’s influence.

From capability to HDI as an alternative to GDP as a measure of human development
The capability approach, championed by Sen and Haq, exerted a profound influence on the UNDP, reshaping its methodology for assessing the developmental trajectories of individual nations. Rejecting the narrow view that equated human well-being solely with economic progress, Sen and Haq advocated for a comprehensive framework that embraced diverse dimensions of human welfare. This vision crystallized in the formulation of the Human Development Index (HDI) in 1990, a pioneering metric that amalgamated indicators such as life expectancy, educational attainment, and economic prosperity to offer a holistic portrayal of human flourishing within distinct countries. While Sen initially harbored reservations regarding the quantification of human development, he ultimately conceded to the necessity of such metrics, recognizing their superiority over conventional economic yardsticks like gross domestic product (GDP).

Consequently, the HDI emerged as a pivotal instrument for gauging global human development, catalyzing extensive longitudinal analyses, and inspiring the creation of analogous indices targeting specific domains such as gender equality and poverty alleviation. Crucially, the advent of the HDI heralded a paradigmatic shift in development discourse, elevating human development as the paramount objective for the UNDP and wider development endeavors. Furthermore, the adoption of rigorous mathematical models and salient indicators associated with the HDI aimed to enhance transparency and elucidate the transition away from traditional economic-centric metrics toward a more nuanced understanding of development.

From Economic Development to Human Development: The Millennium Agenda and the Millennium Development Goals
In the year 2000, the United Nations convened a pivotal summit during which the “Millennium Declaration” was endorsed. This declaration, shaped by inputs from various stakeholders including the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which had by then formulated its sustainability objectives, served as the cornerstone for the establishment of eight goals. These objectives, subsequently recognized as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and occasionally referred to as the Human Development Goals (HDG), constituted a comprehensive framework aimed at achieving the following objectives: 1) eradication of radical poverty and hunger, 2) education, 3) gender equality and women’s rights, 4) reduction of child mortality, 5) reducing maternal mortality, 6) combating diseases, 7) Sustainable Development (focusing on access to clean water and improved living conditions for people living in slums), and 8) Global Partnership for Development.

These goals represented a departure from previous development initiatives by delineating specific targets for each goal, thereby establishing clear benchmarks for achievement within defined timeframes. As the UNDP assumed responsibility for monitoring these goals, it could assess the progress made towards their realization. Despite facing criticism on various fronts, the MDGs have generally been regarded as a notable success story for the UN, evident in the quantifiable changes observed following their expiration in 2015.

Against this backdrop, several key observations merit attention. Firstly, the MDGs primarily addressed developmental challenges within developing countries, contrasting with the later formulation of the SDGs, which encompass global concerns. Secondly, while the MDGs exhibited a limited focus on environmental considerations, the SDGs reflect an enhanced emphasis on sustainability. Thirdly, the SDGs inherit certain principles from the MDGs, notably the recognition of the interconnectedness of individual goals and the imperative of establishing measurable targets to ensure accountability. Lastly, the MDGs omitted or marginalized several themes outlined in the original Millennium Declaration, including endeavors toward democracy, human rights, and peace, all of which bear significance in the broader context of human development.

Concerning the final point, Amartya Sen, in a lecture delivered in Delhi in 2012, emphasized the significance of the Millennium Declaration over the MDGs, attributing greater importance to the former due to its broader conception of human development. While Sen acknowledged the merit of the MDGs, he cautioned against the oversimplification inherent in their formulation, which aimed at facilitating measurability. He cautioned against prioritizing operational efficiency to the extent that fundamental questions, particularly those about value orientation, are overlooked. Sen’s stance, underscored by his support for the MDGs and his previous contributions to the development of the HDI, suggests a nuanced perspective that advocates for a balance between practical efficacy and substantive considerations in the pursuit of human development, especially concerning cultural and educational dimensions.

The new millennium – some takeaways for sustainable development

Some key events in the 00s, which influenced the idea of sustainable development.
At the turn of the millennium, several developments suggested that sustainable development could emerge as a globally unifying agenda. The adoption of the MDGs provided a framework for addressing key global challenges, while the UN’s decision in 1998 to designate 2001 as the year of “dialogue among civilizations” responded to Samuel Huntington’s thesis on the clash of civilizations. This initiative aimed to foster greater international understanding and cooperation amidst cultural diversity. Additionally, anticipation surrounded the candidacy of Al Gore, then Vice President under Bill Clinton, for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2000. Gore’s prior involvement in environmental issues, notably his participation in the Rio Conference of 1992, fueled hopes for a renewed focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship.

The prospects for enhanced international cooperation on sustainable development received a further boost with the agreement reached at the UN General Assembly in 2000 to convene a new “Earth Summit” in Johannesburg in 2002. Officially termed the “World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002” (WSSD), this conference marked the first instance of “Sustainable Development” being included in its title. Given its timing, a decade after the Rio Conference, the event was also referred to as Rio+10. The WSSD aimed to forge partnerships for sustainable development, building on the principles outlined in Agenda 21 from 1992 and integrating them with the poverty eradication goals articulated in the MDGs. While the final declaration of the Johannesburg summitt affirmed the linkage between these agendas, challenges arose in translating this commitment into practical action.

Initially, there appeared to be promise on the horizon. By the spring of 2001, discussions surrounding partnerships evolved into a more concrete proposal for the 2002 summit to yield an intergovernmental agreement known as the “Global Deal.” This envisioned a collaborative effort between wealthy and impoverished nations, aiming to partly finance the sustainable development agreements established in Rio in 1992 (and subsequent conferences) and partly to secure resources for implementing the MDGs. Denmark, under the leadership of Svend Auken, the Minister for the Environment at the time, played a pivotal role in advocating for this initiative during the preparatory negotiations for Rio+10. Denmark’s significance was further underscored as it was slated to assume the presidency of the EU in July 2002, thereby shaping the EU Council of Ministers’ agenda during Rio+10. South Africa, the host nation, also embraced the concept, garnering increased interest throughout the summer of 2001, albeit met with some skepticism from nations like Russia and the USA.

However, the political landscape shifted following Al Gore’s defeat in the 2000 presidential election and the subsequent inauguration of Republican George W. Bush. The trajectory took a drastic turn following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, prompting the United States to declare a war on terror and intervene in Afghanistan to combat Al-Qaeda. By the spring of 2002, Bush’s infamous declaration regarding Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as the “axis of evil” further reshaped priorities. Consequently, the focus veered away from Agenda 21 and the MDGs in the ensuing years, pivoting towards efforts to secure peace, rooted in a heightened sense of security.

Rio+10 in Johannesburg 2002 – The idea of Type 2 partnerships
In the autumn of 2001 and the spring of 2002, the USA made it clear they weren’t interested in a comprehensive Global Deal for Rio+10, leading the concept to collapse in the form of a large-scale “deal”. This prompted discussions on the next steps, and during the spring 2002 pre-conference meetings, an idea emerged: distinguishing between two types of partnerships, Type 1 and Type 2 partnerships. Type 1 partnerships were traditional state-centric agreements in the form of mutually binding agreements; Type 2 partnerships focused on voluntary arrangements to ensure broader involvement of non-state actors. These arrangements aimed at collaborations on sustainable development among civil society, businesses, and public authorities not only at the state level but also regionally and locally. The rationale was to ensure both legitimacy and practical implementation of sustainable development.

Despite widespread interest in Type 2 partnerships, including from the Bush administration, this didn’t deter the US from withdrawing from the conference. This process raised concerns as early as 2002 that Type 2 agreements might allow states to evade responsibilities associated with traditional Type 1 agreements. Therefore, it was emphasized that Type 2 agreements should complement rather than substitute Type 1 agreements (Type 2 Outcomes-Voluntary Partnerships, 2002). At the conference, several hundred Type 2 partnerships were established. However, doubts persisted regarding whether they would be more effective than traditional partnerships in achieving objectives such as implementing the sustainable development agenda locally, promoting social learning, and enhancing democratic legitimacy (Andonova, L. B. et al., 2003).

In essence, Rio+10 treated Agenda 21 and MDGs as interconnected elements of the same agenda, addressing the lack of opportunities for Type 1 partnerships by prioritizing Type 2 partnerships. However, these partnerships faced implementation challenges, leading Rio+10 to be a disappointment for many participants (Dodds et al., 2012: 93-122).

Agenda 21 Cultura, UCLG and UNESCO: Sustainable Human Development – Culture and Context
While the efficacy of Type 2 partnerships remains a subject of debate, the Johannesburg conference underscored crucial issues. It highlighted the vulnerability of Type 1 partnerships to the willingness of key state actors to engage in binding agreements, a problem not exclusive to Rio+10. Additionally, there’s a recognition that spreading and transforming the concept of sustainable development requires anchoring ideas in tangible social practices and value systems. This concern was addressed at a conference in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in September 2002, where Agenda 21 was linked with a cultural dimension, giving rise to Agenda 21 Culture or simply Culture 21.

In 2004, another conference elaborated on this cultural dimension. Its final document outlined principles for decentralized cultural thinking, emphasizing the ‘city’ as the locus of cultural creation, alongside the importance of cultural diversity and human rights, including cultural rights. Furthermore, it proposed ideas for promoting cultural development in alignment with these values, as well as offering recommendations for local authorities, governments, and various UN agencies (Agenda 21 Culture, 2004).

Following this, two organizations have championed Agenda 21 Culture. Firstly, the UN partner organization “United Cities and Local Governments” (UCLG), boasting over 200,000 members, emerged as the world’s largest body for fostering cooperation among local authorities and cities. Although founded in 2004, UCLG traces its origins back to the Union Internationale des Villes (UIV), established in 1913 during a conference in Ghent, Belgium. Inspired by the peace movement of the time, UIV later evolved into IULA, with a history of collaboration with UNESCO dating back to 1945 when IULA’s Secretary-General attended UNESCO’s inaugural meeting, fostering a tradition of partnership between the two organizations (Gateau, 2013).

In discussions surrounding sustainable development, there has been a notable emphasis on integrating the cultural dimension into efforts concerning the MDGs and subsequently in the United Nations’ early endeavors to formulate the SDGs. This collaboration reflects a shared aspiration to broaden the understanding of sustainable development beyond purely environmental, economic, and social concerns. In 2010, a significant proposal emerged advocating for the integration of culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development, alongside the existing environmental, economic, and social pillars. Implicit in this proposal is the recognition of the distinct contribution of the cultural dimension. On one hand, it underscores the significance of the social dimension, which encompasses concepts such as social inclusion, cohesion, and equality (and equity), in shaping sustainable development outcomes. On the other hand, it highlights the unique role of culture, emphasizing its capacity to foster creativity, knowledge, diversity, and beauty. These values are seen as closely intertwined with human freedom and development. As such, the proposal argues for the promotion of these cultural values to facilitate dialogue, peace, and progress on a global scale.

Simultaneously, there was a proposal to view the relationship between culture and sustainable development through two distinct lenses. Firstly, by emphasizing the development of the cultural sector within society, encompassing aspects such as cultural heritage, creativity, the cultural industry, crafts, and tourism. Secondly, by advocating for the integration of cultural considerations across various policy domains, particularly in education, economics, science, communication, environmental initiatives, social cohesion, and international cooperation (Culture: Fourth Pillar of Sustainable Development, 2010, Points 3 and 4).

While the notion that concepts of freedom and human development possess a cultural dimension appears plausible, culture itself is notoriously complex and subject to intense debate. Consequently, integrating culture as a fourth pillar or an independent point in the ongoing evolution of the sustainable development concept proved to be difficult. Instead, cultural considerations were dispersed across several different SDGs within the SDG2030 framework. However, this does not alleviate the challenge of embedding the sustainable development agenda culturally and contextually, particularly given the issues highlighted in connection with Type 2 partnerships.

Overall, while Agenda 21 Culture may not have achieved the level of prominence initially envisioned, its efforts, particularly through the work undertaken by UNESCO and UCLG, have proven more successful than those of the Type 2 partnerships.

Sustainable development, the SDGs, and emerging issues
As we bring this narrative to a close, it is useful to delve deeper into the genesis of the concept of sustainable development. Firstly, let us recap the significant themes and insights we’ve explored thus far, tracing the historical trajectory and pivotal moments that have shaped our understanding of sustainability. From there, we will embark on an exploration of how the principles of sustainable development are reflected and operationalized within the framework of the SDGs. By examining the specific targets and indicators outlined in the SDGs, we can gain a nuanced understanding of how sustainability is being pursued on a global scale, across various sectors and dimensions of human well-being. Furthermore, we will broaden our perspective to consider the broader socio-environmental context in which sustainable development is situated. This entails a closer examination of the concept of the Anthropocene epoch and related concepts, such as planetary boundaries and ecological resilience. These emerging paradigms challenge traditional notions of development and compel us to rethink our relationship with the Earth system and its finite resources.

Summing up the idea of sustainable development before the SDG agenda
A fundamental aspect of the sustainable development concept is its fusion of the intricate modern notion of sustainability with that of (human) development, particularly framed within economic progress. Our exploration has traced back to the Stockholm Conference in 1972, which marked the initial instance where the inherent tensions between these two paradigms were openly acknowledged. The subsequent Brundtland Report aimed to reconcile these divergent perspectives under the umbrella of sustainable development, setting the stage for the inaugural Global Summit in Rio in 1992. Here, Agenda 21 was adopted, charting a course for sustainable development in the 21st century.

Furthermore, we’ve examined how during the 1990s, the concept of sustainable development became intertwined with a neoliberal economic ideology, exerting structural influences on the developmental strategies pursued by emerging economies. Alongside this, we’ve presented two alternative economic frameworks from this era. Firstly, the ecological, economic framework proposed by Ostrom, advocating for localized decision-making and embracing the concept of Commons as an alternative to the initially introduced polluter pays principle by the OECD. Secondly, we briefly explored UNDP’s initiative to develop the HDI as an alternative to GDP, emphasizing human development over purely economic metrics. Inspired by the capability approach pioneered by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, this approach redefined notions of freedom and equality.

The influence of HDI and the capability approach was profound, shaping the Millennium Declaration and the subsequent eight MDGs, with poverty eradication and gender equality emerging as pivotal objectives. Despite initial reservations, the MDGs proved to be a success, laying the groundwork for what would evolve into the Sustainable Development Goals. However, it’s worth noting that Sen himself has expressed ongoing concerns, not just about the quantification of human development but also about the potential pitfalls of overly pragmatic approaches, which risk overlooking deeper issues in human development.

During the Rio+10 conference in Johannesburg, both Agenda 21 and the MDGs were entered into and coalesced into the final document, marking a significant convergence of sustainable development agendas. Following the collapse of the Global Deal concept, a new form of partnership emerged out of necessity, known as Type 2 partnerships. However, their impact was less than stellar. Nonetheless, these partnerships underscored the critical need for anchoring sustainable development initiatives within their specific contexts. We have observed a parallel expression of this need in Agenda 21 Culture and the collaborative efforts between the UCLG and UNESCO. These initiatives advocate for the integration of culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development, driven by the inherent understanding that human development and freedom are inseparable from cultural considerations. However, this integration poses significant challenges in terms of conceptualization and implementation, highlighting the complexity inherent in fostering a truly holistic approach to sustainable development.

Sustainable development in the SDGs

At this juncture, we opt to forego a detailed examination of the impacts of pivotal events such as the financial crisis, climate summits, the Arab Spring, and the Occupy movement on the discourse surrounding sustainable development. Similarly, we abstain from delving into the Rio+20 summit of 2012, which initiated the trajectory leading to the adoption of the SDGs by the UN General Assembly in 2015, as well as the subsequent changes witnessed within the international community post-2015. These omissions are motivated primarily by the need to constrain the scope of our discourse on sustainable development. Furthermore, they underscore the inherent challenge in discerning the essential from the nonessential amidst contemporary events, a task rendered more arduous by their immediacy.

Nonetheless, our focus pivots towards a closer examination of the 17 SDGs, exploring how they encapsulate various themes and contexts elucidated thus far. It is imperative to recognize that these SDGs, akin to their predecessors, the MDGs, operate synergistically, necessitating a holistic understanding and concerted action across multiple fronts. However, criticism has emerged regarding the expanded scope of the SDGs, transitioning from 8 MDGs to 17 SDGs, potentially fostering confusion. Consequently, there have been propositions advocating for a structured framework to organize the SDGs into coherent groupings, facilitating analytical endeavors.

For instance, within the preamble of the UN document Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, colloquially known as Agenda2030, five fundamental categories are delineated: ‘People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership,’ often denoted as the 5Ps. These categories serve as linchpins in the framework of sustainable development, as encapsulated by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The initial trio of ‘People, Planet, Prosperity’ resonates with the traditional tripartite pillars of sustainable development, encompassing the social, environmental, and economic dimensions. Meanwhile, the emphasis on ‘Partnership’ underscores the pivotal role of collaborative efforts and the varied forms and strengths of partnerships that have emerged as focal points in post-millennium discussions on sustainable development. Lastly, ‘Peace’ assumes significance within the context of the preamble’s opening statement: ‘This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.’ (UN, 2015, my italics). Shortly thereafter, it is asserted that sustainable development is inseparable from peace, and vice versa. This underscores the centrality of integrating both theoretical and practical considerations of peace into efforts aimed at advancing Sustainable Development and the SDGs, an aspect that is often overlooked within the Agenda2030 framework.

One method of categorizing the 17 goals based on the 5Ps framework is to associate “People” with goals 1-5, “Planet” with goals 6 and 12-15, “Prosperity” with goals 7-11, “Peace” with goal 16, and “Partnership” with goal 17. This grouping strategy offers the advantage of emphasizing the significance of peace and partnership within the context of the established dimensions. However, it does not explicitly address how the SDGs aim to reconcile the tension between sustainability and development, a longstanding theme in the discourse since the Stockholm Conference, and one which the Brundtland Report endeavored to tackle by introducing the concept of sustainable development.

To illuminate how the SDGs might navigate this tension, we turn to the insights of Kathrine Richardson, director of the University of Copenhagen’s Center for Sustainable Science, who proposes an alternative grouping of the SDGs (Richardson, 2020, pp. 25-47). Richardson’s analysis delves into the concept of “the great acceleration,” which posits that the rapid escalation of socio-economic human activities has profoundly influenced the Earth’s intricate system. Initially conceived as the cumulative interaction of the Earth’s physical, chemical, and biological systems, this concept has evolved to encompass human social and economic processes, highlighting the interconnectedness of human activity with the broader environmental dynamics. Over the decades, measurements across various socio-economic and environmental parameters have revealed a staggering increase in human impact on the environment, demonstrating a near-exponential rise since the 1950s. In the context of the SDGs, Richardson draws attention to the inherent tension between the dual objectives of enhancing human socio-economic conditions and mitigating the continued exploitation of the Earth’s resources. This tension is palpable between goals 1-6, which are centered on improving human well-being by addressing issues such as poverty, hunger, and health, and goals 13-15, which prioritize environmental conservation and sustainability, focusing on actions to combat climate change, protect ecosystems, and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. This juxtaposition underscores the complex interplay between human development aspirations and environmental sustainability imperatives within the framework of the SDGs.

As individuals in poorer nations strive for development while exhibiting relatively low resource consumption, and conversely, those in wealthier nations often exhibit high resource consumption, a principle is needed to balance these contrasting goals. Richardson proposes that this principle is encapsulated in Goal 10, which addresses inequality. This highlights the radical departure of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). By intertwining global environmental concerns with notions of human, social, and economic development, the SDGs underscore the imperative of addressing inequality on a global scale.

Regardless of our interpretation of equality as the overarching principle for addressing the inherent tension in sustainable development, a sole emphasis on equality is insufficient. It is imperative to also consider how we navigate this tension. Richardson organizes the remaining goals into four distinct groups aimed at tackling this fundamental challenge. These groups are delineated as follows: A) Science and Technology (encompassing goals 7, 9, 11, and 12), B) Economics and Finance (covering goals 8 and 17), C) Governance (addressing goals 16 and, once more, 17), and finally D) Individual and Collective Action (covering goals 11, 12, and, again, 17).

In addition to illustrating how the tension between environmental preservation and human development must be addressed in principle, grounded in the spirit of global solidarity expressed through equality, Richardson underscores the significance of partnerships. Partnerships feature prominently in three of the four types of tools aimed at resolving this tension, with governance intertwined with peace—an emphasis that is also strongly underscored in the agreement itself.

Richardson’s systematic arrangement of the goals not only sheds light on the underlying dynamics and tensions intrinsic to the notion of sustainable development but also provides valuable insights. While some may argue that her approach does not fully address the inquiry raised by Agenda 21 Culture, UCLG, and UNESCO concerning the significance of culture and education, Richardson’s framework offers a significant advantage over alternative representations of sustainable development. By meticulously delineating the inherent tension within this concept and proposing a central principle for its resolution within the framework of the SDGs, Richardson furnishes a commendable suggestion for navigating this multifaceted landscape.

From the great acceleration to the Anthropocene epoch?
The concept of the Great Acceleration, which Richardson employs as a foundational concept, is frequently associated with another notion that has garnered increasing attention since the turn of the millennium: the Anthropocene epoch. Richardson acknowledges this linkage, highlighting how the Anthropocene epoch derives its name from the Greek term “Anthropos,” meaning human, as it posits that the primary driver of significant geological change in this epoch is human activity. Consequently, this period was proposed as a new geological epoch succeeding the Holocene, which commenced approximately 11,600 years ago following the last ice age.

Nobel laureate Paul J. Crutzen first introduced the idea of the Anthropocene at a conference in 2000. While it has proven to be a remarkably fertile concept, sparking interest across various disciplines including the humanities, and catalyzing the emergence of the environmental humanities, it has also engendered vigorous debate, criticism, and discussion within the academic community. Various perspectives on the interpretation of the Anthropocene are presented in numerous articles within this thematic issue, underscoring the multifaceted nature of this discourse.

Recently (February 2024), the underlying concept of the Anthropocene as a new geological period has been rejected by the ‘International Sub-commission on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS)’ under the International Commission on Stratigraphy” (ICS), a decision with no possibility of appeal. Therefore, it is not far-fetched to envision that this was ‘the end of the Anthropocene.’

However, this assumption may not hold true. Beyond the initial voting result, the legitimacy of the decision has been called into question by a complaint filed by Jan Zalasiewicz, the chair of SQS, and Martin Head, one of the vice-chairs of the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) under SQS, which submitted the proposal. Moreover, the debate surrounding the Anthropocene extends far beyond geological discourse, delving into existential, cultural, and political dimensions. This expansion of the discourse is particularly intriguing as it offers an avenue to address some of the challenges previously mentioned regarding the integration of sustainable development with culture. By broadening the scope of discussion, these conversations have the potential to shed light on the intricate intersections between human activity, environmental change, and cultural dynamics, providing valuable insights into the complex relationship between humanity and the planet.

In terms of the strictly geological facets of the Anthropocene debate, some members of SQS who opposed the proposed acceptance of the Anthropocene as a new geological epoch clarified that their dissent did not stem from a denial of human impact on the planet. Rather, their objection centered on the perception that the proposed definition of the start of the geological Anthropocene was too narrow. Indeed, a former member of the group, who initially submitted the proposal in January 2024, departed from the group in 2023 for the same reason. The contention against a narrow interpretation of the Anthropocene hinges on the argument that it should not be characterized as a formal epoch commencing with a singular, abrupt event, as suggested in the proposal. For instance, the proposal set the onset of the Anthropocene to the year 1952, marking the detection of plutonium from hydrogen-bomb tests in the sediment of Crawford Lake, near Toronto (Witze, 2024).

Rather, proponents of a broader understanding assert that the Anthropocene should be regarded as an event in geological history, akin to phenomena such as the Great Oxidation Event over two billion years ago. This perspective aligns with the notion that geological processes unfold gradually over time, encompassing transformations such as human industrialization and environmental pollution, rather than abrupt shifts from one state to another (Walker et al., 2024). This nuanced perspective underscores the need to conceptualize the Anthropocene within the broader context of geological evolution, recognizing the gradual and cumulative nature of human-induced changes to the Earth’s systems.

The argument advocating for a broader understanding of the Anthropocene, rather than fixating on specific starting points, is deeply intertwined with the ongoing debate surrounding its inception. Since the inception of the concept of the Anthropocene, there has been ongoing discourse regarding when precisely this epoch began. Various proposals have emerged, each positing different milestones in human activity as the catalyst for the Anthropocene. Paul J. Crutzen, for instance, asserted that the Anthropocene epoch commenced around 1750 with the onset of the Industrial Revolution. Conversely, other perspectives suggest much earlier starting points, tracing the origins of the Anthropocene back to phenomena such as the organization of plantations in the Roman Empire or even the advent of agriculture by early human societies. Under this lens, the Anthropocene period aligns almost concurrently with the Holocene epoch. Numerous alternative starting points have been put forth in this ongoing discourse, reflecting the complexity and diversity of perspectives within the scientific community. However, due to the scope of our discussion, we will not delve further into these alternative viewpoints at this time.

Jan Zalasiewicz, who advocated for the acceptance of the proposal, posited a more specific commencement for the Anthropocene. Nevertheless, in collaboration with fellow scholars in a comprehensive review article, Zalasiewicz advocated for a broader comprehension of the Anthropocene, albeit from a divergent perspective. The scholars articulated two pivotal assertions. Initially, they delineated between anthropogenic influence on the Earth’s systems and the trajectory toward a geological threshold precipitated by this influence, which could potentially pinpoint a more defined geological inception. Secondly, they expanded the concept of the Anthropocene to encompass both analytical dimensions and a consequential meta-level. The analytical level is divided into 1.1. sciences describing the ‘Anthropocene as an Epoch’ (among this prominent, geology), and 1.2) the sciences which on various levels elucidate the entanglements in various global systems, that is, ‘the Anthropocene as an Earth System.’ The consequential level 2) is referred to as ‘the Responsible Anthropocene’, which concerns the human-influenced state of the Earth System and cultural thresholds associated with the Anthropocene (Zalasiewicz et al, 2021).

Therefore, notwithstanding the disparities between proponents and detractors of the proposal, there exists a collective endeavor to refine the concept of the Anthropocene. The divergence appears to revolve around the geological characterization of the Anthropocene—whether it should be defined as a distinct geological epoch with a fixed commencement or construed as a transformative geological event. These methodological variances are likely to persist as subjects of discourse in the foreseeable future, with the ultimate geological recognition of the Anthropocene yet to be determined. Nevertheless, the notion of the three dimensions of the Anthropocene, particularly the concept of the Responsible Anthropocene, underscores the imperative of contemplating the cultural dimensions of this epoch. This, in turn, necessitates engagement not only from the sciences but also from the social sciences, environmental humanities, future studies, and education. Central to this discourse is the recognition that the ramifications of human influence on the environment extend beyond human-centric perspectives to encompass broader ecological contexts.

It has been argued that acknowledging this interconnectedness will fundamentally alter our understanding of history and our anticipations for the future. This emphasis on the interplay between the human and the non-human realms is reflected in inquiries into the potential culmination of the human “world” and the cultural thresholds that shape our perceptions of space, time, history, and identity. These themes are elucidated within the realm of environmental humanities, which encompasses disciplines such as philosophy, anthropology, history, religion, literature (including climate fiction and Cli-Fi), and art. Furthermore, emerging scientific paradigms seek to reconceptualize the relationship between nature and culture, as evidenced by works such as those by Cook et al. (2015), research conducted under Aarhus University’s Research on the Anthropocene (AURA), initiatives like the Center for Environmental Humanities, and publications such as Vetlesen’s (2019) work.

Nevertheless, in addition to the aforementioned discourse within the geological realm regarding the Anthropocene, critiques have emerged from the realms of social sciences and humanities, as exemplified by Haraway (2015). One salient criticism pertains to the underlying tension inherent in the concept, reminiscent of the tension observed in discussions surrounding sustainable development, concerning the interplay between developmental equity and the socio-political distribution of resources. Specifically, the Anthropocene has been faulted for its unilateral focus on the relationship between humanity and the environment, thereby obscuring the reality of unequal resource distribution.

Previously, we explored this tension between the pursuit of equitable human development and the utilization of environmental resources. In the context of the Anthropocene, critics argue that the advent of the Industrial Revolution was contingent upon the prior accumulation of capital, a process that gained momentum during the Renaissance. Consequently, designating the Anthropocene epoch as commencing from 1750 or later overlooks what has been termed “the Age of Capital” or the Capitalocene era, spanning from 1450 to 1750 (Moore, 2017, p. 17). This critique underscores the complex socio-economic dynamics that underpin the Anthropocene narrative, as for example articulated in Friberg’s analysis within this journal issue.

The emergence and subsequent discourse surrounding the Anthropocene concept serve to reignite discussions on the intricate interconnections between nature, economy, social equity, and inclusivity. This discourse, both directly and indirectly through reactions to the Anthropocene concept, fosters new avenues for integrating the more “cultural” as well as humanistic dimensions inherent in the notion of sustainable development. In several ways, the themes explored in environmental humanities, alongside those echoed in popular culture, not only echo the inquiries initiated by Agenda 21 Culture but also harken back to earlier dialogues on “deep history” and “possible futures,” prevalent during the 1960s and 1970s.

However, a crucial distinction lies in the contemporary discussions occurring within the framework of a nuanced understanding of sustainable development, epitomized by the SDGs. These discussions not only grapple with existential questions about the planet’s future but also strive to translate these inquiries into actionable strategies at an operational level. Amartya Sen’s emphasis on addressing both fundamental and operational levels in discussions on human development resonates here. Similarly, discussions on sustainable development necessitate a complementary approach that simultaneously addresses overarching existential concerns and practical implementation.

Hence, it becomes imperative to maintain a balanced perspective on sustainable development, the SDGs, and the Anthropocene concept, recognizing their dual role in addressing fundamental existential queries while also guiding tangible actions at the operational level. This complementary approach underscores the need for holistic engagement with the multifaceted challenges posed by the Anthropocene era, aligning with the ethos embedded within the SDGs to effect tangible change at the grassroots level.

Conclusion: a few remarks concerning Sustainable Development and Education

Hopefully, this narrative has been illuminating in elucidating the concept of sustainable development, its interconnectedness with sustainability and human development paradigms, and its further evolution through the SDG2030 agenda, alongside insights into the emerging discourse surrounding the Anthropocene. Additionally, I have also briefly touched upon the significance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and as we conclude, it is pertinent to ponder how the concept of sustainable education intersects with broader educational frameworks. As mentioned, the initial promotion of ESD was very much ignited by a normative policy perspective aiming at promoting Education for Sustainable Development, through ‘raising awareness, and not least through ‘training.’ This prompted concerns from an educational perspective about the integration of sustainable development concepts into educational curricula regarding taxonomic levels, including the cultivation of critical thinking skills necessary for addressing sustainability challenges, as well as pedagogical questions regarding how the promotion of values and behaviors conducive to sustainable living sits not necessarily well with ideas concerning issue related to the student’s freedom in the pedagogical process (the pedagogical paradox).

We will start by pointing to the distinction between two dimensions of ESD, namely ESD1 and ESD2. These two dimensions, delineated by Vare and Scott (2007), constitute complementary approaches to ESD. In their seminal article, Vare and Scott offered a critique of UNESCO’s prevailing approach to ESD, which they claimed primarily emphasized the transmission of expert knowledge to prompt behavioral change (ESD1). While acknowledging the importance of this directive, Vare and Scott posited that ESD1 must be complemented by an educational paradigm that fosters critical thinking and independent inquiry, thereby enabling learners to grasp the intricacies of sustainable living more profoundly and to autonomously navigate change (termed ESD2). This assertion resonates with broader discussions within educational theory regarding the role of autonomy and critical reflection in pedagogy. Vare and Scott’s exposition garnered widespread recognition within the global ESD community, catalyzing further dialogue and scholarship. In essence, ESD2 transcends mere behavioral modification; it engenders a deeper understanding of sustainability, empowering individuals to contemplate diverse perspectives and make informed choices. Indeed, the discourse surrounding ESD2 underscores the importance of cultivating a discerning mindset that interrogates conventional wisdom and the nuances of sustainable practices. For instance, Scott and Vare’s examination of Fair Trade exemplifies this approach, reframing it not as an unquestionable ethical imperative but as a subject of critical inquiry. By encouraging learners to scrutinize the complexities and trade-offs inherent in sustainability initiatives, ESD2 fosters a more nuanced understanding of sustainable development and equips individuals with the intellectual tools to navigate its multifaceted terrain.

Given the complexities inherent in integrating culture into the framework of Sustainable Development and setting aside discussions around the term Anthropocene for a moment, it is pertinent to consider the implications of the Responsible Anthropocene, as posited by Zalasiewicz et al., which underscores the human-influenced state of the Earth System and the associated cultural thresholds. In light of these considerations, one might question whether the existing ideas of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD1 and ESD2) are adequate for preparing present and future generations to navigate the challenges posed by the emerging paradigm. An alternative or complementary approach to the traditional three pillars of sustainable development could involve conceptualizing sustainable development around three poles: the environmental pole, the political-economic pole, and the cultural and existential thresholds that humanity will confront in the foreseeable future. Such an approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of environmental, political-economical, and cultural-existential dimensions and broadens in relevant ways the discourse of both sustainable development and ESD.

Translating the integration of cultural and existential thresholds into the realm of education, one could envision a new dimension of ESD termed ESD3. Unlike its predecessors, ESD3 would incorporate existential depth and cultural critique into the educational framework, thereby broadening the scope of inquiry beyond immediate calls to action (ESD1) and (limited) critical discourse (ESD2). While ESD1 focuses on instilling behavioral changes and ESD2 emphasizes critical thinking but does not necessarily, to paraphrase one of the debates from the 70’ies, represent the possible departure from the prevailing “Dominant Social Paradigm,” then ESD3 delves into larger existential questions such as the nature of humanity, societal development, and our relationship with nature and other living beings which in short might lead to deep change in our worldview.

It is important to note that the introduction of ESD3 as it is proposed here does not seek to negate the value of action-oriented education or critical inquiry within established frameworks. Rather, it underscores the significance of addressing broader existential and cultural dimensions in ESD, which have profound implications for shaping worldviews and guiding collective action in the face of unprecedented global challenges. By engaging with these deeper existential questions, ESD3 offers an approach to education that is attuned to the complex interplay between human societies and the natural world.

Perhaps the point could be explicated crudely (and rather uninhibitedly) by referring to levels I, II, and III in Bateson’s theory of learning:
Learning I is change in specificity of response by correction of errors of choice within a set of alternatives. Learning II is change in the process of Learning I, e.g., a corrective change in the set of alternatives from which choice is made, or it is a change in how the sequence of experience is punctuated. Learning III is change in the process of Learning II, e.g., a corrective change in the system of sets of alternatives from which choice is made. (Bateson, 2000, 298)

ESD1 could then be likened to “Learning I,” which entails acquiring knowledge leading to behavioral changes. In contrast, ESD2 corresponds to “Learning II,” involving adaptation to established patterns, developing the capacity for autonomous learning, making choices, and shaping one’s character within a given system, as per Bateson’s expansive interpretation of systems. According to Bateson, these two levels of learning (along with the foundational “Learning level 0,” which we will not discuss here) are the most prevalent forms of learning.

However, experiences such as the loss of a loved one or significant life transitions may prompt individuals to question not only their current way of life within a given system but also the possibility of inhabiting an entirely different system or reality. Bateson describes “Learning III” as a transformative process that entails corrective adjustments to the system of choices made in “Learning II.” This level of learning, which might be characterized as pointing to “freedom of spirit,” fundamentally alters one’s mode of existence in the world. Bateson notes that such profound shifts occur infrequently.

But it is claimed that something of the sort does from time to time occur in psychotherapy, religious conversion, and in other sequences in which there is profound reorganization of character. Zen Buddhists, Occidental mystics, and some psychiatrists assert that these matters are totally beyond the reach of language. But, in spite of this warning, let me begin to speculate about what must (logically) be the case. (Bateson, 2000, 307)

Given the inclusion of cultural-existential thresholds as the third aspect in ESD, ESD3 might perhaps be related to Learning III. Certain emerging theories and practices in Education for the Anthropocene appear to be progressing in this direction (see for example Fettes & Blenkinsop, 2023). However, a question pertains to our readiness and ability to engage in education and learning at this level, considering Bateson’s examples of Learning III, and that they occur infrequently.

On one hand, we might envision promising alternative futures at an existential level if we can engage in education and learning at this depth. Nonetheless, these aspirations may be tempered by the environmental and political-economic dimensions and dilemmas inherent in Sustainable Development we have discussed. Moreover, as discussed in various articles, the concept of the Anthropocene may both unveil and obscure realities. Nevertheless, if these three (new) dimensions of Sustainable Development (environmental, political-economic, and cultural-existential thresholds) are integrated into education and ESD, they could herald new ways of conceptualizing the world and education itself.

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Glacial Water Melt in Greenland: Resource for the Future


Research into the cause and effect of increased thawing in permafrost areas and rising sea level has led to the conclusion that without extensive decrease in carbon emissions, future generations may be presented with severely different global conditions (IPCC, n.d.). This condition could make populated areas uninhabitable and leave others with limited possibilities for agriculture and other activities vital for human survival.

However, the increasing melt rate of Greenland’s glacier may present an opportunity to harness more energy for electrical generation than is currently being done today. Such a project could prove beneficial for Greenland’s economy and may possibly attract the interest of various energy demanding industries, which may in turn present various employment opportunities and infrastructure investments for the benefit of the indigenous people of Greenland.

Hans Stauber studied the potential of the glacial meltwater of Greenland’s glacier in the 1930’s (Alther et al., 1981). His study outlines the methodology for harnessing the meltwater by using the elevation difference of the glacier, utilising the Nunataks for creating reservoirs and transporting the energy.

This research paper will focus on the feasibility of a large-scale hydropower project in Greenland, presenting examples from Iceland and Norway, and paying careful attention to the current global conditions, modern applicable parameters, and the potential benefits of large-scale hydropower investments in Greenland.

Hydropower Background

Since the development of the Francis, Pelton and Kaplan turbine, hydropower has been a vital contributor to economic growth. The world’s first large scale alternating current hydropower plant was built in the USA. It harnessed the energy from the Niagara Falls in New York, coming into production in 1895. By the beginning of the 20th century, hundreds of small hydropower plants were installed across the world. In 1940, the United States accounted for around 40% of the electric generation after completion of The Hoover Dam and the Grand Coulee dam finishing in 1942. The Itaipu dam in Brazil was finished in 1984 and was the world largest hydro power plant until the Three Gorges dam power plant was finished in 2012 (“History of Hydropower”, 2018) (Bank, 2013) .

Hydropower in Norway
The power production in Norway is divided among hydropower, wind, and thermal power, with the vast majority coming from hydropower. The total annual energy production on an average wet year is 151 trillion watt hours (TWh), with hydropower production at 90%, wind power around 7.5% and thermal power producing the rest. Currently, Norway has around 1671 hydropower plants, 52 wind power plants, and 30 thermal power plants across the country, with the majority situated along the coast (NVE, 2019). Norway’s history of producing electricity by hydropower dates back to the 19th century as plants were built to energize chemical and metallic production. This heralded the start of economic and technological growth in Norway. The majority of the hydropower plants built during the 20th century are still running today, with only maintenance and minor modifications required. The oldest hydropower plant currently running is Hammeren which was built in the year 1900.

Hydropower in Iceland
Iceland’s terrain and position offers the unique opportunity of being able to utilise both geothermal and hydropower energy sources. Geothermal energy contributes 28.9% of the total energy generation, hydropower contributes 71%, and 0.3% are gained from wind energy (NEA, n.d.). Iceland’s location on the Mid-Atlantic ridge offers geothermal possibilities, but not without some complications. Iceland has multiple active volcanoes and a history of violent eruptions which have had severe effects both inland and abroad. For example, the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010 disrupted a large portion of the air traffic in Europe.

In 2015, Iceland’s electricity generation was 18.798 GWh (GI, n.d.), but a recent study by David Finger points out that there is still unexploited hydropower potential in Iceland (Finger, 2018).Hydropower electrical energy in Iceland began in the 20th century when the main power station located in Elliðaár was built in the year 1921. This power station is still in partial use today. A further complication is that Iceland’s glaciers cover around 11% of the land, with Vatnajökull covering 7900km2 (NI, n.d.). Because Iceland’s glaciers hold a mass of 3600 km3, they could raise the global sea level by around 10 mm if melted (of Earth Sciences, 2020).

Hydropower in Greenland
Greenland is the largest island in the world. Located 740 km from the North Pole, with Kap Farvel having the same latitude as Oslo. Greenland’s total area is 2.166.086 km2 with 81% permanently covered by icecap (Nunatsiaq, 2016). Buksefjord, Greenland’s first hydropower plant was constructed in 1993. Today, Greenland utilises five hydropower plants which supply six towns with electricity used for domestic use and heating (Nunatsiaq, 2016). Greenland relies partly on imported oil, even though they are increasing self-production and utilising heat from waste incineration. The Co2 emission of Greenland in 2013 reaching 555Kt with 94% of the emission originating from energy consumption (Nunatsiaq, 2016).

Indigenous People
Greenland is part of Denmark’s kingdom, but has had a self-government since 2009 and “has had exclusive responsibility regarding extractive projects on the territory and in surrounding maritime zones” (Johnstone and Hansen, 2020). A great deal of attention is currently being paid internationally to Greenland’s pursuit of independence from Denmark as a sovereign state (Johnstone and Hansen, 2020). The Indigenous people of Greenland view extractive industries as a means to increased stability, improved living conditions, and good employment opportunities which among other factors could lead to an increased standard of living. From an outsider’s perspective, enabling extractive industries in Greenland is a stepping stone towards independence from Denmark. But as the study depicts, the Indigenous people place more importance on the benefits of increasing economic independence by allowing the extractive industries, rather than seeking political independence. “Exploration and exploitation of natural resources is known to contribute to major changes at individual, community and national levels” (Johnstone and Hansen, 2020). Greenland’s Mineral Resources Act states how developers are required to conduct an environmental impact and social impact assessment (SIA). The government often requires a social sustainability agreement, i.e. Impact and Benefit Agreement (IBA), to promote equitable development. “The provisions in the Mineral Resources Act on EIA and SIA are brief, but are developed further in a number of topic-specific Guidelines. Although the latter are not legally binding in a formal sense, it is unlikely that the government will grant a license in cases where the developer has not met, if not exceeded the requirements in the Guidelines.” (Johnstone and Hansen, 2020).

Technical details
Greenland’s glaciers theoretical energy potential is, according to the Geological Survey of Greenland (GEUS), 470 Twh per year. “This estimation gives results far from the real available hydropower energy, which can be applied only when the water comes into hydrological catchment areas where hydropower plants in reality can be constructed” (Nunatsiaq, 2016).

Figure 1: Hydropower potential locations in west Greenland (Højmark, 1996). “Blue areas indicate hydropower basins, black squares possible localities for hydropower plants and black circles are observation localities for water flow estimates operated by GEUS. (Geological Survey)” (Nunatsiaq, 2016).

An estimate based on multiple years of research work determines 16 catchments areas with a combined energy of 14 Twh in the western of Greenland (Nunatsiaq, 2016).

Energy Exportation
Exporting the energy from Greenland could be achieved by hydrogen generation through electrolysis. Additionally, ammonia could be used as an energy carrier with water and air combination (Alther et al., 1981).

Figure 2: Distance between Nunavut and Nuuk (Nunatsiaq, 2016).

With distances between countries contributing greatly to the cost of an energy exportation project, there are locations within reach of Greenland which may present opportunities to transfer electric energy to other countries. Studies reveal how energy could be exported to the west, to Nunavut in Canada since Nunavut is only 800 km from Greenland’s capital, Nuuk. Currently Nunavut has a population of 23,000 people and requires more electric energy (Nunatsiaq, 2016). Additionally, the western part of Iceland could possibly utilise electric energy from Greenland (Nunatsiaq, 2016).


A study from 1981 presents a methodology for harnessing the meltwater of Greenland by utilising electric power transportation stations with reservoirs at different elevations.

Figure 3: “Schematic illustration of a glacial power station in Greenland. 1 = Inland ice. 2 = Firn. 3 = Snow cover. 4 = Melt water channel. 5 = Bedrock. 6 = Upper reservoir. 7 = Lower reservoir. 8 = Natural dam (Nunataks). 9 = Pipe shaft. 10 = Iceberg.
(After kollbrunner and Stauber, 1972.)” (Alther et al., 1981).

Perpendicular channels which are cut into the bedrock guide the meltwater to the reservoirs with minimal loss. From the reservoir flows water through pipelines to a lower reservoir (7), where the natural dams (Nunataks) serve as a dam wall (8). “These Nunataks provide a natural drop of some 2000 m from the terminus of the ice cap to sea level.” (Alther et al., 1981). Which in turn is guided through pressure pipeline and turbines.

Natural forming reservoirs may be created by distributing coal dust or other heat absorbing material to enable the ice in that area to melt faster than normal during the summer months; this procedure would only serve to initiate the process. This formation could be enlarged and altered as needed and channels made as required by each reservoir at any given time (Alther et al., 1981).

Hydropower Development in Norway

The integration of hydropower in Norway had a large impact on the country’s economic development. The first hydropower plant in Norway, was built in Hamn, Norway in 1882, where the power was used by a nickel production plant (Vasskrafta, 2019a). In the late 19th century and well into the 20th century, the chemical industry developed where hydropower energy was available, mainly because long distance energy transmission was not feasible at that time. An industrial company named Borregaard was established in 1889, to produce biochemical products. Borregaard later developed the hydropower plant Borregaard kraftverk in 1898. This was the beginning of multiple other industrial developments, such as Norsk Hydro, the largest industrial establishment and hydropower developer. Norsk Hydro was the first company to develop synthetic nitrate fertiliser and used hydropower energy and water for this production. In 1907 Norsk Hydro developed a hydropower plant in Notodden named Svelgfoss 1, which was Europe’s largest hydropower plant and the world’s second largest hydropower plant at the time. By 1911, Norsk Hydro had completed Vemork hydropower plan, the world’s largest hydropower plant with an installed capacity of 108MW (“Kraftverk: Vemork”, 2016). Furthermore, the development of Solbergfossen hydropower plant had excessive technological and historical importance for Norway. It was developed during the First World War after the completion of the hydropower laboratory at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The cooperation among contractors, developers, and NTNU managed to increase the efficiency of the turbine by more than 10% using Norwegian contractors, thus ensuring the country’s competence comparable to an international level. This is historically important as construction started in 1913 and finished in 1924, a time period when political forces wanted to use and develop Norwegian technology (“Kraftverk: Solbergfoss”, 2016) (Vasskrafta, 2004) (NTNU, 2019). Development of Glomfjorden kraftverk, a hydropower plant using two of what was in 1920 the world’s largest turbines, laid the fundamentals of an important industry in Glomfjorden and also bureaucracy in Norway. The project development contributed to the decision to develop NVE, the Norwegian regulators of hydropower (“Kraftverk: Glomfjord”, 2016) (Vasskrafta, 2019b).

Hydropower Development in Iceland

Iceland’s incentives to create its first large scale hydropower plant came in the 1960’s when the company Alusisse showed interest in constructing an aluminium plant in Iceland (Energy, 2019). Afterwards when Iceland had been attracting high energy demanding industries, the national power company of Iceland was established (Landsvirkjun). Its first task was to administrate the construction of Búrfell hydropower plant which came into operation in 1969 with the capacity of 210 megawatts (MW). Iceland has since become a large aluminium and ferrosilicon exporter, with increase in demand through the years, which in turn has increased the energy need and prompted further the construction of more hydropower plants (Energy, 2019). The effects of the construction of hydropower plants to satisfy the industrial energy demand has had a large effect on Iceland’s infrastructure, both economic and social, with the construction of the plants and employment from the industry.

Incentives for Greenland

Using Norway and Iceland as an example, there are two proposals for Greenland to proceed with its hydropower development:
Generate interest from high energy demanding industries by proposing access to sustainable clean hydropower electric energy with a comparable geological location as Iceland. Private equity firms and industries could be involved in the construction of a large scale hydropower plant.
Construct a hydropower plant with the aid of Denmark for the future prospects of energy exportation, providing the necessary foundation for large scale industries to operate in Greenland.

Greenland could benefit greatly in terms of economic development and social effect. Greenland could possibly satisfy all of its energy demand and become completely carbon neutral. In the near future a shift in emphasis of the transportation and mobility sector is almost certain. Such development and the ever growing demand for industries to implement sustainability in their manufacturing process, will broaden the market for clean energy and Greenland could be in a position of being able to supply sustainable electric energy for industries willing to offshore their operations to Greenland. It can be said that Greenland certainly has the building blocks to reach similar development as Iceland by harnessing the glacial meltwater and being able to provide sustainable energy for many years to come. Metallurgical processing, used in industries such as copper electrolytic refinement and aluminium, could utilise the meltwater generated electric power (Alther et al., 1981).

International collaboration

For a project of this caliber, international collaboration would be necessary for design and supplying equipment such as excavators to Greenland. With such a collaborative effort the project should be achievable in 15-20 years (Alther et al., 1981). According to The cost estimate for the power scheme would be around $275 – $320 per kilowatt (Partl, 1978). With considerations to transportation facilities as gas pipelines or AC/DC rectifiers / inverters, the additional cost could amount to $220 – $430 per kilowatt hour. Disruptions to local population would likely be minimal, but would be different between energy harnessing locations since the population is fairly small and dispersed in comparison with Greenland’s geographic size. The effect on the environment should be minimal (Alther et al., 1981). If H2 spillage did occur, such as by the bursting of gas pipelines, the effect on marine life would likely be insignificant.

LCA of Industrial Project

As a requirement to uphold Greenland’s clean reputation and to fulfil environmental require- ments regarding emission standards and pollution, industries that show interest in relocating to Greenland should do a full life cycle analysis (LCA). This would need to be approved by Greenland’s and Denmark’s governments and abide to their requirements.

Social Economics Benefits in Norway

Electricity has increased the welfare of the Norwegian population. The development of effective transmission lines enabled industries to grow and make electricity more available. In the 1920’s the majority of people living in Oslo had access to electricity, but in the 1940’s, 80% of the entire Norwegian population had gained access to electricity. Since the Second World War and up to the 1990s, there have been large investments in the electrification of Norway and in 1965 nearly every house had access to electricity. This development has been a driver for the continued economic growth and increased welfare in Norway (norske leksikon, 2020).

Social Economics Benefits in Iceland

Since the 1960’s Iceland’s population has grown from 175,000 to over 340,000 (Worldome- ter, 2021). Its gross domestic product (GDP) has increased from 1400$ to over 66000$ per capita (Commons, 2019), with a large portion in direct relation to the industrial development that followed the construction of the hydropower plants and the accessibility to electrical energy. The infrastructure of Iceland relies on the energy-demanding industry and seldom has any single industry had such an impact on one country. With employment opportunities and increased quality of life, population is able to grow and other industries can emerge.


“Climate change will further exacerbate the unique applied glaciological challenges associated with the proglacial mining described above. Rising atmospheric temperatures are expected to increase the meltwater runoff from the ice sheet by a factor of five by the end of the century” (Colgan et al., 2015). Greenland’s glacial meltwater hydropower potential could become more feasible as the global conditions become more severe due to global warming. Emissions from electricity generation using coal and other environmentally polluting methods may be decreased substantially by harnessing Greenland’s glacier meltwater. This project might prove to be much more beneficial than anticipated as we witness the growing demand for sustainable electric energy.


As Greenland’s glacier melts and opportunities emerge for hydropower, it is these authors’ opinion that Greenland should proceed with large-scale projects that keep the best interests of the Indigenous people of Greenland in mind and, at the same time, create an incentive for industries to relocate their operations to Greenland. This may in turn stimulate the economy through employment opportunities and provide Greenland with the incentive to invest in its infrastructure to accommodate this development. With the hydropower developments in Norway and Iceland, and with Greenland sharing similar geological location as Iceland, Greenland should consider this opportunity while it is still a possibility.

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Sustainable Development of Arctic Oil and Gas: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Benefit-Sharing.

How would you feel if foreigners encroached on your natural resources for commercial exploitation without your consent and had no agreement with you regarding the sharing of benefits generated from its use? This is the case for vulnerable Arctic populations and Indigenous peoples. The Arctic is known as a vast storehouse of potential resources. Oil seeps have been recognized and used for commercial purposes in Northern Alaska, Canada, and Russia since the 1920s (Huntington & Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme, 2007). They will continue to be a significant economic force in the Arctic, spreading through many areas and environments and impacting many individuals and communities. Additionally, the melting of Arctic glaciers caused by climate change provides opportunities to exploit new Arctic oil and gas deposits (Casper, 2009). In the Arctic, extractive factories invade indigenous and local populations’ land and water, posing a danger to their resources. These activities are, therefore, likely to affect the delicate and fragile Arctic ecosystem and endanger already vulnerable Arctic populations and Indigenous peoples, while at the same time improving economic growth (Casper, 2009).

Benefit-sharing can be described as a fair and equal distribution of the monetary and non- monetary benefits produced by resource extraction activities. Rewards include the allocation of taxes and royalties, business, and equity ownership, employment creation, negotiated arrangements, and community development (Wilson, 2019). Globally, benefit-sharing offers mean that indigenous/local populations and extractive industries cooperate peacefully to turn the resource “curse” into a developmental advantage (Petrov & Tysiachniouk, 2019). In remote areas in the Arctic, oil and natural gas production offers growth opportunities and also raises costs for residents, indigenous communities, and cultures. It affects the economy’s survival and reduces the traditional resource utilization of land (Tysiachniouk & Petrov, 2018). Benefit-sharing is a legal requirement and a component of corporate social responsibility that can promote sustainable development in the remote Arctic regions if adequately structured. In the Arctic, sustainable development can be defined as development that enhances the well-being, health, and protection of Arctic populations and inhabitants, while maintaining the institutions, roles, and resources of ecosystems (Petrov & Tysiachniouk, 2019). On the other hand, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a management principle in which organizations combine fiscal, social, and environmental issues in their business practices and the relationship with their stakeholder (“What Is CSR? | UNIDO,” n.d.).

Meanwhile, according to Wilson, for efficient control of industrial production’s environmental and social impacts, indigenous and local populations are pressing for fairer benefit-sharing by the extractive industries. International principles refer to Indigenous peoples’ rights to benefit from creating resources, engaging in decision making, and establishing development planning goals that specifically impact them. Although international standard procedure on indigenous rights for Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) exists for equitable distribution of benefit sharing with Indigenous peoples in resource development, there are currently no prospects for Indigenous peoples to play a significant role in strategic planning. Lack of meaningful engagement and participation of indigenous communities in decision- making during the life cycle of resource extraction activities undermines the FPIC principles in violation of Indigenous peoples’ rights. The disagreements over the benefits and negative effects of resource extraction have intensified due to structural changes triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. The fall in market prices for gasoline due to a decrease in demand has impacted productivity and profitability (Bernauer & Slowey, 2020). It has resulted in exposing the failure of extractive corporations’ failure to incorporate Triple Bottom Line (TBL) initiatives that focus on the 3 Ps: (Planet, People, and Profit) into their business operations. Due to limited data on the ongoing economic, social, and health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a gap in this research paper on the full impacts of the pandemic that will have to be addressed by future research.

This paper aims to address benefit-sharing in extractive industries and how Indigenous people can participate in community development decisions by answering how benefit-sharing would promote sustainability and access to decision-making in the era of Covid-19. The paper’s approach is based on a review of the literature to establish the principles underlying the study. The paper is divided into three (3) parts: a) benefit-sharing instruments and corporate social responsibility; it explains benefit-sharing principle, formation, purpose, and the relationship between benefit sharing and CSR to promote sustainable development in the Arctic, b) discuss indigenous control and implementation of international standards in respect of indigenous rights through the effective implementation of FPIC and its achievement strategies, and c) the impacts of COVID-19 on benefit-sharing agreements concerning the TBL initiative.

Fair and Equitable Benefit Sharing Principle, Formation, Purpose

In international environmental law, the debate regarding control and ownership of natural and biogenetic resources has been ongoing for the past several decades (Stellina, 2015).

Natural and marine genetic resources have traditionally been regarded and accepted as part of the common heritage of mankind. Nevertheless, the developed nations have been too concerned with the extraction of biological and genetic resources with the advancement of technology and the increased north-south divide over sovereign rights for natural resources (Stellina, 2015). To bring equity between the needs of developed and developing nations and how to protect and conserve marine and natural resources. Access to Benefit Sharing (ABS) was seen as a solution.

Since the 1990s, benefit arrangements have been a growing interest in regions with sound indigenous regulations, such as North America and Australia. (Sulvandziga, 2019). The principle arises from various international instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the “Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing to the CBD” (Sulvandziga, 2019, p.64). Access and benefit-sharing from an international legal perspective refer to how benefits resulting from the natural resources utilization, the protection of the environment, and the use of traditional knowledge would be shared between the communities granting access to the resources and the users of the resources (Unit, 2020 “The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing”).

James Anaya, the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, drew unprecedented attention to the role of benefit-sharing concerning Indigenous people’s rights to land and natural resources (Morgera, 2014). According to Anaya, Indigenous people’s rights to benefit-sharing implies “the broad international recognition of the right to indigenous communal ownership, which includes recognition of rights relating to the use, administration and conservation of the natural resources existing in indigenous territories, independent of private or State ownership of those resources.” (Sulyandziga, 2019, p. 67). He stated that “Aside from their entitlement to compensation for damages, Indigenous peoples have the right to share in the benefits arising from activities taking place on their traditional territories, especially in relation to natural resource exploitation” as a reference to benefit-sharing in Article 15(2) of ILO Convention No. 169 and appropriate to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) Articles 25 and 26 respectively (Morgera, 2014, p. 1-2). In this regard, Anaya also stressed that the only clear international standard applicable to benefit- sharing is that it must be “fair and equitable” for such sharing. The benefits to be shared include tax revenue, information, scientific and commercial cooperation, joint management of natural resources, and technical support, which have been identified as monetary and non-monetary (Morgera, 2016).
James Anaya also argued that benefit sharing is seen as “one of a set of inter-linked safeguards for the realization of substantive rights of Indigenous peoples” (Sulyandziga, 2019, p.67). Sharing of benefits explicitly reflects a particular relationship among governments, commercial businesses, and indigenous groups. It is known that benefit sharing is part of the social license to operate, thus, the public approval of the operations of the industry plus the completion of mandatory mineral extraction licensing and permit requirements (Tysiachniouk & Petrov, 2018).

In a nutshell, the benefit-sharing aim is to ensure indigenous communities’ involvement in decision-making by improving their well-being and offering local communities’ control over their future as well as protecting Indigenous peoples’ human rights by promoting community development projects in remote areas in the Arctic.

Benefit-Sharing and CSR for Sustainable Development

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a principle whereby corporations willingly decide to commit to a healthier community and a safer world. CSR is defined by the Commission of European Communities in 2001 as “a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and their interaction with their stakeholders on voluntary basis.” CSR initiatives for international oil firms include developing risk control policies such as steps to avoid oil spills; focusing on energy conservation and green energy; establishing partnerships with the local communities where they operate; enhancing the quality of life of workers; and contributing to society as a whole (Cao, 2018). Thus, CSR initiatives enable businesses to move beyond regulatory standards to add to their competitiveness by engaging more in human capital, the community, and stakeholder partnerships.

Sometimes, companies engage in corporate social responsibility benefit-sharing schemes to satisfy investors and shareholders and to meet the needs of local communities only to the degree required to receive the ‘social license’ to operate (Tysiachniouk & Petrov, 2018). The commitment of an organization to localities often takes the form of compensation or targeted investments. However, the corporation holds the leadership role in the decision-making power of benefit sharing, making its preference prevail in several ways over community needs and desires (Petrov & Tysiachniouk, 2019).

According to Johnstone & Hansen 2020, the socio-economic and environmental effects of the exploration and production of oil have led to political and civil society problems that have caused social damage by companies in violation of human rights laws of the local populations and workers. This includes the right to land, culture, rights at work, an acceptable standard of living, and the right to engage in decision-making processes relevant to projects involving land and communities (Johnstone & Hansen, 2020). For this reason, it is therefore crucial for businesses practicing CSR to follow the TBL 3P’s (Profit, People, and Planet) approach as a measure for financial reporting on their business activities. The TBL concept, proposed in 1987 by the Brundtland Commission, is the basis of most CSR theories. In 1994, the phrase was coined by John Elkington, often known as 3Ps or three pillars. It notes that a corporation should be accountable for three characteristics: profit, people, and the planet, i.e., economic, social, and environmental responsibility.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) also argues that, as a method for assessing and reporting organizational success toward economic, social, and environmental performance, the TBL methodology is used. It is an effort to connect private businesses to sustainable global development by giving them a complete set of working priorities than just profit alone. The view held is that an organization must be financially stable, eliminate its adverse environmental effects, and function in compliance with community norms in order for it to be sustainable. Therefore, businesses can be considered profitable only if it takes care of all three components of the TBL, and all of them are incredibly closely related (Księżak & FischBach, 2017). Thus, one element cannot be adopted in isolation from the others.

Meanwhile, one accepted definition of sustainable development in Brundtland’s 1987 report defines it as “the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”(Fonseca, Domingues, & Dima, 2020, p.1). Sustainable development aims to resolve the societal desires to live best under the limits placed by nature. Development is a multidisciplinary process for all persons to reach a better quality of life. The interdependent and mutually reinforcing elements of sustainable growth are economic growth, social development, and environmental conservation (Fonseca et al., 2020, p.2). It indicates that, there is a relationship between CSR, TBL, and sustainable development as they all aim to address the same core elements.

Non-Governmental Organizations and the general population have a great deal of influence on CSR initiatives. According to Sustainable Development Working Groups Report, 2013 on “CSR in the Arctic-way forward,” the primary universal standards which drive CSR in the Arctic that were approved by the Arctic Council in the first workshop on CSR held in Stockholm from 26-27 January 2012 are the OECD Guidelines, the United Nations Global Compact, and the Global Reporting Initiative Reporting Standard. These guidelines are considered strong and adequate instruments that warrant more focus, follow-up, and enforcement by Arctic business operators (Group (SDWG), 2013).

The United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) of Human Rights promote that all states are responsible to uphold human rights and prevent violation by corporations and organizations of all kinds and sizes. The obligation allows enterprises to comply with appropriate national laws and self-regulate to fill policy differences between national and international law. Both government and non-states players must ensure that victims are entitled to remedies (Johnstone & Hansen, 2020). The UNGPs also stress that businesses should dialogue on stakeholder engagement, particularly in terms of “meaningful” consultation and engagement with communities and stakeholders (Wilson, 2020). Mineral extraction and mining ventures in the Arctic can not only add to the economic circulation of natural resources, produce revenue, and provide new employment for the local population, but can also be followed by negative effects on the ecosystem, traditional land, climate, and the health of local people ((Novoselov, Potravny, Novoselova, & Gassiy, 2020).

For that matter, Novoselov, Andrey, et al., 2020 argue that industrial projects in the Arctic are highlighted and influenced by many Arctic stakeholders’ interests through social, environmental, anthological, and cultural practices. Therefore, the achievement of benefits for resource extraction projects on conventional lands in the Arctic should also mention:

  • Protection of the environment needed to lead the traditional Indigenous peoples’ commercial activities;
  • Cultural heritage preservation and traditional knowledge;
  • Reduction of social conflict induced by project implications awareness;
  • Employment development;
  • Health care improvement;
  • Providing infrastructure
  • Providing educational accessibility;
  • Increasing living standards and empowering the indigenous community with requirements for socio-demographic reproduction.

The compensation process must meet all parties’ needs, which can only be accomplished by including all stakeholders in the execution of strategic planning. For this reason, the fair and equitable benefit-sharing arrangement in the Arctic regions is critical, and it must facilitate both procedural and distributional equity. The principle of benefit-sharing encompasses several instruments, such as the negotiation of partnership agreements, the purchase of traditional products, the creation of indigenous jobs, the funding of transport, and social infrastructure development (Tysiachniouk, Henry, Tulaeva, & Horowitz, 2020). This scheme encourages indigenous communities to make better use of these financial opportunities to achieve future sustainable growth.
Consequently, community engagement is an essential aspect of international human rights law in the decision-making process on matters concerning one’s own life and the society in which one lives. However, Agenda 21 also acknowledges, among other things, that strong public involvement in decision-making, including the need for individuals, groups, and organizations to engage in decisions, especially those concerning the communities in which they live, is one of the essential prerequisites for achieving sustainable development. The mining industry in the Arctic affects the environment, the safety of the water supply, and the local people’s welfare. It then takes the form of compensation and corporate social benefit to cater to the harm suffered. In the meantime, a win-win outcome will only be accomplished if all parties are engaged in the decision-making process to disclose their specific needs regarding the benefit of enhancing the indigenous livelihood towards community development.

Indigenous Control and Implementation of International Standards

Various international partners have been discussing international standards on human rights and Indigenous peoples’ protection for the sustainability of the environment. As a result, resource production’s social and cultural issues are of significance, and the lack of community participation in the early stage of resource development and active engagement of indigenous communities in decision-making strategies violates the FPIC rights of Indigenous peoples.

The precise interpretation of the theory can be determined by breaking down the meaning of the terms that make up the FPIC principle. The UN Guidelines on FPIC describe “free” as a system that is not subject to externally imposed deadlines. As a result, aboriginal peoples should not be forced, intimidated, or threatened into consent (Hughes, 2018). According to (Pillay, 2020), “prior” means that approval should be obtained sufficiently in advance of any permission or start of operations, and that indigenous consultation or consensus procedures should be respected in terms of time constraints. Thus, the engagement must take place well ahead of planned events to give Indigenous peoples and communities enough time to establish and create relationships, consider all key information, and make decisions with the aim of successful relations (Hughes, 2018).

(Pillay, 2013) further explain that “informed” implies that information is provided on a variety of topics, such as the nature, size, pace, reversibility, and scope of any proposed project or activity; the project’s purpose as well as its duration; the locality and areas affected; a preliminary assessment of the likely economic, social, cultural, and environmental impact, including potential risks; personnel likely to be involved; and the locality and areas affected. The possibility of refusing consent may be included in this procedure. The approval process must include consultation and participation.

Therefore, a fragile Arctic environment is of concern because of the adverse consequences of extractive practices, which are now turned into industrial “green movements,” resulting in the invasion of indigenous lands (Wilson, 2020) and causes danger to their ways of life, such as herding, fishing, and farming. The focus on indigenous rights is on FPIC principles. FPIC may take many forms but is an important sustainable development corporate governance framework. It is a right set out for Indigenous peoples in international treaties and declarations, especially ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and some national legislation (Buxton & Wilson, 2013).

The interpretation and implementation of international norms and values will enhance shared understanding and meaningful stakeholder participation. In recent years the call for respecting indigenous privileges concerning a set of criteria in resource development has grown stronger and stronger. According to Wilson (2019), the lack of respect for Indigenous peoples’ control, rights, and consents in resource exploration has urged local communities in the Arctic regions to encourage governments and companies to allow them to take greater control and do more in adhering to international norms/standards. To achieve these objectives, there exist the calls for FPIC to create fairness/equity, in addition to guiding and applying the spirit of FPIC in industry projects through existing laws/international standards around the world.

However, (Buxton & Wilson, 2013) argue that, for effective implementation of FPIC, first, it must be enforced by deliberative mechanisms in which fair viewpoints based on shared data are weighed through gathering information from all parties. Second, the procedure must be structured in a flexible way for societies concerned in order to fulfill customary practices, human rights, and to reach joint decisions. Finally, the process must enable local citizens to participate on equitable footing and make responsible decisions constructively. Indigenous control, in many ways, has been pointed out by Wilson. She further explains as the ability a) to ascertain how organizations envision their future about extractive industries and whether they want resource development to occur on their lands and b) to ensure appropriate decision-making powers and fair benefit sharing if products appear as stated (Wilson, 2019).

As Wilson explains, these demands are indicated in the ILO Conventions on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), which suggest, among other things, it is the right of Indigenous peoples to decide their priorities and to exercise control over their development; yet, as the former UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, agrees, this particular indigenous right is rarely respected in practice (Wilson, 2019).

Strategies for Achieving Control through Free, Prior, and Informed Consent

As noted earlier, there are some debates on the right methods to address the lack of control in achieving fairness and equity: the former UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya, identified a ‘preferred’ model, based on greater levels of indigenous control over the nature of the development and the sharing of the benefits, emphasizing, in particular, the indigenous right to determine priorities and strategies for the product or use of their lands and territories. Also, elsewhere, the ‘prevailing’ model of resource development has been termed by some as ‘extractivist’ which in turn means indigenous relations with the natural environment should be based more on the partnership, respect, and entitlement through ‘knowing’ rather than ‘owning’ the resources (Wilson, 2019).

Anaya’s ‘preferred’ model adds more voice and corresponds to Tysiachniouk and Petrov’s ‘shareholder’ model that envision greater indigenous control over decision-making, including strategic planning (Wilson, 2019). The notion of ‘indigenous control’ also extends to decision- making about whether a project goes ahead. However, in cases where Indigenous peoples do not own the mineral resources in question, this requires a process of FPIC before critical development decisions get formulated in these communities (Wilson, 2019). Therefore, for the standard of good practice in stakeholder participation, the FPIC must be established from discovery to completion over the project life cycle in line with obtaining the social license to operate for a transparent and timely procedural process.

The Impacts of Covid-19 on Benefit-Sharing Agreements Concerning the TBL 3 Ps Initiative

The Covid-19 global crisis is worrying and poses a threat to health care for all, including to Indigenous peoples worldwide. Indigenous populations are still facing inadequate access to hospitals, a substantially higher incidence of infectious and non-infectious diseases, lack of access to necessary facilities, hygiene, and other main prevention steps, such as drinking water, soap, and disinfectants. Vulnerable populations may suffer discrimination and stigma in accessing healthcare and may only be considered if programs and amenities are offered in indigenous languages. Meanwhile, Indigenous peoples’ cultural lifestyles are a pillar of their resilience as most indigenous groups frequently hold large traditional meetings to mark special occasions, which can pose a danger at this moment in preventing the spread of the virus.

As stated in (“COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples | United Nations for Indigenous Peoples,” n.d.) the number of COVID-19 infections worldwide grows, with high mortality rates in some vulnerable communities with underlying health conditions. However, statistics on the prevalence of infection in indigenous populations are not yet available (even where ethnicity records and tests are available) or are not reported. It is also not available in indigenous languages for important information on infectious diseases and prevention steps. This means that aboriginal communities became incredibly fragile during the global pandemic since they face a high degree of socioeconomic neglect and are at excessive risk of public health crises. The Arctic indigenous communities are not left out of these devastating issues. In contrast, “A report from the Centers for Disease Control found that non-Hispanic American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) account for 0.7 percent of the U.S. population, but 1.3 percent of COVID-19 cases”(“Vulnerable Communities,” 2020).

Meanwhile, industrial resource activities are ongoing in their territories. It means that the benefits provided by extractive industries are not meeting the need and desires of the local communities. Infrastructure such as adequate and modern health facilities is not available. Corporations must adhere to the benefit-sharing mechanism that can promote community development. On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic is also creating chaos in extractive economies worldwide because of decline in the selling price of oil. This is due to the decrease in demand and decrease in production and profitability caused by running physical distancing protocols, all of which has resulted in a substantial decrease in the share price of many large mining firms (Bernauer & Slowey, 2020).

As claimed by Bernauer & Slowey, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought conflicts over the benefits and harmful effects of extraction activities in Canada. Three conflict issues include:

Community Health (People)
As a result of chemical pollution by extractive industries, physical and mental health conditions have been an issue for Indigenous peoples in the communities. Additionally, new diseases can be contracted from immigrant workers, local lifestyle changes, and disturbances in relationships with the community. Such migrants, however, are agents by whom the coronavirus could spread to remote communities.

However, the reaction from mining firms initially varied as the COVID-19 pandemic hit Canada. Although some companies responded by shutting down, some, such as in British Columbia, continue to operate. Criticism from some Indigenous elders and activists is that this is because the companies still operating value corporate revenues more than the people’s health and safety, condemning their decisions to keep operating during the pandemic as not thinking of the well-being of their workers and the community at large. Nevertheless, in Nunavut, the Baffin Land Iron Mines-operated Mary River iron mine drastically reduced activities and sent all Nunavut workers home with pay as a benefit to help deter the transmission of the disease to Inuit communities.

Environmental Protection
Environmental impact mitigation is the concern of Indigenous peoples regarding activities of extractive industries. More tension is likely to develop since the pandemic interrupts production and impact global commodity prices. For instance, the oil price is affecting the exploration of Russian Arctic oil compared to competitor producers. In the sense that demand for February – June of a particular form of oil supply was seen to have traded below zero at about $40 per barrel (/bbl_.28) in May (“Isolation and Resilience of Arctic Oil Exploration during COVID-19,” 2020). Besides, this is not a complete reflection of global demand. Meaning, the extreme conditions, and instability indicate the effect the pandemic is having on the oil markets. As a result, enterprises may call on the Indigenous people for environmental sacrifice to give them more space to adjust and return to profitability for the share of the benefit.

Economic Benefit (Profit)
The income generated by oil and gas industries would continue to bypass indigenous communities, including revenues, royalties, company contracts, and employee salaries. Benefit- sharing arrangements incorporated in new agreements and Indigenous Industrial Agreements are essential tools for capturing Indigenous peoples’ local economic benefits. In the post-Covid-19 world, the businesses may request not sharing benefits for the communities’ development. They will propose reducing rentals for resources and salaries for employees regarding the global economic recession and incentives. Indigenous groups have embraced extractive industries as an engine of community development and as a way of promoting self-determination goals. These economic developments are also impacting industry-indigenous relations (Bernauer & Slowey, 2020), resulting in many others getting trapped in their territories with extractive schemes that continued either with or without their consent. Therefore, to negotiate agreements that will support community development, Indigenous peoples must pursue consultation (Wanvik & Caine, 2017) regarding equity in distributing the benefits sharing to address the needs and desires of the people, the communities, and for future generations.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Benefit-sharing is a useful tool for community development and demands high indigenous participation throughout extractive industries negotiation. Fair benefit-sharing is a legal requirement and part of good governance and corporate social responsibility, which encourages sustainability in the environment if managed properly. Benefit-sharing arrangements enhance human well-being and preserve or compensate for ecosystem degradation. Meanwhile, the broadest benefit-sharing mode and mechanism in the Arctic may not ensure sustainable development in the communities (Petrov & Tysiachniouk, 2019).

Therefore, the absence of Indigenous peoples’ representation in policy decisions on creating the extractive sector in their territories, including decisions on the allocation of land for extractive industry operations and the awarding of exploration licenses, threatens the possibilities for fair development results. It is advised that there should be an informed decision to monitor the benefit-sharing scheme, and total community control of benefit-sharing and management must exist to eliminate any controversy. As a result, companies and the state must collaborate with indigenous and other impacted populations to develop local institutional capacity and human resources as part of benefit-sharing obligations. This will ensure that the policies that share benefits are transparent, sensitive, empowering, and lead in a just and equitable way to Arctic populations’ sustainable development. Thus, corporate social responsibility and Triple Bottom Line initiatives should be monitored and enforced in every Arctic state’s soft laws. Every mining and oil industry player operating in the Arctic must report companies’ financial, social, and environmental performance over time by protecting businesses amid future uncertainty.


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