March 2007
Volume 2, Number 1

Sara Culeddu, The Birds by Tarjei Vesaas and L’airone by Giorgio Bassani: the Identification with the Ornithological Other

This study starts from a comparative reading of the novels The Birds (1957) by Tarjei Vesaas and The Heron (1968) by Giorgio Bassani, and focuses on the role of ornithological symbols in the characterization of the main characters and in the development of the stories. The two novels share almost the same stages: an initial situation of marginalization of the character, its identification with a bird, the killing of the bird by a hunter and the subsequent suicide of the character. As in ancient myths and religions, here birds are messengers of fate and carriers of souls to their final destination.
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Emanuela Finocchietti and Luca Zarrilli, Paesaggio naturale e politiche di sviluppo territoriale in Islanda

The stereotype of Iceland is a land of ice and fire, constantly subject to the devasting power of nature, an image that evokes the idea of a radically inhospitable environment, where is almost impossible to survive. Nevertheless Iceland, since independence, has developed so quickly to rank nowadays in the first positions in the world in terms of GDP pro-capita and HDI. Under this development there is a peculiar relation man-nature, that have been influencing the settlement and the economy so far, and that is so deeply rooted in the history of this territory to become a cultural and identitary factor. The aim of this paper is to analyse the relation environment-development in Iceland and the role of the natural landscape in the cultural sphere and in the development policies of this country.
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Conference proceedings
Manuela S. Campanini, Iceland as a Landscape Investigation Pattern

PECSRL—Permanent European Conference for the study of Rural Landscape, Berlin, 4—9 September 2006
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Book reviews
By Antonio Calcagno: Paolo Borioni, Cesare Damiano, Tiziano Treu, Il modello sociale scandinavo—Tra diritti e flessibilità (Roma: Nuova Iniziativa Editoriale, 2006)
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By Brynja Cortes Andrésdóttir: Stefano Gensini, Breve storia dell’educazione linguistica dall’unitá a oggi (Roma: Le bussole. Carocci editore, 2005)
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By Timothy Murphy: Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen (ed.), Rome and the Black Sea Region: Domination, Romanisation, Resistance (Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Black Sea Series 5, 2006).
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By Stein Wivestad: Rune Engelbreth Larsen, Renæssancen og humanismens rødder (Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2006)
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Interviews, memoirs and other contributions
Ioannis Michaletos, Contemporary Greek-Swedish Relations—A Brief Overview
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